Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1587: A new record in the history of the three-point contest

"There is one last point left."

"If Curry can make all of the five flower balls, he will be able to surpass Qin and win the championship in the three-point contest."

"Curry go!"

In the audience, the fans shouted excitedly.

There were naturally no shortage of fans who supported Curry, but they looked forward to Curry being able to beat Qin Hao, even this time.


With a soft sound, Curry's first ball hit.

At this point, he slowed down a bit, his shot became slower and more calm. He also knew very well that the opportunity was in front of him. As long as he scored the last five goals, he would be able to defeat Qin.

"Huh, huh..."

The second and the third also hit.

For a time, countless fans got excited and scored three in a row, with two goals left, and victory was in sight.

Qin Hao squinted his eyes and felt a little nervous. For others, it was not easy to score the last five goals, but that was Curry.


The fourth is also in.

There was only the last one left, and the audience suddenly fell silent. People closed their mouths and remained silent, not daring to make any noises, but their eyes stared at Curry unblinkingly, and a tense atmosphere filled the stadium.

At this moment, Curry also felt a little nervousness. He took a deep breath, then jumped up and threw the ball...

"Will you come in?"

"You must enter, you will win if you do."

Under people's gaze, the basketball crossed an arc, spinning and flying towards the net.


There was a muffled sound, and the box popped out.


"It didn't come in."

"God, I didn't make it, so why didn't I make it? If you enter Curry, you will win."

All of a sudden, many fans wailed in pain, only one goal was missed, but the last goal was not scored.

Curry kept the shot, stood there for two seconds before putting down his hand, shook his head a little depressed, and said to himself: "I might as well be the first to go."

At this time, when the game was resumed, Curry suddenly realized that the reason why the last goal was not scored was not just bad luck, but also his mentality.

On the last shot, his mentality changed.

In that case, this shot would be able to defeat Qin Hao, and Curry's mentality became no longer calm, with such a trace of tension.

Despite his desperate restraint, it still affected his shots.

In the end, the goal was not scored.

Curry scored 8 points on the last point and scored a total of 26 points. It was actually a tie with Qin Hao, and the two will have a playoff.

"Unexpectedly, if you get 26 points, you will have to play an extra game. If you change to the past, this score will definitely win the championship directly."

"Yes, I can only say that Qin and Curry are too good."

In the audience, people were whispering.

After calming down, many fans are happy again. For them, they don't want the game to end early.


The two rested for a while, and the playoffs were about to begin.

The rules are the same.

"Stephen." Qin Hao smiled and looked at Curry, "I will come first or you will come first this time?"

"I'm first." Curry didn't let Qin Hao come first this time, and he was still annoyed. If he hadn't let Qin Hao come first, he wouldn't lose his peace on his last goal. If he didn't make it, he would just win.

In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, this time Curry chose to go first.

"Okay, then you come first." Qin Hao smiled indifferently, and made a request.

Curry walked onto the court, put his hands on the basketball, stared at the basket, the timer flashed, and the electronic sound came, 3, 2, 1.

The next moment, Curry grabbed the basketball and jumped up to make a shot. The action was steady and the shot was quick. The basketball flew out of his hand and made a precise hit.

Then came the second, the third...

In a blink of an eye, Curry has reached the last point, still five flowers.

This time Curry was not nervous, ignored the voices in the audience, ignored the scores, didn't even check how much time was left on the timer, just stared at the basket. At this moment, in his eyes, in his heart, there is only the basket, and he just wants to throw the ball in.


The first one enters.


The second one enters.

The third, the fourth...

After four consecutive flower **** hit all, the fans were already staring, staring at the last basketball. It flew out of Curry’s fingertips, traversed a beautiful arc, and flew towards the basket, spinning like a one. Elves.


A crisp voice sounded.

The ball was also scored, and at the last point, all five flower **** were hit.


The auditorium was completely boiling.

People stood up, some were screaming, some were yelling...

"Awesome." Qin Hao couldn't help but admire.

This time Curry performed better than last time. The first point is 4 points, the second point is 5 points, the third point is 5 points, the fourth point is 4 points, and the fifth point is 5 points. With 10 points, he scored a total of 28 points and 25 goals for a total of 20.

Shooting 28 points not only surpassed the scores of Curry and Qin Hao in the previous round, but also directly broke the record of three-pointers in the NBA All-Star Game.

Yes, Curry broke the record and scored 28 points magically, setting a new record for the NBA All-Star three-point contest.

"28 points, it's really scary, Curry actually did it. Then Qin was in trouble, it was too difficult to surpass this score."

"Yes, this is a new record in the history of the NBA three-point contest. If Qin wants to beat Curry, he must break this record, but can he do it?"

At this time, people were all worried about Qin Hao. People didn't expect that Curry would have left to set a new high after scoring 26 points, and cast a 28 points.

This is difficult, very difficult.

But if Qin Hao wants to beat Curry and cast a higher score, it's even more difficult!

"Huh." Qin Hao let out a foul breath and walked onto the court.

He also felt the danger at this moment, and he had no idea whether he could surpass Curry.


The timer starts.

Qin Hao moved quickly, grabbed the ball, jumped up, shot, and finished in one go, then immediately picked up the second one, and shot again, still very fast.

One, two, three...

I saw Qin Hao shot again and again, basketball pierced the net again and again, and the fans stared at him unblinkingly.


There was another soft sound, the first point was five goals, and he scored 6 points.

Then comes the second point.

At this point Qin Hao only scored three goals, including a flower ball, and scored 4 points.

At the third point, Qin Hao scored 4 goals, including a flower ball, and scored 5 points.

The fourth point also scored 4 and scored 5 points.

"This...too accurate."

"It's terrible, it feels more accurate than Curry, it's crazy."

In the audience, the fans were all stunned.

Previously, Curry had been accurate enough, making 20 of 25 shots, but at this moment Qin Hao seemed to be more accurate than Curry.

In a blink of an eye, Qin Hao still hit the ball with four points. In addition, he made a very accurate shot of the ordinary ball. He had already scored 20 points.

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