Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1225: Death's sickle, three points of the sky!


Ibaka dunks with both hands.

This time it was Westbrook's breakthrough pass that made a great contribution. Obviously his state has returned, even if Qin Hao is on the court at this time, he can still perform outstandingly.

"There is only 3 points left."

"Yes, in a blink of an eye, there are only 3 points left."

In the audience, the home fans frowned and became a little worried.

Before it was 8 points ahead, the 76ers still have a considerable advantage, but now they are only 3 points ahead, which is just one goal, the situation has become a bit unsatisfactory.

"It's okay, let's attack." Qin Hao clapped his hands and shouted at his teammates.

Several people nodded and attacked.

After Qin Hao came to the frontcourt, Wei Shao pounced, and directly pounced beyond the three-point line. Sefrosa also stared at Qin Hao. The reason why he did not pounce directly to double-team is because Qin Hao is still away from the three-point line. Two meters, this time he rushed to double-team, once Qin Hao scored the ball, he might not even return, and the two defenders were attracted to the three-point line, and the gap within the three-point line was too big.

Once Qin Hao scores the ball, the 76ers have a lot of offensive space, and it doesn't matter whether it is a sudden or a shot.

Qin Hao glanced at the basket, Yu Guang glanced at Sefrosa from the corner of his eye, raised the corner of his mouth, aroused a sneer, suddenly lowered his center of gravity, Wei Shao's heart jumped, and he took a step back subconsciously.

However, the next moment, Qin Hao didn't make a breakthrough after dribbling the ball from his hips.


People couldn't help being surprised, it was too sudden.

A group of Thunder players did not expect that Qin Hao would have voted. How far is this!


However, there was a soft noise immediately, the basketball hole pierced the net, and the white net was still shaking, a little rustling.

"it turns out......"

The Thunder players looked at each other and could only smile helplessly.

This kind of ultra-long three-pointer can also throw in casually, which is simply too unreasonable and too abnormal.

The score difference turned into 6 points. Coach Luke was relieved and showed a gratified smile. Qin Hao was reliable at the critical moment.

The Thunder actually played well today, especially Durant. The game is not over yet. Durant has scored 33 points, but Qin Hao has scored 38 points and is only one goal away from forty points. It is precisely because of his performance that offset Durant, the 76ers can lead.

After that, Westbrook made one of his own shots, but Butler quickly regained the color and scored one, with a 6-point difference.

The game time is passing fast, and the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for the Thunder.


Durant glanced at the time, frowned slightly, and ran back for the ball.

"Double team." Butler and Iguodala stepped forward at the same time.

Durant scored the ball and passed it to Sefrosa, then immediately ran, rushed to the inside, raised one hand high, and signaled Sefrosa to pass the ball. Sefrosa immediately hoisted the ball to Durant's position. Durant was tall and had a long arm and took the basketball. Butler quickly backed away.

But at this moment, Durant suddenly jumped up. After getting the ball, he should have rushed to the basket, but he stopped and shot directly.

Butler hurried forward and stretched his arms, but he still couldn't touch him.


The ball is scored, and the point is 4 points away.

"This kind of shooting is completely incomprehensible, it's too high."

"There's no way, you can't blame Butler, it's the same for everyone."

People can only sigh helplessly.

Qin Hao squinted his eyes. This is the so-called "Scythe of Death". The title of "Reaper" has not yet been called out, but Durant's trick is really incomprehensible. He is more than two meters tall and has arms span. Excellent again, suddenly a sudden stop jumper, what can you do?

There is no way, but I can only pray that he won't make it.

With more than two minutes left in the game, with a four-point gap, Durant was not satisfied. He quickly waved the Death Scythe again, facing Butler with a big change, and then suddenly jumped shots. Butler didn’t even have time. Jumped up, only extended his arms, and then heard a "swish" sound.

The goal was scored again, 2 points away.

Durant made two consecutive jump shots, the point difference narrowed to only two points, and the game time was unknowingly left more than one minute.


Coach Luke called a timeout.

When the players came off the court, he replaced Iguodala, replaced the small card, let the small card go against Durant, Butler played the 2nd position, because the game only had more than one minute left, offensive Iguodala is no longer needed on the end, the ball will be handed over to Qin Hao, let Qin Hao handle the ball, and on the defensive end, the most important thing is to limit Durant, this is what Xiaoka did the best.

"Okay, Leonard, guard against Durant. Qin, the offense is up to you." Coach Luke clapped his hands, "Go on."


With only more than a minute left in the game, the fans in the auditorium all became nervous, their hearts tense, and stared at the stadium unblinkingly.

The players on both sides returned to the field, the 76ers have the ball.

When Qin Hao came to the front court, the Thunder quickly started double-teaming. They knew that in the last minute or so, the 76ers were mostly going to hand over the ball to Qin Hao, so they had to double-team Qin Hao. To launch an offense.

Even if you force him to pass the ball and let Butler or others attack, at least it will disrupt the layout of the 76ers, right?

Qin Hao frowned and passed the ball to Butler.

Now they are still 2 points ahead. Although not much, they are at least ahead, so there is no need to worry, just spend some time before talking.

After dividing the ball, Qin Hao started to run, took a circle along the inside line, and flung Westbrook away, but Sefrosa immediately rushed forward and stuck to Qin Hao again.

After more than ten seconds, Butler kept looking for opportunities to pass the ball to Qin Hao, but he failed to succeed. He frowned, a little anxious.

"Tactic No. 3." Qin Hao shouted.

Butler's eyes lit up and he greeted Kaka. Kaka came over and made a pick-and-roll for Butler. Butler took the opportunity to break through and then passed the ball back to Kaka.

At the same time, Qin Hao walked along the inside line and crossed with Butler. Butler quickly made a screen for Qin Hao after passing the ball to block the defender.

At this time, the attention of the Thunder's outside players was on Kaka, because Kaka made a three-pointer after he got the ball, so no one noticed the inside crossover. I didn't know that Westbrook was blocked by Butler, Qin Hao. Then he pulled out and quickly came to the right side of the three-pointer at a thirty-degree angle.

Xiaoka passed the ball and quickly handed it to Qin Hao.

Only then did the Thunder players react. They followed the basketball and saw that there was no one in front of Qin Hao. They were all upset, but it was too late to pounce.

Qin Hao jumped up when he caught the ball, almost making no adjustments, holding the basketball in his right hand, shaking his wrist in the air, the basketball flew out, tracing a beautiful arc...


A soft sound, like the sound of nature.

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