Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1259: what happened?


With a soft sound, Qin Hao hit a three-pointer.

One small card and one from Qin Hao. Two three-pointers came down, and the point difference was quickly opened to 6 points. Although Yao Ming also scored one just now, it didn't seem to have played a big role.

"The 76ers' three-pointers are horrible."

"Be good defense, you can't let Qin make a three-pointer, and defend against him..."

The home fans were anxious and shouted at the court.

Coach McHale's complexion couldn't help but changed, and he quickly reminded the players that they must be careful of the opponent's three-pointers, especially for Qin Hao, never let him take the three-pointers easily.

Several players nodded together, thinking about the two **** just now, they couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring.

It's not that they don't know how to guard against three-pointers, but the 76ers' offense is too fast. The basketball is shifting quickly, almost without stopping, and directly shot after two or three transfers.

And several players are outside the three-point line, forcing the Rockets to expand the defense line very quickly. Once the opponent breaks through, you shrink the defense line to help double-defense, and then want to return to the defense beyond the three-point line. It's easy.

The Rockets offense.

Harden asked for a pick-and-roll. This time he didn't choose to pass the ball. Instead, he came by himself. He made a sudden stop and broke through with the change of speed.

"Let the other party score another."

"Spytz is shorter in height and he is the only one inside. Once the opponent breaks through and rushes to the basket, it will be difficult to defend."

On the 76ers side, on the bench, players are also frowning.

Despite scoring two three-pointers in a row, the 76ers still failed to limit the opponent's scoring on the defensive end. Now this lineup, the inside line is basically nothing to expect.

Fortunately, Coach Luke does not expect to rely on defense to defeat the Rockets. He wants offense. Offense is the best defense. It is not applicable at all times, but sometimes it is.

In fact, what Coach Luke is worried about is that the players are not used to his sudden changes and cannot play the offense that they should be...

On the court.

Qin Hao came to the front court, first asked for a pick-and-roll, and then divided the ball to Iguodala. He started to run, circled the inside line, and came to the three-point line to receive the ball.

At this time, everyone's attention was on Qin Hao, and the Rockets players rushed towards Qin Hao, fearing his three-pointer.

"Little Card." Qin Hao shouted.

Xiaoka understood, and quickly made an empty cut, Qin Hao immediately divided the ball and gave it to Xiaoka's hand.

At this time, the Rockets discovered that the inside line was empty. Speights pulled Yao Ming out when he mentioned the on-line screen. This time Kaka received the ball as a two-handed slam dunk.

"This is too fast."

"It feels like the ball doesn't stop for a moment, it moves too fast."

"The speed of the ball transfer is not the key. The key is that the 76ers move too fast. In addition to Speights, Qin, Iguodala, Butler and Leonard all have fast moving speeds. They can also handle the ball, can attack with the ball, and have the ability to finish. Once a person attracts two defensive players, the defense will miss them and the opponent will seize the opportunity to score the ball."

There were also some savage-eyed people in the audience, and they quickly saw the doorway.

The so-called "fast" not only refers to the fast counterattack speed, but also the fast passing of the ball. The players move fast, like a revolving lantern, so that the opponent's defense can't keep up.

"Good job." Coach Luke applauded and applauded.

Originally he was still worried, but now it seems that his worry is superfluous. Qin Hao's control of the rhythm and the movement of the players are all very good.

This is because Qin Hao is not unfamiliar with this style of play, knowing what the main points of this style of play are, and how to play it like this. Only if he controls the field can this effect be achieved.

Moments later, the Rockets hit the iron.

Yao Ming was stuck tightly by Speights, Scola was just about to grab the rebound, and a figure suddenly shot out and grabbed the ball on top of his head.

It's Butler.

In this lineup, rebounding mainly depends on rushing, and with the abilities of Qin Hao, Butler, Iguodala, and Xiaoka, rushing for rebounds is no problem.

After getting the rebound, Butler was subconsciously preparing to look for Qin Hao, and he heard Qin Hao's voice coming-push it yourself, hurry up.

Butler immediately slapped the ball, pushed it forward, and immediately launched a counterattack, while Qin Hao, Iguodala, and Xiaoka also rushed to the front.

As for Speights, he is also rushing to the front, but he has just crossed the center line and this offense is over.

After dribbling for two moves, Butler saw that the three of Qin Hao had reached the frontcourt and immediately passed the ball to Iguodala. Iguodala passed it to Qin Hao. Qin Hao caught the ball by chasing three points without giving it to the Rockets. The team arranged the opportunity to defend and made a hollow hit.


In the audience, the home fans were stunned.

They were dazzled by these few balls, and their brains almost couldn't keep up with their eyes.

Because the 76ers' offense was so fast, the basketball seemed to start from the first person, and finally was shot out, pierced through the net, without stopping, so busy.

It is often the fans' eyes that follow the basketball, from one point to another, and the ball has already been scored without understanding how the 76ers want to play.

It feels like "what happened just now, this is over"?


Coach McHale couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly called a timeout.

At this moment, his mind was still buzzing, and a little confused, the assistant next to him leaned to his ear, and whispered: "The score difference has been stretched to 9 points."

"What?" Coach McHale shook his body. "What are you talking about? What a joke, how long has it been, how can it be 9 points, isn't it only 2 points before?"

"It's 9 points." The teaching assistant smiled wryly.

Time really didn't go by, but that was because the 76ers' offense was too fast and the field was changing rapidly, so it felt like it didn't take long. There is also the 76ers' three-pointers are too fierce, one small card, two Qin Hao, three three-pointers is 9 points.

Although the Rockets also scored goals, they were all two-pointers.

"Coach, what do you do now?"


A group of players looked at Coach McHale, and they were dumbfounded. They hadn't encountered such a thing before, and they were a little overwhelmed.

Coach McHale took a deep breath and said: "How to play and how to play, just as I said before, press down the rhythm, play positional battles, be patient, and score the ball. In addition, you must protect your rebounds. We have an advantage in terms of height inside."

One person asked: "What about the defense?"

"Defense?" Coach McHale frowned. The 76ers' lineup gave them a headache for defense. They didn't feel right. In the end, he could only order: "Let's defend like this. Pay attention to the opponent's three-pointers and expand the defense a bit. , Make up defenses more aggressively, understand?"

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