Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1201: Return to Detroit


A group of Pistons players are training in the arena. The field is divided into two groups. One group is Drummond, Jerebko, Prince, Knight, and Holiday. Rand, Mark Hill, Stuckey, Bynum.

It is not difficult to see from the groupings that compared with last season, the Pistons' lineup has changed a lot.

This summer, they first sent Butler to the 76ers, and then Ben Gordon to the Bobcats, traded for Corey Maggette, and also selected with the 9th overall pick in the first round in the draft. Andre Drummond, so the lineup has changed a lot, whether it is the main lineup or the bench lineup, they have become very different.

Drummond, Jerebko, Prince, Knight, Holiday, this is a starting lineup commonly used by the Pistons in the previous games this season. Usually training these people is also a group, basically equal to It's a regular starter.

Among them, Drummond is the rookie of this year, Knight is the rookie of last year, and Holiday is the new team to join this year. Soon after he came to the Pistons, he was in the starting position.

Brand, who came to the Pistons with Holiday, has now become a substitute.

On the court, the confrontation between the two sides is obviously that the main lineup has the upper hand. Drummond does not score many points, but the rebound protection is very good. He has got a lot of rebounds. It is simply a "rebounding king" posture. Others are simply Can't grab him. In addition to him, Holiday also performed very well, especially in organizing offense and defense.

On the contrary, Stucky, the only old player in the main lineup, played so well. Last season, he took a break due to injury and was successfully "usurped" by Butler.

He has returned from injury this season, and his state has obviously not fully recovered.


With a soft sound, Holiday assists Knight to make a three-pointer.

After the goal was scored, the head coach called to a halt: "Well, let's train here today. Go back and rest early. There is still a tough battle to be fought tomorrow."



Everyone responded one after another.

Thinking of tomorrow's game, the players have different moods.

Tomorrow is about to face the 76ers at home. Holiday can't say whether he is happy or unhappy. After leaving the 76ers, he is no longer just a substitute but a starter, but the situation for the Pistons is worse than that of the 76ers. Many, the team is basically in a "semi-rebuilt" state, there are more opportunities for him.

However, in the current situation of the Pistons, it is a problem to touch the floor of the playoffs. If you stay in the 76ers, you might have a chance to hit the Eastern Conference championship this season.

The gains and losses are hard to say clearly.

And Brand was in a bad mood.

He was not happy in the 76ers. He always felt that he was underestimated and not taken seriously. There were always people who looked at his position, but when it came to the Pistons, he found that he was already considered good in the 76ers.

Now in the Pistons, he is just a substitute, and there are many competitors staring at him, playing time, the opportunity is not even as good as in the 76ers.

Brand regretted it, but unfortunately it was too late.

In fact, after learning of the deal, Brand also secretly voluntarily wanted to play in the Pistons, proving that the 76ers were wrong to trade him. Unfortunately, not long after he arrived in the Pistons, he had no choice but to accept the reality. He failed to produce results or even mixed into a starting position.

As for the other Pistons players, they are about to face the 76ers, and their mood is also somewhat complicated.

Take Prince, for example, last season he trounced due to injury and was "usurped" by Butler. He was very depressed and unhappy at the same time. Now that Butler has left, the two sides will encounter as opponents. Prince should have geared up to teach Butler well and let him know that he shouldn't worry about things that don't belong to him.

But inexplicably, there was a pressure in his heart, like a heavy stone.

"Huh." Knight gritted his teeth secretly and sneered to himself, "A guy who was sold on the shelf, playing well in the 76ers is only dependent on Qin's relationship. If I dare to be arrogant in our Pistons home court, I It will let you know." He and Butler didn't deal with each other very well. Although the two were not in the same position, they fought openly.

Now Butler has gone to the 76ers and is playing very well. After a few games, he almost averaged 20+ data per game, making Knight jealously jealous, but also unhappy. He felt that Butler was just lucky and had Qin. A good brother like Hao, Qin Hao will definitely cover him in the 76ers. Qin Hao will feed him the ball, and there will be more mobile games, so the data will be so good.

It's not worth mentioning, it's just luck.

Regarding the game against the 76ers, the Pistons have mixed feelings. Not only the players, but also the coaching staff, the head coach didn't treat Butler much.

Everyone knows that Butler's return to Detroit this time is not a "home and see", it must be a bad comer, and this time it was brought by the 76ers.


at the same time.

A plane landed in Detroit.

This is the 76ers charter flight. The players got off the plane. Butler stood there, took a deep breath, scanned the surroundings, and showed a smile: "I'm back."

However, this smile is a bit cold.

Qin Hao understood Butler's mood, patted him on the shoulder, and smiled: "Don't worry, we will never keep our hands in this game and help you get revenge."


"Hey, if I don't win twenty points, I lose."

"How about twenty minutes..."

Teammates also said one after another.

Although Butler has not been in the team for a long time, it has already been recognized by his teammates.

Feeling the kindness of his teammates, Butler felt warm, smiled at everyone, and said, "Thank you."

The 76ers and the Pistons have no grievances, but because of Butler's relationship, this is the first time Butler has returned to Detroit after leaving the Pistons. They naturally won't let Butler lose face.


The next day, the game came.

Auburn Hills Palace Arena (home of the Pistons), the audience is crowded, because this game will definitely not be dull, and those who do good things will not miss it.

However, some people hope that the Pistons can beat the 76ers and not allow the 76ers to be arrogant. Some people feel sorry for them. They have always been unsupportive of trading Butler.

"It's a pity, why did you trade Butler away. Look at people now. After going to the 76ers, they are averaging 20+ per game. How good would it be to stay in the Pistons."

"Not to mention now, just last season, did Butler not play well after the third of the regular season? If it weren't for an injury, maybe he would lead the team to the playoffs."

"Yes, it's a pity..."

Amidst people’s discussions, players from both sides arrived one after another.

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