Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1136: Traitors appeared in the team

"Have you heard? The 76ers are going to trade Brand, and take advantage of his one-year contract and some trade value to send him away."

"Isn't this normal? Everyone knows what Brand is like this season. It's time to trade. Seriously, I'm worried that the deal will not go out. The contract of 5 years and 80 million, the contract of the last year. It is even as high as 18 million. This is clearly a pit, who would be so stupid to take such a plate?"

"That's true. But I also heard that the 76ers are not just about to trade Brand. Lu Wei, Holiday, Iguodala, Speights are all on the shelves."

"No? The season just ended, Lu Wei, Holiday, Iguodala, Speights they all played very well. In the second round of the playoffs, Iguodala also contributed a key Save the ball. If it weren't for him, that game would have been lost. The 76ers would never have a chance to make a tie-break with the Heat. Even he would be traded?"

"Anyway, I heard that this is the case. The 76ers' management has taken action and is in contact with other teams. It is said that everyone except Qin can be put on the shelf."


Soon rumors flowed out.

The outside world is spreading about the 76ers' deal, especially the phrase "everyone except Qin can be put on the shelf", which surprised many people.

This is not like a team that has just reached the Eastern Conference semifinals and has reached the tie-break with the Heat. It has unlimited potential and a promising future.

For a time, all kinds of discussions continued.

All kinds of rumors are raging, and the 76ers fans are very dissatisfied with the 76ers management. It is fine to trade Brand, but Iguodala, Lu Wei, Holiday, Speights and others are not playing well. NS? The playoffs just ended are still vivid, and each of them worked very hard and played hard.

How long has it passed since the playoffs, and have to unload the grind and kill the donkeys and trade them out?

This is so chilling.

Not only the fans, the 76ers players also heard the news, and even some people get the news through the 76ers, so they know that this is not just a rumor, it is true.

This made Iguodala, Lu Wei, Holiday, Speights and others feel uncomfortable. They felt like working hard for their bosses and being fired when they finished their jobs.

Even players who have not been mentioned, such as Blakins, Iverson, Nene, Mozkov, Thaddeus Young, etc., have a feeling of sadness.

Now it is Iguodala and Lu Wei. Will it be me next time?

The team treats them as commodities that can be placed on the shelves at any time, so why do you have to work hard for the team?


76ers, general manager's office.

A group of people stood in front of the boss's desk, Stefansky's face was gloomy, his cold eyes swept across the group of people, he slapped the table suddenly, and roared, "Who is it, and who leaked it out?"

Everyone was silent, and naturally no one admitted.

Seeing everyone bowed their heads and hit their deaths, Stefansky became more angry and yelled again. He stopped until his mouth became dry and said: "Check me, and you must find out who leaked it. You guys. Do you know how much impact this will have on our team's image? What will this make the players think?"

Everyone continued to be silent.

At this time, whoever speaks will be sprayed, it is better to pretend to be dead.

Others can pretend to be dead, but as the deputy manager of the team, Jonathan can't. He can't make the general manager angry wherever he is alone. Although "everyone except Qin can be traded" is still Stefan. Sky said, but such remarks cannot be put on the table, let alone spread out.

At this time, Jonathan scolded the leaker half to death, but still had to speak: "Boss, don't worry, I will catch this person." After speaking, he raised his head and saw Stefansky grunt. Gulu took a few sips of water, the anger on his face subsided a little, apparently venting a lot, and then carefully asked: "Then about player trading..."

This is indeed a problem.

Although the impact this time is very bad, the transaction still has to be traded, or how to reinforce it? Do you expect complete free agency? But what's the deal with that.

"That..." Stefansky was about to speak when there was a knock on the door.

Everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look around. Stefansky frowned slightly and was a little dissatisfied. Don't you know that I'm getting angry? Anything wrong can't wait for me to finish the training.

But he still said "come in".

The assistant opened the door and didn't dare to go inside. He heard the general manager's roar from outside just now. He only stretched out his head and said, "Boss, Qin is here, he wants to see you."

"Oh?" Stefansky's uncomfortable face was restrained, and he rushed to the assistant: "Please come in." The others can disappear, but Qin Hao can't. After ordering the assistant, he impatiently slammed Jonathan and the others. Waved his hand, "Fuck me all. Jonathan, grab the **** for me and tell him that he is fired."

Jonathan's group secretly wiped their sweat and backed out.


The assistant invited Qin Hao into the office.

"Sit." Stefansky left the boss chair, went to the sofa, motioned Qin Hao to sit, and then said to his assistant: "Make Qin a cup of tea, and ask for Chinese tea."

"Okay." The assistant quickly made Qin Hao a cup of tea, and then exited the office.

Only Qin Hao and Stefansky remained in the office.

The two are not just the relationship between the players and the general manager of the team, but also friends. Qin Hao smiled and asked: "Look at Jonathan and their unlucky expressions, have you cursed?"

"Can I not swear? I'm so angry." Stefansky said the matter again.

In fact, he understands that Qin Hao must have already known it, and there are rumors flying in the sky, and Qin Hao still doesn't know, so he is actually explaining at the moment that a traitor has emerged from within the management.

Qin Hao didn't care if there was a traitor, and said: "I came today for this. I have heard the rumors outside, and now many players are uneasy. Mr. General Manager, I think this is wrong."

When Qin Hao called him "Mr. General Manager", Stefansky knew that Qin Hao was very serious at this time, straightened up, and nodded: "I know that the players have paid a lot for the team. Not long after the game ended, the team had to put them on the shelves, and it would feel uncomfortable for anyone to change. There is a misunderstanding here, we cannot trade too many players, we just want to make some small adjustments, such as Bran De, his performance was disappointing..."

"What about Iguodala?" Qin Hao interrupted.

Brand was traded for nothing, since the "Lavoy incident", Brand has lost the hearts of the team, he was traded, no one will be sad.

Qin Hao was even more unlikely to intercede for Brand.

But Iguodala is different.

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