Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1578: Add play

In the previous three All-Star Games, NBA officials would invite Qin Hao every time, either by inviting him to participate in the three-point contest, or by inviting him to participate in the skill challenge.

But they were all rejected by Qin Hao.

Later, he was invited to participate in the dunk contest, but was rejected by Qin Hao, making the NBA official very faceless.

This time the organizing committee simply did not invite Qin Hao.

Anyway, they can see that Qin Hao is not the kind of young man who wants to show off in the All-Star individual event.

I didn’t participate in the past, but now they are all in the regular season mvp, the All-Star Game mvp, and the finals mvp. I think they will not even look at the individual events in the area, so the organizing committee will not discuss it. It's boring.

But in the end they received Qin Hao's application.

For a while, the organizing committee thought it was a mistake.

how can that be possible?

In the previous three years, they had invited Qin Hao every time. They had invited Qin Hao to the skill challenge, three-point contest, and slam dunk contest, but they were all rejected by Qin Hao, and all the active invitations were rejected. How could Qin Hao sign up for the competition by himself?

But this is the fact.

After repeated confirmation that it was indeed Qin Hao who signed up for the competition, a group of people on the organizing committee did not know what to say. Suddenly there was an impulse not to let him participate in the competition. They invited you not to participate, and if they did not invite you, they had to participate. , Isn't this messing up?

However, after repeated considerations, for the popularity of the All-Star individual event, the organizing committee decided to swallow it, oh no, it's the adults not remembering the villains.

I'm not going to mention the past, and I've turned it over.

But as a result, the faces of a group of people changed again.

Boy, this kid is really messing around.

I didn't participate in the life and death before, but this time I will participate, but it is the skill challenge, the three-point contest, and the dunk contest.

What do you mean, want to make up the previous one?

You said that you are also an mvp, a superstar, why do you have to compete with others for the limelight in individual events? Participating in one is a good idea, and you have to participate in all three.


A group of people on the organizing committee were speechless, dumbfounding.

In fact, Qin Hao didn't intend to participate, it was Curry and Clay who decided to participate in the three-point contest before signing up.

Later, I thought about it again and added the skill challenge. I was a point guard at any rate. It would be a little regret if I didn't win a skill championship.

Later, when his teammates heard that he was going to participate in the skill challenge and the three-point contest, they urged them to participate. Anyway, both participated, and there were not many slam dunk contests. They simply participated in these three individual events at a time. all over.

Qin Hao thought about it, just play it all at once, and we won't play anymore.

It's a pity that LaVine hasn't entered the NBA.

Qin Hao originally wanted to wait for LaVine to enter the NBA before competing with him, but now it seems that he has to wait until LaVine enters the NBA and participates in the dunk contest. At that time, he will compete with LaVine in his own status. It's not very suitable. Winning is a matter of course, but losing can be embarrassing.

It's not worthwhile.

So Qin Hao simply didn't wait.

However, although there is no Dunk King LaVine this time, there is still a future "Golden State LaVine".

Yes, Qin Hao fooled Curry into the slam dunk contest. Oh no, I sincerely invited Curry to join the slam dunk contest. They are all NBA players. Who doesn't have a dunk dream yet?

Of course, except for a few people such as Butler, Xiaoka, Xiao Curry, Clay, others did not know about this.

It wasn't until today that the list of individual events was announced that the other 76ers didn't realize that not only Qin Hao would participate in the dunk contest, but Curry would also participate.

And it's not just Curry...

"Fuck." Thaddeus Yang also took out his mobile phone, found the list of individual events and read it, couldn't help but yelled, and said, "I really know how to play. It's not just Qin and Curry who are going to participate in the dunk contest. Ross and George will also participate."


"real or fake?"

"Hey, that's true. Qin, Curry, Rose, George, Wall, Lillard, Gan, I'm going crazy! All six players who participated in the dunk contest were selected for the All-Star, which is also in NBA history. Is it the first time?"

For a while, everyone was stunned.

The 76ers know that Qin Hao will participate in all three events, but their focus is on the skill challenge and the three-point contest.

Thinking that Qin Hao was reluctant to do this dunk contest, it was because of their urging that he participated in the dunk contest along the way.

But I didn't expect...Qin Hao would add to the play by himself!

"Qin, you are not interesting enough, why don't you tell us in advance?"

"That's right. Don't say you don't know that these people will participate. If it weren't for you, George, Rose, Curry and others would participate?"

A group of teammates called good guys in their hearts.

In the past, the All-Star dunk contest was said to be an "All-Star", but it would be nice to have one or two All-Star players participating.

In many cases, there is not an All-Star player among the players in the competition-after all, dunking and being selected for the All-Star are not directly related.

But the six players who participated in the dunk contest this time turned out to be players selected for the current All-Star game, Qin Hao, Rose, Curry, George, and Lillard and Wall, who were selected for the first time this year.

This time it's true-the All-Star Dunk Contest!

There is no doubt that Qin Hao's relationship is absolutely indispensable. If it has nothing to do with Qin Hao, everyone will not believe it.

If it weren't for what Qin Hao did, would a superstar like Rose participate?

If it weren't for Qin Hao, Curry, who is not good at dunking, would participate?

By the way, it's also Lillard and Wall.

Wall and Qin Hao can be regarded as old enemies. The 76ers can't help thinking, don't know if Wall knows in advance?

"Haha, this is purely a coincidence, a coincidence." Qin Hao laughed dryly, and said to his heart that I made two calls, really nothing to do with me.


at the same time.

When the All-Star bench list and the All-Star individual event list came out, it immediately aroused people's heated discussion.

Seeing the All-Star substitute list, many fans began to quarrel, yelling at unfairness, why so and so are not selected, and why he or he can get in?

But wait until you see the list of individual events.

The fans didn't quarrel anymore, they were all fried.

"God, what does Qin want to do? He has to participate in all three individual events. Is it possible that he wants to win the individual event and become the triple crown?"

"Didn't you hear that he was not interested in individual events?"

"Hey, there is a problem with your focus. Don't worry about why Qin wants to participate in all three, just look at the specific list. The three-point contest Qin, Curry and Clay will all participate. The slam dunk contest is even more outrageous, with six contestants. All of this year’s All-Star players. Did these guys make appointments in private? Didn’t it mean that Qin and Wall had a grudge?”

"This time the official is very impressive. These six people can be invited to participate in the dunk contest together, which is also amazing."

"Heh, do you think the official can handle it?"


"It's Qin. It's hard to say Wall and Lillard, but Rose, Curry, and George are definitely inseparable from him."

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