Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1151: Rivals in the group stage


The fans gathered together and talked about the Chinese men's basketball game.

"This time it is worthy of being the'strongest men's basketball team in history.' It is really too strong. He won two games in a row, and each one was an easy win, winning over a dozen points against his opponent."

"Well, Qin Hao and Yao Ming are both here. They are all-star players in the NBA. Does the Australian team have someone who can match them? No. Does the British team have someone who can match them? What, Roll- Deng, okay, Roll Deng made the All-Star, but that was because Joe Johnson was injured. He replaced Joe Johnson and was just an All-Star substitute. Can he compete with Qin Hao and Yao Ming?"

"It was really easy to win these two games. The other party has no one who can match Qin Hao and Yao Ming. They can't guard them at all, and they won't be wronged. But the next three games are not easy to play."

"Yeah, this third game is not easy to play, the Spanish team's lineup is not worse than ours, Gasol brothers, and the Thunder's Serge Ibaka, the Trail Blazers' Keto Clay Forever, Jose Calderon of the Raptors can form a starting lineup of all NBA players."

When it came to the third game of the next group stage, people suddenly laughed and their expressions became serious.

The opponent in the third game is the Spanish team, one of the top teams in Group B. There are five active NBA players in the team, among which the Gasol brothers are NBA All-Star players.

Gasol has been selected to the All-Star four times before, and Gasol has also been selected to the All-Star in the past 11-12 season. In addition, Ibaka and Calderon are the starters of their respective teams, Keto -Crafer is a bit inferior. He was selected by the Trail Blazers in 2009, but has never been there. He is expected to be a NBA player next season. He is barely an active NBA player.

In addition, the Spanish team also has many outstanding players such as Rudy Fernandez, Juan Carlos Navarro, Sergio Rodriguez, Sergio Ruhr, Victor Sada, etc., mainly from The Real Madrid Basketball Club of the European League, as well as the Barcelona Basketball Club.

Among them, Rudi Fernandez and Juan Carlos Navarro are now playing in the European League, but they were also NBA players before.

It can be said that the number of current NBA players in a single round and the number of former NBA players, the Spanish team is definitely the first in Group B, whether it is the Chinese team or the Brazilian team, they are inferior.

The Spanish team can not only send the main lineup of all NBA players, there are also two NBA players sitting on the bench.

So even if the Chinese team has two NBA All-Star players, many media still hailed the Spanish team as the strongest team in Group B!

China vs Spain.

There is no doubt that this will be a strong showdown!



In the park, the Chinese team gathered up and down.

Everyone is studying the game video of the Spanish team to prepare for the upcoming game-for them, this will be a severe test.

When the video analysis is over, the faces of the Chinese team, whether they are coaches or players, are a bit solemn.

"This is a rival." Yao Ming said.

"Well, very strong."

"The inside line formed by the Gasol brothers, the deterrence of the twin towers is terrible. Moreover, even if they don’t play the twin towers, there is an Ibaka that can be randomly combined with the Gasol brothers. We may not be able to occupy the inside line. How cheap is it."

"The striker and the perimeter are also choking."

Everyone spoke one after another, and then looked at Qin Hao.

Against the Spanish team, I am afraid that only Qin Hao can have an absolute advantage.

In response to everyone's gaze, Qin Hao smiled slightly, and said boldly: "Isn't it the Spanish team? I'm afraid of a goal, and I'll be indifferent to life and death. If I refuse to accept it, we will not be far from the first place in the group as long as we kill the Spanish team. "


"Fuck him!"

"For the group first!"

For a time, everyone screamed.

At this stage, the goal of the Chinese team is to be the first in the group, and the safest way to get the first in the group is to maintain a complete victory in the group stage. Among them, the fight with Spain will be the key.

Seeing everyone's high spirits, coach Deng Huade nodded secretly and gave Qin Hao a look of approval, saying: "This opponent is very strong, but we also have our advantages. I believe you will be able to defeat the opponent and win this game."


Everyone nodded in unison.

Of course, you can contempt your opponents strategically, and you still need to pay attention to them tactically. Then coach Deng Huade explained to the players again, analyzing the characteristics of each player of the Spanish team, analyzing their game habits, game style, and one by one. Give a response.

This game is very important, because Spain is the only team in Group B that is led by two NBA All-Stars like the Chinese team. It is also the biggest opponent of the Chinese team in Group B. As long as they can win this game, The hope for the Chinese team to be the first in the group is great.

Therefore, the coaching staff has made a lot of preparations, exhorting the players, and trying to do every detail.


At the same time, the Spanish team also gathered together.

A group of players were whispering, talking about the Chinese men's basketball team.

"This time the Chinese men's basketball team is not easy to deal with. In the first two games, they won easily, and their strength is by no means comparable to previous years."

"This is normal. After all, there are Qin Hao and Yao Ming, two NBA All-Star players, even if the teammates around them are weaker, they shouldn't be underestimated."

"It doesn't matter. Yao Ming is great, but we also have Mark and Paul (the Gasol brothers). They are no worse than Yao Ming. It's just that Qin is indeed a tricky guy, with fast speed, sharp breakthrough, three-point accuracy, and excellent. The organization ability is too comprehensive."

"Don't worry, this is an international league, not the same as NBA."

"Also, although Qin is very good, but we also have Calderon and Fernandez, we don't necessarily lose to the other side on the outside."

For this game, the Spanish team also feels a lot of pressure.

This year's Chinese men's basketball team is not the previous Chinese men's basketball team. Qin Hao, Yao Ming, Yi Jianlian, Wang Zhizhi, Sun Yue, active NBA players, former NBA players, there are a total of five. This is very scary in Asia, the number of NBA players in a single round, the Brazilian team is not as good as the Chinese team.

Especially, the other party also has Qin Hao and Yao Ming.

"Okay." Da Gasol frowned slightly, stood up and said: "Don't discuss it, get ready to do, and go all out to win this game tomorrow. Brothers, this is a test, but We have to overcome it. Our goal is not just to get the right to qualify for the group."

"Yeah." There was a sharp light in everyone's eyes.

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