Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1622: In the second round, Qin Hao is holding the cup again!

Seeing the official reply given by the nba, the fans suddenly fell silent.

Those originally crazy Durant fans also quiet down, because they can not refute the NBA official reply.

Indeed, Durant played very well, and he did not lose to Qin Hao in terms of statistics alone. Although he had fewer rebounds and assists than Qin Hao, he scored a lot more than Qin Hao.

But one thing is that Durant's playing time, number of shots, all these statistics are much higher than Qin Hao.

If the two people's playing time and the number of shots are converted to the same standard, Qin Hao's stats will be much more beautiful than Durant.

The regular season averaged a triple-double, and in the second half of the season, the playing time was controlled within 30 minutes, and the average number of shots per game was controlled within 15 times.

Isn't that awesome enough?

This is simply awesome-awesome!

A farce came to an end, and the fans died down.

At this time, people noticed other awards one after another, which caused a series of exclamations that the 76ers were too awesome.

The regular season mvp belongs to the 76ers. The best defensive player is from the 76ers. The first team has their people, the second team has their people, and the best defensive team has their people.

"Tsk, the Third Young Master of Philadelphia is too good."

"Yeah, compared with them, the original Thunder three less than that."

"The three All-Star players, do you think they are joking? Only the Heat's Big Three can match them."

People will naturally compare the Philadelphia Third Junior with the Thunder Third Junior, and the result is that the third Thunder Junior who has broken up is very shameless.

Not only Durant was depressed, but Westbrook and Harden were also depressed.

Fortunately, after a few days of noisy, the first round of the East and West playoffs all came to an end. People's focus shifted and they returned to the playoffs.

Mainly because the first round of the playoffs in the West has been dragged for a long time.

In addition to the Thunder quickly resolved the battle 4:1 and eliminated the Mavericks, the other groups played at least 6 games.

Clippers vs. Spurs, originally people thought that the Clippers would be able to kill the Spurs easily, but they didn’t expect that the veteran Three Musketeers would still be difficult to deal with. Win or lose.

In the end, the Clippers eliminated the Spurs 4:2.

Trail Blazers vs Grizzlies.

This group was once thought not to be very anxious, after all, the Blazers lineup is much more gorgeous than the Grizzlies.

The Blazers did a good job at the beginning, with a big score of 3:1. Just when people thought they would eliminate the Grizzlies 4:1, the Blazers lost the chain.

Although the Blazers have a gorgeous lineup, the new star Lillard in the fifth game of the series paid the tuition. After all, he is still a second-year player. This sudden loss of the audience, he made 2 of 11 shots and only scored 8 points. There were 7 turnovers.

And Lillard, the point guard, played abnormally, which also caused the Blazers' overall offense to get into trouble, and finally lost to the Grizzlies.

Fortunately, the Trail Blazers did not overturn in Game 6, and finally won Game 6 with their excellent lineup configuration, knocking out the Grizzlies 4:2.

Warriors vs Rockets.

This group took the longest time, until the tiebreaker.

In the previous few games, the two sides have been anxious, from the big score 2:1 to 2:2, to 3:2, 3:3, whenever one side wins the next game, the other side can always get back a game.

The Warriors also suffered from the lack of playoff experience. Fortunately, Curry's performance was fairly stable. After entering the playoffs, his three-pointers were still accurate.

On the Rockets side, Harden's state is fluctuating, unstoppable in good times, and lost in bad times.

In the end, after seven games, the Warriors defeated the Rockets 4:3.

The first round of the playoffs ended. The 76ers, Bulls, Heat, and Pacers in the East advanced, and the Thunder, Clippers, Trail Blazers, and Warriors advanced in the West. There was no upset, and all the top four in the East and West entered. second round.



Today's Wachovia Center arena is very lively, the audience seats are full, because today will be the first game of the second round of the playoffs.

And, before the start of today's game, NBA President Adam Silva will present to Qin Hao the "regular season mvp trophy."

Among the major awards of the NBA regular season, the "Regular Season MVP" is also the only one designated to be awarded by the president of the NBA.

The visiting team players have arrived.

A group of Pacers players are full of seriousness and solemnity at the moment, after all, this is against the 76ers.

Suddenly, the lights on the scene went out, and then the spotlight came on, the live DJ went online, and the 76ers players also appeared one after another.

Finally, Qin Hao.

When Qin Hao came out, the audience was boiling, and the cheers were like thunder, louder than ever.

Moreover, the fans not only shouted Qin Hao's name, but also shouted "mvp" loudly, and then more and more people began to shout "mvp".

For a time, tens of thousands of fans shouted mvp in unison, with great momentum, and under the spotlight, Qin Hao raised his hand and gestured to the fans.

"Tsk." George smacked his tongue, eyes full of envy.

The shouts died down after a long while after the lights came on.

But soon, the shout of "mvp" sounded again, and NBA president Adam Silva stepped onto the court and presented Qin Hao with the mvp trophy for the 2013-2014 season NBA regular season.

This is the regular season mvp trophy, to a certain extent, even higher than the finals mvp trophy.

Moreover, Qin Hao has won the regular season mvp for the second time, winning the regular season mvp for two consecutive years.

"Congratulations." Adam Silva handed the trophy to Qin Hao, embraced Qin Hao with an open hand, and said with a smile.

"Thank you." Qin Hao said thank you, took the microphone, and made an emotional speech, thanking everyone.

When everything was over, Qin Hao came to the sidelines and handed the trophy to Jiang Xue who was sitting behind the 76ers rest area.

Suddenly, the scene shot was given to Jiang Xue.

I saw that she was wearing a gorgeous dress today, with a sense of oriental mystery, and her delicate facial features were like those meticulously carved by the heavens.

Seeing her own lens on the big screen, Jiang Xue stood up, holding the "regular season mvp" trophy, bowed slightly, and politely saluted, her face full of pride and happiness.

I don't know who yelled "Kiss her", and then more people started booing, their voices getting louder and louder.

Jiang Xue was a little at a loss, looking at Qin Hao with watery eyes, Qin Hao smiled and stepped over the chair, grabbed Jiang Xue's soft waist, and kissed it down.

All of a sudden, there was thunderous applause at the scene.

When the two were separated, Jiang Xue's face had two blushes, and said to Qin Hao: "Come on."

"Don't worry." Qin Hao laughed, then jumped back to the court with a quick leap, looking at the Pacers, his eyes flickering.

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