Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1273: Ask a fall back jumper

The next day, Staples Arena.

The Lakers sit at home and face the challenge of the 76ers. Players from both sides have already arrived on the court, and the audience is crowded with people and it is very lively.

Because this is Los Angeles, Hollywood stars are often seen at Staples Arena, and almost all big-name stars have been to Staples.

However, the most eye-catching thing in the audience today is not the big-name celebrities, but the three of Kesao, Jiang Xue and Vivian.

Needless to say, the beauty of Kesao, the first-line appearance in the nba wives group, Jiang Xue has a tall figure, and the unique temperament of an oriental woman, coupled with the management of "Tianyu Investment", her temperament is much better than that of ordinary people. It's a lot more outstanding, even if you sit next to Ke's wife, you won't lose the color at all, and even win by a few points.

Vivienne next to her is also a big beauty, with blond hair and blue eyes, delicate features, and a typical white beauty.

The three big beauties sat together to form a beautiful landscape, which attracted the attention of fans in the audience and a lot of discussions.

"Who is that?"

"Who? Don't you know Vanessa?"

"No, I mean the two next to her, the one who looks like an Oriental at first glance, and the other one is really hot, tusk..."

"I know that oriental beauty. It seems to be Qin's girlfriend. I have seen it many times before watching the 76ers. As for the one next to her, I don't know it. It may be her friend. It just looks like Qin's girlfriend. The relationship with Vanessa seems to be very good, but it's a bit surprising."

"What's so surprising about this? Qin and Kobe have a very good relationship. You see, Qin is still asking Kobe for advice."

On the court.

The players from both sides were already on the court. Qin Hao and Kobe hugged, and then took advantage of this time to ask Kobe about the "back jumper."

After Joe is the leader, Kobe is the ceiling of the stunt of "back jumper".

Harden’s three-point withdrawal, European step, Paul’s small hit, Irving’s layup, Rose’s non-decelerating change of direction, etc... Qin Hao has all learned and practiced, so Kobe’s "Flip up jumper" he naturally won't miss it.

It's just learned and practiced, but I always feel a little bit worse than Kobe.


Qin Hao made a fall-back jumper, and the basketball made a steady hit.

But Kobe shook his head and pointed out: "Your back jumper is very good, but there is still a problem with the rhythm. It's not as simple as jumping up, backing up, and then throwing the ball. Your whole action starts from doing the action. The previous rhythm, these will affect your final shot."

"Well, I understand a little bit." Qin Hao nodded. He has practiced for a long time and has a good shooting percentage, but when he is in the game, facing high-intensity defense, he always feels a little bit worse, unlike Kobe is as beautiful as a picture.

"I'm telling you, you have to be like this..." Kobe told Qin Hao a few more points.

These are details, but often these are the key.

Many people will imitate the actions of NBA players, some even learn the same, but after all, they are just "the same thing" because many details are lost.

These details are something that you can't know by watching the video or even going to slow-motion analysis, otherwise there will not be so many NBA players who have to look for Olajuwon to point out "fantasy footsteps" in person.

Isn't it good to watch the video and analyze it directly?

The same goes for the "back jumper". The reason why Qin Hao can do well and has a good shooting percentage is that he is supported by his excellent physical fitness and shooting skills. Compared with Kobe, there is still some gap. Kobe pointed. Qin Hao made it clear.

In fact, even last season, Qin Hao didn’t notice any problems with his practice. As for the difference compared with Kobe, he felt that the practice was not enough, so he just immersed himself in the practice instead of directly. Ask Kobe.

It wasn't until this season that as the number of exercises accumulated, as his strength improved and reached a new level, some of the problems were discovered.

That's why Qin Hao asked Kobe for advice on a fall-back jumper.

Watching Kobe and Qin Hao get together, teaching and learning by one person, they are still very harmonious. Not only the fans in the audience, but the players on both sides feel weird—this atmosphere seems a bit wrong. Today Isn't it an opponent?

The two sides were indeed opponents today, and Qin Hao did not delay Kobe for too long, and soon returned to his own half. After a simple warm-up, the game officially began.


The Lakers' starters are Howard, Jordan Hill, Artest, Kobe, and Blake.

For the 76ers, coach Luke is still starting the regular season, with Nene, Speights, Butler, Iguodala and Qin Hao.

On the court, the Lakers got the ball first, and Blake pushed the ball to the frontcourt. Facing Qin Hao, he really had no confidence and immediately passed the ball to Kobe.

"Pick-and-roll." Kobe made a gesture, asked for a pick-and-roll, got rid of it, and then broke through, but instead of rushing directly to the basket, he just drove two steps forward, waiting for Howard to cut, and he could pass the ball to Howard. , Make a pass and cut cooperation.

It's a pity Howard reacted a little slower, didn't understand Kobe's meaning, thought Kobe would play by himself, and didn't immediately cut along the middle.

When he understood it, the opportunity was gone.

Kobe shook his head secretly, passed the ball to Artest, then went back to the three-point line and took the basketball from Artest again, which was a three-pointer.


Did not enter.

This season the Lakers introduced Howard, thinking of forming a giant combination of Kobe + Howard and hitting the championship.

By the way, there is a big Gasol in the team. The Lakers have a good idea. They can also make Gasol and Howard form the twin towers. I think their combination should be the "inside dominance" level.

It's a pity that things backfired.

The first is the aging of the players, coupled with Howard's waist injury, caused him to come to the Lakers and failed to play last season's performance.

Last season, Howard averaged 20.6 points and 14.5 rebounds per game. This season, he averaged 17.1 points and 12.4 rebounds per game. Both points and rebounds fell.

Secondly, Howard and Kobe failed to produce a good "chemical reaction."

Before Howard was the core of the team in the Magic, like the same inside World of Warcraft, he has a high degree of freedom to play. With excellent physical fitness and athletic ability, he does not like to rely on pick-and-rolls and other tactics to get opportunities like other centers.

But when it comes to the Lakers, the absolute core of the team is Kobe, and the tactics are all around Kobe, which makes Howard a little uncomfortable.

For example, with this ball, Howard and Kobe did not have a tacit understanding between them, and failed to understand the opponent's intentions in the first time, resulting in the tactics being unable to be executed.

In the end, Kobe could only make a strong shot and ended up with a strike.

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