Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1598: Be a happy salted fish

"That's it?"

"No, this is the All-Star Game. The game has just begun. Both sides didn't defend much. With Qin's three-point ability, just throw it."

"I'm still waiting to see him continue to perform, but it looks like he doesn't have a strong desire to attack today."

"It doesn't matter, maybe it's because the game started. The previous single event Qin has already shown off the limelight. Now maybe I want to keep a low profile and let my teammates perform first."

"Well, it makes sense, the game has just begun."

Qin Hao passed the ball to Butler, winked at Butler, motioned to him to shoot directly, Butler knew, receiving the ball was a three-pointer.

The game has just begun, the defensive strength of both sides is not high, and it can even be said that there is no defense. It is Love who is facing Butler. He stood almost two meters in front of Butler, just raised his hand symbolically, and did not The action of jumping forward.


With a soft sound, the ball is scored.

In the next few rounds, the defensive intensity was still not strong. After all, this was the All-Star Game and it was originally a performance.

On the court, Qin Hao and Griffin face up, Rose and Curry face up, Durant and James face up, Butler and Love face up, Anthony and Davis face up.

However, this is the All-Star Game. It is certainly impossible to strictly follow their respective positions and heights in the matchups. At least the starting lineup is unlikely.

Of course, this kind of not very defensive, mainly depends on the offensive game, the outside players are actually more popular than the inside players.

After a while, it was the Eastern Army that had the upper hand, because they had more outside players than insiders.

"It's almost time for a replacement."

"In this kind of game, the West team suffers a lot from the lineup. They all shoot and don't defend well. They are definitely not better than the East team."

"It's just a pity that Qin only made one shot. He hasn't made it yet. His offensive desire today is really not strong. He doesn't even care about organizing offenses, so he left it to Rose."

People were talking in the audience.

The two sides also began to change, gradually replacing the main players and replacing them with substitutes, and each of them had to go up and play for a while.

Qin Hao was also replaced. He really came to make soy sauce today. He didn't intend to show the limelight. Yesterday, he had enough limelight, so there is no need to show the limelight anymore.

What's more, he has already won the All-Star game mvp.

It doesn't seem to be interesting to take another one. After all, this is just an All-Star MVP, not a Finals MVP.

On the eastern side, Qin Hao, Ross, and Anthony were replaced, and replaced by Kaka, George, and Wade.

Although the All-Star is based on the combination of outside + inside, the position 3 is also included in the category of inside. And it happens that there are a lot of players in the 3 position in the East, so strictly speaking, there is only one inside player, Bosh.

Fortunately, this is better for Coach Luke, because the 76ers are similar to the "small lineup", and he can also enjoy the addiction. He dare not try the "five small" easily in the 76ers. It doesn't matter for a while.

Moreover, these five minors are all All-Star players!

After this substitution, the five players on the field became Wade, George, Calvary, James, and Butler. Except for Wade, almost all of them were small forwards.

Wade took the ball from the baseline, quickly advanced to the frontcourt, and then passed it to James. James glanced at his teammates around him, his mouth raised, showing a smile, and then it was a breakthrough, then the ball went outside and passed to Butler. .

Butler didn't take the ball in a hurry to make a shot, flicked it, and then it was a breakthrough. Also, he didn't make a shot by himself, but went out.

At the same time, George was standing outside the three-point line at a thirty-degree angle on the left.

Seeing the basketball flying over, he smiled slightly, knowing that Butler was feeding himself the ball, jumped up after catching the ball, and shot a three-pointer.


The ball is scored.

After a while, Butler broke through and gave the ball to George. After receiving the ball, George was about to take a shot. He suddenly saw Kaka cut the ball. He immediately hit the ground and passed it to the hand of Kaka who cut along the right baseline. Kazuo grabs the ball and jumps up. It's a two-handed buckle.

All of a sudden, the East troops were fighting like a raging fire, which made the West troops a little bit overwhelmed, and the difference quickly widened to close to double digits.


The Western Forces requested a suspension.

Coach Scott Brooks frowned. The opposing team's lineup made them very difficult to defend. Except for Wade, the other four are all 3s. They are tall, physically and technically, and can shoot, jump and pass. When the four of them cooperated, there was absolutely no way to guard the west.

Brooks also wants to get a lineup like this, which can be against the opponent, but there is no way. The lineup on the West side is relatively balanced. Six inside players Davis, Griffin, Love, Howard, Nowitzki, Aldrie Odd, the five perimeter players Curry, Harden, Lillard, Paul, and Parker, only Durant at the 3rd position.

It's not right on this lineup.

Get a few more insides. Rebounds and inside defense definitely have an absolute advantage, but they can't prevent the opponent's outside three-pointers. The inside players can't jump out. Once they go out, they will break through. Waiting for you to make up the defense and pass the ball before giving it to the outside. , Or three pointers.

But if there are a few more guards, the height is too disadvantageous, such as Curry, Parker, Lillard, Harden, and Paul, the tallest Harden is only 196 cm.

These are pure guards, not swing guards, and it would be too bad for them to match up with James, Butler, George, and Kaka.

"Hey..." Coach Brooks sighed.

If this is a formal game, then he will be very happy, because a balanced lineup means fewer weaknesses.

But this is the All-Star Game, where offense is important, and what you want is outstanding, not balanced.

After hesitating for a while, Coach Brooks still put out a lineup with many inside lines and few outside lines, and continued to give play to his inside line advantage.

But the effect is not good.

After going up for a while, the points difference was widened to more than ten.

At this time, the Eastern Conference changed players again, and the players who hadn't played before were all replaced at this moment...


At the end of the first quarter in a blink of an eye, the score was 37:27, with the East team leading by 10 points.

In the first quarter, the East team led by 10 points, which still surprised the fans.

Soon, the second quarter began.

The situation did not change after entering the second quarter. The Eastern Army still had the upper hand. Qin Hao was replaced after halfway through the second quarter. He still played soy sauce, passed the ball to his teammates, took two rebounds, and occasionally threw a three-pointer. It's over.

This makes the fans feel very disappointed. They also look forward to Qin Hao's continued performance yesterday and continued his wonderful performance.

It's a pity that Qin Hao didn't want to be in the limelight today, he wanted to be a happy salted fish, lying on the beach, occasionally turning over.

Well, the sun is good today.

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