Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1179: Oiwake, Oiwake!

The US team arrived, and the Chinese team players quickly arranged their defenses.

Yi Jianlian, Sun Yue, and Zhu Fangyu each rushed to their opponents, with solemn expressions and fierce eyes. At this time, they also knew very well that they might not be able to provide much help to the team on the offensive end, so They must defend well, even if the opponent is strong, they must defend as much as possible.

Only by defending, Qin Hao and Yao Ming can exert their strength on the offensive end and catch up with the score.

In fact, the three Yi Jianlian knew in their hearts that Qin Hao and Yao Ming were not satisfied with a silver medal. They wanted to defeat the American team and win the championship.

Before the game, although the three of them had imagined this way, they felt unrealistic. After all, the lineup was too far apart. The opponent was an NBA All-Star team. Defeating the US team and the Spanish team is not the same thing.

It doesn't matter that the US team won a few points against Spain, and the Chinese team also defeated the Spanish team before, but this is not the case in the game.

The Chinese team played against other teams because Qin Hao and Yao Ming were too strong in these two points, especially Qin Hao. Apart from the US team, other teams could not find a defender that could match Qin Hao.

Therefore, Qin Hao has no solution to this point when the Chinese team is playing against other teams.

This is equivalent to the fact that both sides have their own advantages. It depends on who has the greater advantage and who plays the better. As long as Qin Hao and Yao Ming play well enough, the Chinese team will be able to defeat them.

But to change to the American team, just to restrain the Chinese team.

The US team has players comparable to Qin Hao and Yao Ming, and other players are much stronger than the role players of the Chinese team. Previously, the advantage of the Chinese team against other teams is no longer an advantage, but the disadvantages have been further expanded.

This is also the reason why the American team is so arrogant. They also think that playing the Chinese team will be easier than playing the Spanish and Argentina teams.

It's just that they didn't expect that today's game would be like this.

If they put away their arrogance at the beginning, discard their prejudice against the Chinese team, and defend seriously.

If you double-team Qin Hao from the beginning, use the rules of the "International League" to directly use the twin towers to guard the inside...maybe the game will not be like this.

Of course, there is no if in reality.

The game has reached this point. There are only a few minutes left in the fourth quarter, and the difference between the two sides is only a few points. How can even Yi Jianlian, Sun Yue, Zhu Fangyu and others be willing to fail?

The three of them started desperately, gritting their teeth and squeezing their own energy, trying to keep their spirits focused, immersing themselves in it, trying to keep up with the opponent's footsteps, and guard against every ball.


With a muffled sound, Iguodala shot the ball and hit the iron.

Yao Ming took the rebound and passed it to Qin Hao. Qin Hao quickly advanced to the front court. The U.S. team had already retired. The two defenders rushed towards Qin Hao and continued to double-team.

Qin Hao squinted his eyes, accelerated suddenly, and shot the ball forward. The whole person was like a fish swimming, slipping between Paul and Iguodala. However, both Chandler and Love closed inside, as the last barrier, in order to prevent Qin Hao from scoring after Qin Hao successfully broke through.

"bring it on."

"I must give you a cover this time."

Chandler and Love are gearing up to get ready.

However, at this moment, Qin Hao suddenly passed the ball to the left of the forty-five-degree three-point line. Yao Ming was standing there, two meters empty in front of him.

"not good."

"Oops, I missed someone."

Several players reacted, but it was too late.

Yao Ming caught the ball, took a deep breath, then jumped up and threw it out. As soon as the basketball flew out of his fingertips, his expression changed: "Not good, it's short."

I saw the basketball bounced above the hoop, and then fell on the hoop again. Love and Chandler under the hoop both jumped up, and Qin Hao also jumped up, ready to grab a rebound.

As a result, the basketball fell into the hoop after two bounces. The three of them jumped up and down, then jumped up again, their hands froze in the air.

"Huh." Yao Ming let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he was lucky. When he shot, he felt that his strength was not enough, his physical energy was too much, and he felt like he was about to lose. He didn't expect the ball to climb in by himself.


In the audience, Chinese fans boiled.

This three-pointer hit, the point difference became 2 points, only one ball left to catch up with the score, or even overtake the score.


Coach K called a timeout again. He didn't expect that he would call a timeout again so quickly. Two minutes passed, and the original 8-point lead was only 2 points left.

After a few people came down, he waved his hand: "Substitution, Chandler, Anthony, Iguodala, the three of you come down and rest. Howard, Durant, Kobe, the three of you, come on." After speaking, he sank. Said: "I emphasize it again. Strengthen the defense, especially the defense against Qin and Yao. You can't let them take easy shots, understand?"

"Understand." Several people responded in unison.

For the offense, the old coach K is not worried at all. After all, there are Kobe and Durant, both of whom are players who can score 40+ in a game, but he is very dissatisfied with the defense.

Let Qin Hao and Yao Ming score too many goals.


The Chinese team is here.

Qin Hao and several people leaned on their knees, gasping for breath.

Every time you play against the US team, the physical fitness of the Chinese team is a great test. It is necessary to keep up with the footsteps of the US team players, to try to guard against the US team players who are much stronger than them, and to constantly assist and change defenses. Replenish defense, rely on non-stop movement, rely on teamwork to limit opponents.

Physical energy consumption is very large.

What's more, except for Qin Hao, the physical fitness of the Chinese team is far inferior to that of the American team.

And even Qin Hao was exhausted at this time, because he played almost the whole game, and only took a break for more than a minute in the second quarter. The rest of the time was on the court. He needed to organize the attack and go. Defending against all-star players like Paul and Rose, you have to score, even facing double-teams.

It is conceivable that even if his physical strength is far superior to others, he is already approaching the limit at this time.

"Hold on, there are still more than four minutes left." Coach Deng Huade encouraged, and then spread out the tactical board and prepared to arrange the tactics, but suddenly froze. Given the players' current physical conditions, can the tactics still come out?

What's more, the US team will definitely send the strongest lineup in the future to further strengthen defense and confrontation. It seems that I can only count on Qin Hao and Yao Ming.

Complex tactics, it seems useless at this time.

"Hey..." Coach Deng Huade sighed secretly and put away the tactical board. "First, do a good job of defense; second, give Qin and Yao more screens to give them a chance to take action, understand?"


The suspension soon ended.

The two sides returned to the court, and the atmosphere became dull, as if murderous aura was permeating.

The U.S. team attacked.

At this time, Howard, Love, Durant, Kobe, and Paul were on the court. Paul pushed forward with the ball and passed the ball to Kobe after reaching the frontcourt.

At this time, it's safest to leave it to Kobe.

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