Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1618: Waiting for the walkers

What's the meaning?

This is how you react when it comes to the 76ers. What's it like?

Suddenly, coach Spoelstra's face was pulled down, but he still remembered that after the All-Star weekend, several assistants repeatedly stated that it is best to keep the third position in the Eastern Conference and avoid the second round with 76. The team played against each other.

He was very upset at that time.

It's even more uncomfortable to see the reaction of several teaching assistants now.

Is the 76ers scary? You are scared like this, just a few young people, as for?

"What?" Coach Spoelstra knocked on the table, his voice increased by an octave, and his tone was uncomfortable. "Why don't you mention the 76ers? Say ah, to the 76ers and the Wizards. What do you think of this series?"

Several assistants glanced at each other, and one of them said: "You can see that the 76ers are really strong."

As soon as these words were spoken, Coach Spoelstra's face became more ugly. Someone quietly grabbed the person who spoke, considered his tone, and said: "Although the 76ers swept the Wizards 4:0, the strength of the Wizards It's too weak, there's nothing to say."

For a while, several other people looked at him and cried out "Fucking" in their hearts. They were so good, there was nothing to say, but I didn't say anything.

Well, you can't be wrong if you don't say it, awesome!

But obviously, coach Spoelstra was not satisfied with this, he looked at the other people with bad eyes.

A few people knew that it was impossible to say "There is nothing to say", so they considered the sentence and carefully said: "The 76ers have a very sharp offense. After all, there are three All-Star players, but we also have the Big Three, so we don't have to be afraid of them."

"From the fourth game, the 76ers' defense is also very good, I think we should also emphasize defense. After all, defense can win the championship."

The last person looked at his colleagues, and finally said: "Coach, I think we should solve the current problem first. It is the business to study the Bulls. After all, the Bulls are not so easy to deal with."


"It makes sense."

Several people nodded in agreement.

Coach Spoelstra held his forehead, shook his head depressed, and said nothing for a long time.

Several teaching assistants looked at each other, and one of them whispered: "Coach."

"The meeting is over." Coach Spoelstra said suddenly, but without looking up, before a few people said anything, he said, "Remember, don't mention the 76ers in front of the players."

Several teaching assistants responded and turned to leave.

When everyone was gone, Coach Spoelstra raised his head, shook his head depressedly, unfolded his notebook, and wrote and painted on it...


Canada Toronto.

In the hotel where the Pacers stayed.

A group of players got together and were chatting.

Pacers vs. Raptors have played three games, the score is 2:1, the Pacers lead.

"The next game is the match point battle. We have to win the match point and end this series as soon as possible." Hibbert said.

"Yeah." Hill nodded and said, "The 76ers have finished the series. We will meet them in the next round. We can't give them too much time to rest."

George raised his head and wanted to say that the 76ers didn't seem to spend much time in this series, and didn't need much time to fix it, but that was not appropriate. He swallowed it and changed the sentence: "Hill is right. We must win the match point and eliminate the Raptors cleanly. Our real opponent is in the next round."

When it comes to the next round, the players' expressions are a bit solemn.

George didn't continue this topic either. He changed his tone and talked about the Raptors and discussed with his teammates how to win the next game and how to eliminate the Raptors.

The other players didn't mention the 76ers anymore, as if they were deliberately avoiding it.

As for the next round to play against the 76ers, that is the next round, wait until then...



Swept the Wizards 4:0 without much effort. The 76ers players are in a good mood and the atmosphere is relaxed and happy.

"Most of the next round will be against the Pacers." Iguodala said.

"The Pacers?" Lu Wei raised his brows and shook his head: "Not necessarily. The Pacers and Raptors only reached 2:1 in the series. It may not be possible that the Pacers will win. As long as the Raptors win the next game. Field, both sides will return to the same starting line."

Iguodala smiled and shrugged: "Anyway, I think the Pacers have a better chance of winning."

Others have also spoken. Some people think the Pacers have a better chance of winning, while others are optimistic about the Raptors' counterattack and win the fourth game. After all, the fourth game is still at the Raptors' home court.

Seeing the crowds fighting, Qin Hao couldn't help laughing, and shouted: "Okay, what's so controversial about this. Tomorrow will be the fourth game between the Pacers and the Raptors. I'll know when the time comes."

Everyone calmed down and stopped arguing.


The next day, the 76ers will get together to watch the fourth game of the Pacers vs. Raptors series.

The game played very anxiously, the score has been within ten minutes, until the last few minutes of the fourth quarter was not able to tell the victory or defeat.

At the last moment, George stood up, an unreasonable three-pointer against the defensive player, a kill after a breakthrough, two free throws from the free throw line, scored 5 points in a row, and helped the Pacers gain the upper hand.

It is precisely because of George's 5 points that the Pacers took the lead to the end of the game triumphantly.

In the end, the Pacers defeated the Raptors 109:106 and won the fourth game of the series, rewriting the series score to 3:1.

George performed very well. He scored 30 points, plus 7 rebounds and 5 assists, especially the final 5 points, which was extremely critical.

"Let's see." Iguodala spread his hands and smiled at Lu Wei: "The Pacers won."

"Humph." Lu Wei snorted uncomfortably.

Everyone laughed unkindly.

Qin Hao also laughed, looked at the TV screen, and his eyes fell on the Pacers players. The next opponent should be the Pacers.

With a 3:1 lead in the series, with the Pacers' strength, it should be no problem to win this series.

So, wait for the walkers next!

At the same time, another game also came to an end. The Knicks defeated the Bulls 107:105 and finally got back a city and rewritten the series score to 1:3 to avoid being swept.

In the East, the 76ers advanced first, with the Heat and the Nets 3-1, the Bulls and the Knicks 3:1, and the Pacers and the Raptors 3:1.

On the western side, the Thunder and Mavericks also scored 3:1, and the Clippers and Spurs 2:2. Some people's expectations were unexpected. Sure enough, the Spurs played 50-50.

In addition, the Blazers and the Grizzlies scored 3:1, and the Warriors and Rockets scored 2:2. Obviously, the situation in the West is more anxious than the East.

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