Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1210: He is no longer who he used to be!

The game between the 76ers and the Pistons has ended, but the discussion about the two teams has been raging.

Because no one expected that Butler returned to Detroit in the new season and scored 41 points in the first game against the old home. The 76ers were even more unrelenting and beat the Pistons by as many as 40 points.

"It's crazy, the 76ers are really unrelenting. They won the Pistons by 40 points, even in the last few minutes."

"Yeah, the Pistons lost this game terribly. It is said that just after halftime, many Pistons fans in the audience left and were very disappointed in them. Some people did not give up, but judging from the results, They were right to leave early, at least they didn’t lose so much at that time."

"Hey, the grievance between the Pistons and the 76ers is now over."

"So what? Do you think the 76ers will be afraid? The 76ers are too strong this season. Now they have won eight straight. Traded for Butler and signed Sessions. It feels like the 76ers this season. Both the starting lineup and the bench lineup are very strong."

"Haha, when the Pistons traded for Butler, I knew they would regret it. When did Butler and Qin disappointed when they were together? See it now, Butler scored 41 points, plus 7 Rebounds, 3 assists, Qin scored 25 points, plus 4 rebounds, 13 assists, only the two of them scored 66 points, and they all caught up with the total number of points scored by the Pistons' main players, right?"

"It's more than just catching up, it's overtaking."

In this game, Butler scored 41 points, creating a new high in his career so far in a single game, and his performance is amazing.

The Pistons became the background board, a stepping stone for Butler's advancement.

Moreover, the 76ers have won eight straight after this game, and the regular season has not lost until now...



The 76ers returned to Philadelphia. The next game is against the Jazz, which will be played at the 76ers' home court.

Just after returning to Philadelphia, Coach Luke reduced the training intensity, but after the team's training was over, Qin Hao, Butler and Xiaoka still stayed and continued their extra training.


With a soft sound, Butler hit a three-pointer.

"Come again." Butler beckoned to his trainer Snake, Snake passed the ball, Butler hit the ball as soon as he caught it, and made another hollow hit.

Qin Hao and Xiaoka were also training, but when they heard the "swish" sound, they couldn't help turning their heads to look at Butler, a little surprised.

At this time, Butler shot again, still a hollow hit.

"Little Ka." Qin Hao waved at Xiao Ka, and when Xiao Ka came to his side, he asked in a low voice, "Do you think Butler is a little different today?"

"Different?" Xiaoka frowned, scratching his head and said: "I don't feel any difference, but he was more excited today. He was very excited during training before and looked in a good mood. Oh, how his shooting feels today. Yes, how many three-pointers have been scored, at least ten, right? He had never been so accurate before."

"It's already 14." Qin Hao just finished speaking, Butler dropped another one.

This is 15 three-pointers in a row.

In the past, Butler’s three-pointers were not so accurate and not so stable. Although an average of 100 can score at least 80, it lacks continuity. It is rare to hit 15 three-pointers in a row like today. He Generally, if you enter seven or eight, you have to break it and readjust it.

"Bali." Qin Hao waved to Barry again, "What do you think?"

Barry was a shooting trainer and studied this. He pondered for a while, just as Butler's seventeenth three-pointer shot, the basketball bounced out of the frame, and finally broke.

At this time, Barry also said: "He scored 16 three-pointers in a row. Butler's shooting continuity today is very good and his movements are well maintained. But the most important point is that I still feel that he is very confident in his shots. It's also very stretched, and every shot is done completely."

Qin Hao nodded, Barry's analysis was better than Xiaoka's, and he also found that in addition to being a little excited today, Butler's shot was extremely decisive and full of confidence.

In the usual training, in the game, the coach will always tell you to be resolute and decisive, to believe in yourself, but it is not easy to do it.

Even if it is an NBA player, it is actually difficult to do in many cases.

In the past, although Butler paid special attention to improving his shots under Qin Hao's supervision, his shots were not bad, at least it was much better than the Butler in Qin Hao's last life. But it is still not stable enough. Compared with Qin Hao, there is a huge gap, and he lacks confidence when shooting himself. Unless it is a good opportunity, he is still more willing to choose to break through.

But at this time Butler was full of vigor and confidence, as if the whole person had become different.

"What's the matter?" Xiaoka asked strangely.

"It's a good thing." Qin Hao's heart moved, and some understood, "Jimmy now is different from before."


"Well, he is not who he used to be."

"Then who is he?"

"you shut up."

Qin Hao glared at Xiaoka and looked at Butler. Butler was still training and shooting, making adjustments, and then starting to score goals one by one.

After Butler completed his shooting training, Qin Hao also completed his own training, and said to Butler: "Jimmy, come on, go heads-up."

Butler chuckled: "I'm sure to beat you today."

This is a daily repertoire, but today Butler is extra confident, and he himself feels that he has become a little different.

Qin Hao pouted and threw the ball away from Butler.

The two began to single-handedly, and Xiaoka stood on the sidelines with Barry, Sneek and others.

First, Butler attacked, and he didn't choose to break through the first ball. First, he made a probing move and made a false shooting to confuse Qin Hao. Then he drew it and took a three-pointer. With a "swish" sound, Hollow hit.

"How is it?" Butler blinked at Qin Hao.

"So so." Qin Hao sneered: "I was careless just now, continue."

For the second ball, Butler no longer chooses to shoot. Qin Hao is already prepared. He knows Qin Hao too much. He knows the same way of scoring. It is impossible to use Qin Hao twice, because you definitely can't do it the second time. success. After all, the two are about the same height, there is no absolute crushing advantage.

So this time Butler chose to make a breakthrough, a trial step, and then changed to a breakthrough, holding the ball and squeezing Qin Hao away, and then went to a reverse basket.

Also in.

"Two in a row." Snake shouted, "Come on."

"It's only two." Barry smiled, but he couldn't help frowning. Butler's condition today seemed really different.

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