Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1228: The night that belongs to Qin Hao


At this moment, the whole arena was boiling.

The on-site commentators all jumped up in the studio and shouted into the microphone: "Lore, this is a lore, the last 1.4 seconds dunk lore! My God, this is incredible, the last 1.4 seconds , Served in the backcourt, and even dunked. I thought I was dazzled and hallucinated. Qin's speed was too fast. He dumped everyone on the Thunder team."

This ball is crazy!

People have thought about the 76ers throwing the ball directly from the backcourt, thinking about throwing the ball directly to the frontcourt, and then trying to catch the ball at the last second, resigning to their fate and betting their luck.

But I didn’t expect the 76ers to play like this. No one went to the frontcourt ahead of time. Everyone stayed in the backcourt. As a result, Qin Hao suddenly got up quickly, swiftly sprinted, and kicked off everyone, and even caught up with the basketball. And complete the dunk.

"Qin is great!"

"This ball is incredible, a god-like goal!"

The audience was full of exclamations, and the fans were celebrating with excitement.

At the same time, on the court, Butler, Nene, Xiaoka, Speights, a few people flew towards Qin Hao, and Lu Wei, Iguodala and others on the bench also rushed onto the court. Flew towards Qin Hao, surrounded Qin Hao with his teammates, and hugged each other.

They had already lost hope, but in the end Qin Hao saved the team and rewrote the game. It felt so good to survive from desperation.

Not far away, Westbrook and Durant looked at each other and they had no choice but to sigh. They lost, they were very unwilling to lose, but if they lost, they lost.

Durant played extremely well today, scoring 43 points, plus 6 rebounds and 2 assists. The three-time scoring ability is undoubtedly revealed.

Especially in the decisive stage, his consecutive scoring helped the Thunder find hope and almost killed the 76ers.

Before Durant’s score was always lower than Qin Hao. When Durant scored 37 points, Qin Hao had already scored 41 points, but at the last critical moment, Durant made a three-pointer and scored a 2+1. , Scored 6 points in a row, scored 43 points in the audience, and Qin Hao also scored 43 points after the dunk lore.

In terms of personal performance, Durant did not lose.

But in the end Qin Hao won the game. Although both scored 43 points, Qin Hao had the last laugh. The dunk lore was invaluable and more precious than the other 41 points.

"Hey..." Durant sighed and walked silently to the player channel.

Wei Shao turned to look at Qin Hao, and followed him.

A group of Thunder players didn't say hello to the 76ers, and walked into the player channel silently. They were not in that mood.

After a long time, the 76ers players barely calmed down.

Qin Hao freed himself from the siege. He raised his hand and signaled to the audience. The fans in the audience began to shout in unison: "mvp, mvp..."

Today, this is Qin Hao's night!


Qin Hao's house.

At the end of a game, Qin Hao scored 43 points, setting a record high in his career. The final lore will definitely be selected for the top ten goals.

Although Jiang Xue did not go to the scene and was busy at the company, she watched the live broadcast and was also happy for Qin Hao. After Qin Hao returned home, she rushed to hug Qin Hao and it was a passionate kiss, coquettishly said: "Husband, today It’s awesome."

"Really?" Qin Hao laughed and said, "Did you watch the game?"

"Yeah." Jiang Xue nodded, looking at Qin Hao admiringly.

This look made Qin Hao a little embarrassed.

Of course, he was embarrassed, but his hands were not embarrassed, so he went straight to the point and went up to a five-knuckle technique.

No way, hands have their own ideas and can't control them.

Jiang Xue's eyes were watery and he did not dodge. He stared at Qin Hao directly, making Qin Hao hot in his heart, and said with a smirk: "My husband killed Durant today. Should I be rewarded?"

"What reward do you want?"

"What do you mean?"

"Then... I'll kiss you again?"

"That's it?" Qin Hao was furious, hugged Jiang Xue and left.

Of course, I didn't do anything in the end, because I was too tired just after the game.


The next day, the major media posted reports one after another.

"Just last night, the 76ers defeated the Thunder, which proved that the league's first record is not luck. Qin Hao and Durant Qiqi scored 43 points and staged a big show. In the end, with Qin Hao in the final 1.4 A dunk lore was staged in seconds, which ended the game." —espn.

"A shocking dunk, a magical dunk, an incredible lore...Well, we can't find a suitable word to describe it. Besides, Qin Hao also played a personal shot in addition to this dunk lore. In his career, he scored a record high in a single game. Those who ridiculed his scores are not as good as Butler, I think you are wrong, wrong is very outrageous."-Sports Pictorial.

"This is a..."

For Qin Hao's performance, the major media have given very high evaluations, and they are not stingy with words of beauty.

Among them, this issue of "Sports Pictorial" directly used the scene of Qin Hao's last dunk lore as the cover. In the cover, Qin Hao flew to the hoop and dunked the ball into the hoop. The digital display on the timer was 0.3 seconds. , To add a bit of vividness to this picture.


at the same time.

In China, the fans simply like to go all the way.

People are talking about this game and Qin Hao's performance. Major media have posted front-page reports, major sports forums, Post Bar, and countless fans are discussing.

Qin Hao's performance in this game was perfect, and even fans who were accustomed to Qin Hao's ability to always bring surprises were shocked.

This is not the playoffs, but it is more exciting than the playoffs.

However, Jiang Feng and Wang Lei, who had just finished the regular season opener and both performed very well, were a little depressed after seeing this report.

In the cba regular season opener, Yunlong defeated the Tigers. Jiang Feng scored 31 points, 5 rebounds, and 5 assists. Wang Lei scored 28 points, 12 rebounds, 3 assists, 3 blocks, and two players. The performance caused a lot of shock, and they themselves were a little excited.

But now look at Qin Hao's performance, such a comparison...Uh, don't compare it, people are really annoying than people.

"The gap is still huge." Wang Lei sighed.

He had 28+12 in a cba game. I thought it was very beautiful, but Qin Hao scored 43 points in an NBA game, plus 6 rebounds and 9 assists.

He just wants to cry.

"The gap between us and him is bigger." Jiang Feng corrected: "43 points in a single game, plus 6 rebounds, 9 assists, such scoring, let alone in the NBA, I don't know when we can get it in the cba ?"

"This..." Wang Lei opened his mouth, only to find that he couldn't answer this question.

Is it possible to get it? Is it possible to get it?

Gan, too abnormal!

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