Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1609: The playoffs are finally here!


Yuyang No. 7 Middle School.

At the entrance of the commissary, a group of people gathered around the large-screen TV at the entrance.

"Why haven't you started yet?"

"Yeah, why haven't we started yet? It's time for class again later."

"Haha, our next class is physical education, I'm not in a hurry..."

"Cut, you can't see the whole game in physical education. Winning is definitely a sure win. The Wizards are not opponents at all. I just don't know if Senior Qin Hao will break out today. He didn't break out much in the second half of the regular season. When it comes to the playoffs, it's time to break out."

The NBA playoffs kicked off today, and the 76ers ushered in the first round of the playoffs against the Wizards.

So the students of Yuyang No. 7 Middle School are all around here, hoping that the game will start soon.

In fact, they don't care about the victory or defeat, because they have full confidence in the 76ers, and they look forward to Qin Hao's performance.


Qin Hao's house.

The family sat together, all staring at the TV.

Uncle Qin Hao Liu Jiarong and aunt were also there. He took a bite of an apple and said, "Brother-in-law, the atmosphere is still a bit worse from here. If I want to say I have to go to the United States and go to the scene to see it, that's the feeling. And you can cheer up with Xiaohao here. Xiaohao went to the scene and watched us cheer for him on the spot. He must have played better."

Before Qin Zhenguo could speak, Liu Huifang glared at her younger brother, and said in a bad mood: "It doesn't cost money to go to the United States?"

Liu Jiarong rolled his eyes, and now our family still lacks that little money?

Not to mention companies as big as Xiaohao and Jiang Xue, but our intermediary companies are now opened in other cities. Are you short of money?

Of course there is no shortage of money.

It's just that Qin Zhenguo and Liu Huifang's consumption views have not been changed, otherwise they would not still live in this old house.

"Cut, you don't go to me." Liu Jiarong curled his lips, looked at the TV, and muttered, "But this first round is nothing to watch. I'll talk about it in the finals."

Qin Zhenguo and Liu Huifang ignored him and just stared at the TV.

Regardless of the first round, the second round, as long as it is a son's game, they all like to watch it.


Southern Province, the provincial capital.

In an office building, the fat man Peng Jun looked around with small eyes. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he opened the hidden window on the computer and took a look. Seeing that the game hadn't started, he chatted with Yuan Xiaogang, Guo Kai and Lei Yuchuan on QQ. stand up.

"Brothers, do you think Qin Hao will solve the battle in this round?" The fat man quickly tapped the keyboard, typing, and observing the surroundings from the corner of his eye, looking very alert.

No way, go to work.

In a blink of an eye, several years later, Peng Jun also graduated.

Soon, the qq window flickered.

"I guess 4:1, no more."

"Brother, be bold and confident, you are so worried about us, Qin Ritian? I guess it's done at 4:0, just sweep it away."

"How many points did you win this game?"

"Are there any prizes."

"Whoever wins invites dinner."

"Fuck off, if you win the bet, you still have to entertain you. Are you stupid? Do you want to bet how many points Qin Hao can score today? I bet at least thirty points."

"Made, you are the one with the most possibility, we still have a hammer, let's watch the game, cherish the wallet, stay away from gambling-gaming..."

A group of people chatted.

In the past few years, Yuan Xiaogang, Guo Kai, Lei Yuchuan and others have also graduated. They do not have the talents of Qin Hao, Jiang Feng, and Wang Lei. They can’t take the path of professional players. After graduation, they will go to different things, but once there are more important games. , Will make an appointment to watch together.

Qin Hao originally told them that there is a need to tell him after graduation that a job can definitely be arranged, and it will definitely not be bad.

But no matter it was the fat man, Guo Kai, Yuan Xiaogang and others, none of them called Qin Hao and chose to find a job by themselves.

This is not estrangement, but not wanting to make brotherly feelings change.

Even for Qin Hao, arranging a job for them is just a matter of effort and won't feel anything, but with them, he still feels a little uncomfortable. After all, they are all young people and still want to make a breakthrough on their own.

at the same time.

Countless Chinese fans are also paying attention to this game.



The players on both sides have warmed up and the game is about to begin.

A group of Wizards players gathered around the head coach. Coach Whitman looked serious and said with a low voice, and said: "I know the opponents are very strong, they are the defending champions, but we have put so much sweat and effort to reach the playoffs. There is absolutely no reason to admit defeat easily."

"What about the defending champion? What about No. 1 in the Eastern Conference in the regular season? It's not that there have been no Black Eights in NBA history."

"Boys, play hard." Coach Whitman waved his arms to cheer the players: "I believe you."

A group of players nodded together, their eyes were fierce, and their fighting spirit was high.

After that, Coach Whitman spread out the tactical board and began to make the pre-match layout: "On defense, we must first protect the rebounds. This is very important. Also, pay attention to the opponent's three-pointers and prevent them from going up. , Make up the defense in time, in short, you can’t let the opponent easily shoot three-pointers."

"Wall, you must pay attention to control the rhythm, lower the rhythm, fight positional battles, and don't follow the opponent's rhythm."

As he said, he paused and continued: "On the offensive end, we have to be patient and have a success rate. As long as we score, the opponent will not have the opportunity to quickly counterattack. Of course, we have to fight back. Fight for rebounds the first time to delay the opponent's quick counterattack."

"Pass more, run more, we have to play our tactics."

Listen, the players nodded their promises.

After the arrangement was over, Coach Whitman waved his hand to signal the players to enter the field.

As he watched the players walk onto the court, his brows frowned slightly, and despite the impassioned words, he had no bottom at all.

Because the gap between the two sides is indeed very large.

Defensively, he is not in position. Wall, the biggest player on his side, does not have the upper hand against Qin Hao, and there is no advantage to the 76ers in other positions.

The same is true on offense. There is no clear advantage in confrontation, so he emphasized that he should be patient, pass the ball more, run more, and play tactics.

Because individual matchups do not have the upper hand, they can only rely on tactics.

When neither the defensive end nor the offensive end has an advantage, Coach Whitman has a sense of powerlessness.

At 7:30 in the evening, the game officially started.

Players from both sides came to the field. The Wizards started with center Gortat, power forward Trevor Booker, small forward Ariza, shooting guard Bill, and point guard Wall.

On the 76ers side, there are still "one big and four small", Nene, Butler, Xiaoka, Iguodala, and Qin Hao.

First, jump the ball.


With a soft sound, Gortat put the ball to the backcourt, and Wall controlled the basketball to advance to the frontcourt without delay, and the Wizards took the lead in attacking.

When he came to the three-point line, Wall stopped and looked at Qin Hao. Even if Qin Hao's expression was calm, he gave him an inexplicable pressure.

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