Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1591: Another full score!

A group of players also stared at Qin Hao, whispering.

"How would Qin deduct?"

"I don't know, but ordinary dunks will definitely not work. It must be difficult enough or creative. With Curry and Rose dunks, the referee will not score like George and Lillard before. That's so high."

"That's right, the scoring needs to be compared. Now that we have two 50 points, the referees’ expectations, or the scoring standards, are also high. If Qin came to a dunk similar to George and Lillard, I’m afraid he would only score Will be less than them."

"At least you have to score 47 points, otherwise it will be difficult to get into the top four."

"47 points are not necessarily insurance, don't forget, there is a Wall behind."


Suddenly, people's discussion stopped abruptly.

On the court, Qin Hao started to start, running from outside the three-point line, grabbing the basketball and taking a step forward, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the basket, and then bent his knees and kicked his legs on the floor. Very light, as if gravity has lost its effect.


Seeing this, people frowned. They couldn't guess what Qin Hao was going to do. There was no flying obstacle, no empty pick up, and even the distance from the basket was not far enough...what can this play out? Is it just a simple buckle?

No, it's impossible.

Some people have been paying attention to Qin Hao, and fans who are familiar enough with Qin Hao immediately denied this idea.

This is impossible. With Qin Hao's dunk level, it will never be a simple dunk.

Sure enough, at this moment, Qin Hao suddenly spun, his body was spinning as he rose...

"Oh, it turned around 360 degrees to dunk!"

In the audience, someone exclaimed.

Others also exclaimed, just as they were about to agree, they were surprised to find that Qin Hao did not stop after turning three hundred and sixty degrees, but continued to spin.


The fans were stunned.

On the sidelines, all the players were also stunned.

George opened his mouth wide, his face was full of shock, his eyes were dull, and he exclaimed, "It's really an electric fan!"

After turning three hundred and sixty degrees, Qin Hao was still spinning, turning around in the air again, and the person had already begun to fall. He actually came in the air and turned seven hundred and twenty degrees.

Rose and Curry were shocked. Before, they thought Qin Hao was bragging, but they didn't expect this guy to really plan to do that.


With a loud noise, Qin Hao dunks the basketball into the hoop.

Qin Hao landed and exhaled: "It's really difficult to 720 degrees." When he smashed the ball in, the man was already down. Fortunately, not only did he bounce and stay in the air well enough, but he was also tall and long in the air. Buckled in.

One time success!


The auditorium is boiling.

People all jumped up, some were holding their heads with a look of disbelief, some opened their mouths and shouted silently, some jumped excitedly...

This is an air-turned 720-degree dunk!

Even several referees didn't know what to say. Two 50 points had already been scored. The dunks by Curry and Rose just now were exciting enough, but Qin Hao could do it even better.

"10 points."

"10 points......"

Several referees quickly scored points with a perfect score of 50.

Qin Hao's dunk was constantly being played back on the big screen above his head, changing from different angles, and each angle was enough to shock people.


Rose and Curry met Qin Hao and gave him a high-five hug.

George also hugged Qin Hao, with a complex expression on his face: "Electric fan, oh no, this turned 720-degree dunk is really great, I apologize to you for what I said before."

Qin Hao laughed, but pretended to be calm and gentle, and said, "What's this, it's only 720 degrees, it's just a trifle. I will show you a thousand and eighty degrees another day."

"Huh?" George's eyes widened.

This buckle shocked everyone.

Qin Hao's dunk is actually nothing creative, just turning around in the air to dunk, but the degree of difficulty is really too big.

Not to mention ordinary people, no two NBA players can do it.

Only the last Wall is left.

At this moment, Wall is a regret, Mad, really shouldn't come, have you all taken chun medicine? Three 50 points, the lowest is 46 points, we must deduct at least 48 points to advance to the next round.

With 48 points, I can win the championship in previous years.

"Hey..." Wall gave a wry smile and walked onto the court.

Originally, he also prepared four dunk actions. If he progressed all the way, he would be able to use the finals, but now in this situation, he has to directly take out the action of pressing the bottom of the box.

It's just that the difficulty of this movement is really too great, and he has succeeded in only a handful of times during the previous practice.

I tried it twice in a row, but the action was not successful.

The audience was quiet, but it was not shocked, but speechless. Compared with the previous five people, Wall seemed to be funny.

There are 3 chances in total, and only the last one is left.

And, because he failed twice before, even if Wall succeeded for the third time, his score would be worrying.

Wall already knew that he would probably not get a high score.

Rather than continue to take risks and challenge high levels of difficulty, where there is a risk of all three failures, it is better to reduce the difficulty, regardless of the number of points, at least to successfully deduct the ball, or else all three attempts will fail, which would be too shameful.

In desperation, Wall could only reduce the difficulty and came with a simple gliding split button, which finally succeeded this time.

For the score, he has no hope.

Sure enough, several referees scored a total of only 38 points!

"Unfortunately, Wall's dunk is actually pretty good. If you use this at the beginning, you will definitely score more than 40 points."

"In the beginning, he wanted to get high scores and challenge high difficulty. After all, the few people in front were too strong, three and fifty points, how to advance without getting high scores?"

People shook their heads, not surprising.

With 38 points, Wall is also the only person under 40 today.

George was at the bottom before, and now with Wall's 38 points, George suddenly felt much better.

Although they were eliminated in one round, it was Qin Hao, Ross, and Curry who were too sao, and he was not at the bottom anyhow.


The first round of dunks ended, and Qin Hao, Rose, Curry and Lillard advanced to the second round.

Three 50 points were scored in the first round, which suddenly pushed today's dunk contest to a very high level, and it also made fans more and more looking forward to the dunks in the second round and whether they would be paid back. 50 points?

According to the rules of the dunk contest, the person with the highest score in the first round has the right to designate the order of the players in the second round. Qin Hao, Rose, and Curry have the highest scores and the same. The last three appoint Lillard to be the first to play. .

Lillard twitched his face and walked onto the court...

PS: There have been a lot of trivial matters these days, and the state is not very good, but fortunately, it has been adjusted. Starting today, resume four more!

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