Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1604: Trust money and power!

"Haha." Qin Hao said with a smile: "The two of them obviously didn't deal with each other well, but I was not surprised. I expected this situation when I hired Chen Hongsheng to take charge of the Ministry of Commerce."

"Then you..." Jiang Xue frowned.

Qin Hao took her into his arms and said: "Although I am the president of the company, I am not in China for most of the year. Zhang Mingyang's family is the only one, he alone has the final say, which may not be a good thing."

This is also true.

Jiang Xue nodded clearly: "You hired Chen Hongsheng to find someone to check and balance Zhang Mingyang? To prevent Zhang Mingyang from being too powerful."

"Not exactly." Qin Hao shook his head. "At that time, we really needed someone who understands business. Zhang Mingyang had rich experience in the management training camp, and he did have a good hand, but he was not good at business. The company can't rely solely on recruiting students. You can’t make much money if you live on training expenses."

"The company needs commercial operations, so I hired Chen Hongsheng and let him be in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, and Zhang Mingyang was in charge of the training camp affairs, each doing what he was good at."

"As for them to check and balance each other, this is just a matter of convenience."

Although Qin Hao only said that it was "comfortable", Jiang Xue still felt that Qin Hao's move was wonderful.

But soon she thought of another question: "But when the training camp expands, Zhang Mingyang's rights will skyrocket, and Chen Hongsheng may not have enough power to counter him."

"Don't worry." Qin Hao smiled: "Chen Hongsheng can't do it alone, isn't there a Zhang Jiayi?"

Jiang Xue's eyes lit up and she analyzed silently in her heart. Could it be that Qin Hao thought of this step when he appointed Zhang Jiayi as the assistant to the president?

When Qin Hao appointed Zhang Jiayi as the assistant to the president, someone from the domestic company gave her a small report, saying that someone in the company was gossiping, saying that Qin Hao and Zhang Jiayi had an unclear relationship.

Jiang Xue certainly didn't believe it, but she was still a little unhappy in her heart.

Now that she looked back and thought about it again, she couldn't help but admire Qin Hao, and the unhappiness in her heart disappeared.

In fact, Qin Hao did have this consideration when he promoted Zhang Jiayi.

It is not a good thing for one person in the company to dominate, or two chambers to resist courtesy. After a long time, the company will either become a contender, or the two sides will fight each other and delay work.

So Qin Hao decided to decentralize the three people.

Moreover, the jobs of Zhang Mingyang, Chen Hongsheng, and Zhang Jiayi are clearly divided, and the company is not so easily messed up.

Of course, just like the principal and teachers of Yuyang No. 7 Middle School, they need to balance the two points of student learning and basketball. As the president of the company, Qin Hao must also balance the relationship and rights between Zhang Mingyang, Chen Hongsheng, and Zhang Jiayi.

Among them, Zhang Jiayi is young and seniority, giving her too much authority and can't hold it, and giving too much money will only confuse her.

So Qin Hao didn't give her other rewards, only gave her trust, because what she needed most was trust.

As for Chen Hongsheng.

Since he was the head of the Ministry of Commerce and was in charge of business, what Qin Hao gave him was money.

I gave Chen Hongsheng a very high salary and generous bonuses to the employees of the Ministry of Commerce. Since you are making money for the company, you should give you more. Moreover, the people in the Ministry of Commerce deal with money, which is extremely realistic. Everything else is imaginary, and the money is in place.

As for the rights, Qin Hao will not give it, and the Ministry of Commerce is not suitable to have too much authority, otherwise the nature of the company will completely change.

Qin Hao's original intention of starting this company and running the tomorrow's star training camp was not to make money, so he would not give Chen Hongsheng too much authority.

Finally, Zhang Mingyang.

What gave Zhang Jiayi was trust, what Chen Hongsheng gave was money, and what Qin Hao gave Zhang Mingyang was right!

However, this right is limited to training camp affairs.

This can also prevent Zhang Mingyang from having too much power, as long as it doesn't involve money, it doesn't matter if you give him more power.

Trust, money, power.

These three Qin Hao would never give it to one person.


Soon, the NBA regular season continues.

After an All-Star weekend, the players started their journey again after a short break.

Moreover, once the All-Star weekend is over, the regular season has almost passed two-thirds. For many teams, the last one-third is the most important.

76ers training arena.

The day's training is over, and the players leave separately.

Qin Hao, Xiaoka, and Butler stayed behind and started routine additional training together with their trainer.

On the field, Qin Hao stood on the three-point line, opened his hand at Barry, and Barry passed the ball over. After receiving the ball, Qin Hao dribbled forward, then jumped up and made a mid-range jumper.


The ball is scored.

Then there is the second, the third, the fourth...

After a dozen or so, Qin Hao changed different actions, all of them hit.

Qin Hao didn't strike until the eighteenth.

This time it was even more difficult. He stopped and leaned back, and his body was almost sixty degrees to the ground, which was regarded as the limit of leaning back.

"Come again."

Qin Hao adjusted his movements, shouted at Barry, took the basketball and continued training...

Not far away, Kaka and Butler are also training.

Now the strength of the two is very strong, especially after being selected for the All-Star this time, the temperament of Xiaoka also has some changes, and the star temperament has begun to highlight.

But whenever they saw Qin Hao's hard training, the two felt that they were nothing. Qin Hao was so strong and worked so hard, and he was still far behind.


With a muffled noise, Qin Hao hit the iron again.

He stopped, standing there watching the basket frowned, not because the ball could not be shot, but because the mid-range shot showed no signs of transformation after such a long time.

The time this time was a little beyond Qin Hao's expectations, it used to be at most half a year, including the transformation of the three-pointer.

But this time...

"Perhaps the more difficult it gets as you get to the back." Qin Hao shook his head, abandoning his chaotic thoughts, and beckoned to Barry, "Come on again."

Now Qin Hao is calm enough, knowing that he can't rush for success, he must take his time step by step, the accumulation of water becomes a abyss, and when he accumulates enough, perhaps it will be a matter of course.

The day's training is quickly over.

The three listened and sat on the sidelines chatting.

"The playoffs are still two months away." Butler said.

"Yes." Xiaoka nodded, her eyes gleaming.

"Yeah, there are still two months left for the playoffs. I can't wait any longer." Qin Hao glanced at the two people around him, and his depression of being unable to break through the mid-range shots was wiped out.

Although the mid-range shooting has not yet broken through, but the progress of Kaka and Butler is obvious to all, they are already very strong.

This time, their goal is only one, and that is to win the championship again!

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