Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1268: The last chance


76ers training arena.

A group of players are training, a few people get together and surround Butler.

"Jimmy, keep going, and Bosh is only a few thousand votes away."

"At this rate of increase in the number of votes, I feel that Jimmy's votes will surpass Bosh tomorrow, and I will only kill Garnett by then."

"There are still a few days..."

Everyone encouraged Butler.

Now Butler's votes have reached 330,000 votes, which is only a few thousand votes away from Chris Bosh, the fourth-ranked frontcourt player in the Eastern Conference.

You must know that Butler's votes have increased by a full 60,000 votes in the past two days, an average of 30,000 votes a day, and the gap of several thousand votes may catch up in one day.

In fact, as long as there is nothing unexpected, Butler's votes surpass Bosh, ranking fourth in the Eastern frontcourt is already a sure thing.

It's just that whether he can surpass Garnett and reach the top three of the Eastern frontcourt is still unknown.

It's not that Butler's votes are too far apart. At this time, Garnett's votes were only 370,000 votes. In the past two days, only 40,000 votes have been added. The increase is not as good as Butler's. The difference between the two is only 40,000 votes. It's just that time is too tight, and there are only a few days left.

Another point is that the number of votes for Butler increased so much in the past two days, one is because of the game against the Grizzlies, and the other is because Rose and others canvassed for him.

There is no doubt that the increase in votes in the next few days will probably not be so fast.

After all, the farther to the end, the slower the increase in the number of votes, because the vast majority of votes have already been cast.

Of course, it is not without opportunities.


With a loud explosion, Butler staged a two-handed explosion.

This seems to be a declaration that he is bound to win the first three in the Eastern Conference and be selected as the starter for the All-Star.


A day later, the 76ers rushed to the away game to challenge the Los Angeles Clippers.

In this game, the 76ers were still all creating opportunities for Butler, letting Butler scoop up points crazy, and Butler scored 28 points in the first half.

It's just that the 76ers are 3 points behind.

After entering the second half, the 76ers changed their style of play and Butler reduced individual shots because the Clippers are now targeting him.

Qin Hao began to explode. Under his lead, the 76ers surpassed the score, but after a while, Paul continued to score and helped the Clippers to surpass the score.

By the end of the quarter, Paul scored and assisted his teammates. He almost changed the game on his own, helping the Clippers to open the point difference to 10 points.

There is no doubt that Paul is very good today, personally scoring, organizing offense, and even defending Qin Hao very well.

Seeing time less and less, the 76ers have little hope of a comeback.

In the end, with a score of 115:107, the Clippers defeated the 76ers by 8 points.

In this game, Butler still scored 30+, scored 34 points, plus 6 rebounds, 3 assists, but the loss of the game made him a little unhappy. When he returned to the locker room after the game, he was unhappy and blamed himself. , I feel that the team loses because of my "big brush".

Qin Hao patted Butler and said with a smile: "If you think it is to get you into the All-Star, we will lose this game, and feel guilty. Then you should cheer up and play the game two days later and kill Enter the top three frontcourt players in the Eastern Conference. Only if you make the All-Star start, the game we lost will not be considered in vain."

This kind of comfort will definitely not work on other people.

But it works for Butler, the key is Qin Hao said.

"Yeah." Butler nodded heavily. "I will definitely fight well."

From the second round to the third round of the vote, there is only one week, and the 76ers have three games in one week, against the Grizzlies, against the Clippers, and the last game is against the Brooklyn Nets at home.

At this time, Butler's votes have surpassed Bosh, ranking fourth in the Eastern frontcourt, just a little bit away from Garnett.

So this third game is Butler's last chance. He must play well enough to hope to surpass Garnett.


Two days later, the Celtics played away against the Bucks.

The game has started.

At this time, the Celtics players on the field are feeding Garnett. The 76ers are working hard to make Butler surpass Garnett. The Celtics don’t want Garnett to be surpassed by Butler. One last point. They are also working hard over time to help Garnett keep the lead.


With a muffled sound, Garnett hit the iron with a jumper.

The Celtics coach on the sidelines frowned. Today, Garnett has scored a lot of points. He has already scored 20 points, but his energy consumption is also great.

After a moment, he called a timeout.

Garnett came off the court, holding his knees on his knees and gasping for breath. He has scored 24 points, but his stamina is exhausted, and his exhaustion is like a tide.

"It's too much consumption."

"Kevin is almost 37 years old after all, so playing like this will definitely not work."

Seeing Garnett's exhausted look, his teammates can only sigh "Years are a pig knife", the former "Wolf King", after all, is still late.

The coach replaced Garnett and let him rest until the last few minutes of the fourth quarter before replacing Garnett again.

Only after returning to the court, Garnett lost his previous form. Even though his teammates were creating opportunities for him, he only scored 3 points, and 1 of them came from free throws.

In the end, Garnett scored 27 points, plus 8 rebounds and 2 assists. The data is naturally not bad, but it is inferior to Butler's two consecutive 30+ games.

"If it's a few years younger..." Garnett smiled bitterly and shook his head, somewhat sad. If he was a few years younger, he would definitely get 30+ or ​​even more.


A group of Celtics players returned to the locker room, and their teammates immediately pulled out their phones to check the latest All-Star voting data and the situation of another game.

"Yes." Brandon Bass flipped his cell phone and exclaimed: "Kevin's votes are now 408,847, which is almost 410,000 votes."

"What about Butler's?"

"Yeah, how much is Butler?"

The teammates asked one after another.

Bass glanced at the phone again, with a relieved expression on his face, and smiled: "Butler now has 396,520 votes, 10,000 votes less than Kevin."

"390,000 votes, that's okay."

"There is still a ten thousand votes short. The voting deadline is early this morning. There are only a few hours. Butler should not be able to catch up."

Knowing the number of votes for Butler, the Celtics players were relieved for Garnett, and the situation should be stable.

But Garnett still frowned, not feeling relaxed at all, after all, there were still a few hours left.

Garnett asked: "Bass, how is the game between the 76ers and the Nets?"

"Oh." Bass replied, hurriedly checking news about the game.

The 76ers also have a game today, at home against the Nets.

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