Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1123: Everything, leave it to the players!

In terms of lineup strength, there is indeed a gap between the 76ers and the Heat. The 76ers can win three games and reach the tie-break with the Heat, which has already broken the glasses.

This is inseparable from the 76ers' efforts, Qin Hao's outstanding performance, and the performance of players such as Iverson and Iguodala at key moments.

After just six games, the 76ers have all gone.

Even if Iguodala is not injured, can he offset the Heat's superstars at this time, and can he be on par with Wade or Bosh?

This may be difficult.

On the court.

The game continued. In the last two minutes of the second quarter, because Qin Hao was on the court, the Heat's Big Three had only one Bosh, so on the contrary, the 76ers had the upper hand and narrowed the points difference a bit.

By the end of the second quarter, the 76ers were still 7 points behind.

"Huh, huh..." Qin Hao came off the court, gasping for breath, with a heavy heart, "This is only the end of the first half, and my stamina has dropped too fast."

At this time Qin Hao regretted not listening to the coach's advice before and insisted on training.

But he had to fight at that time, in case the mid-range shooting completes the transformation, his strength will be stronger.

"After all, time is too tight." Qin Hao sighed. The "critical point" of mid-range shooting has already appeared. As long as he is given some time, the transformation is inevitable.


Not only Qin Hao, but Kaka, Nene, Mozkov and Iverson, including several substitute players, Lu Wei, Holiday, Thaddeus Young, etc., all consume a lot of physical energy.

When the series hits this time, both sides have a lot of physical energy consumption, but the 76ers are even worse, because the 76ers fight almost every game and treat each game as the last one. .


The second half started soon.

Coach Luke said: "Mozkov, Nene, Leonard, Lu Wei, Iverson, come on, you guys."

There is no Qin Hao.

Everyone couldn't help but stared at Qin Hao together.

Qin Hao also froze for a moment, and as soon as he was about to speak, coach Luke raised his hand and interrupted: "You need to rest. Okay, let's not say any more. Let you rest now, so that you can go all out in the future."

"Qin, you still need you later. You must rest. You didn't rest much in the first half."

"Yeah, this is only the third quarter."

"Don't worry, we will bite the score as hard as we can and wait for you to play."

The teammates said one after another.

Qin Hao took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay, it's handed over to you."

At the beginning of the third quarter, Qin Hao on the 76ers side did not make it. The fans were a little surprised. The Heat had a full lineup. The 76ers didn’t even make it to Qin Hao. What are they doing?

Some of them have already noticed the clues, guessing that Qin Hao's stamina may have problems and need more time to rest.


On the field.

The 76ers still fell short, but everyone is fighting, everyone is working hard, facing the Big Three, they dare not say that they can reduce the score and catch up with it, but they must work hard to bite the score.


With a muffled noise, Xiaoka fell off the court, but saved the ball that was about to go out of bounds.

The 76ers who looked at the bench all stood up, worrying about the small card, after all, before Iguodala was to save the ball, causing a broken wrist, reimbursed for the season.

Fortunately, Kaka is fine, but this time the fall is not light, the pain is certain, but his expression has not changed at all, like a robot, just shouting at his teammate: "Vote."


The teammates didn't let the card down, Lu Wei hit a jumper.

After a while, Nene jumped up to grab a rebound and snatched the ball from the crowd, but lost his balance and fell to the ground, but still clinging to the basketball and refused to let go.

"Pause, request a pause."

Coach Luke quickly called a timeout to keep the ball.

Several players came off the court, panting, looking very embarrassed, but at the moment they looked embarrassed, but in the eyes of the 76ers fans, they are so handsome.

"Coach." Qin Hao shouted through gritted teeth.

"Go on." Coach Luke stopped letting him stay off the court and replaced Qin Hao. At the same time, he replaced Huo Ledi and Speights, replacing Iverson and Nene. He didn't make any tactical arrangements. At this point, the tactics are meaningless. Even if there are tactics, the players may not be able to execute them in place based on the physical abilities of the players.

Everything is left to the players.


"It's double-teaming again."

Qin Hao came to the front court and the Heat team doubled up. He passed the ball out and gave it to Huo Ledi, and then suddenly started, full speed, rested for more than 20 minutes, Qin Hao's physical fitness recovered. The defender was thrown away in an instant.

At the same time, Huo Ledi has been paying attention to Qin Hao. Seeing Qin Hao throwing off the defender, he immediately passed the ball to Qin Hao. Qin Hao jumped up directly after receiving the ball and took a step within the three-point line.


The ball is scored.

After a while, Qin Hao ran back to get the ball and immediately broke through. The Heat defended close to him, and it was an old routine not to shoot three points for him.

However, as long as the double team did not come up in the first time, it would not be difficult for Qin Hao to break through. It was just that the Heat had prevented him from attacking the frame early, and Qin Hao could only make a mid-range shot.

This time Qin Hao didn't hesitate, just as before, he made a decisive shot after finding the shot space, and with a "swish", he hit again.

The teammates have tried everything, and Qin Hao is naturally unwilling...

Before you know it, the third quarter is almost over.

After Qin Hao returned to the court, he carried the 76ers' offensive banner. Even if the Heat doubled him, it was still difficult to stop him from scoring. He made 2 of 3 mid-range shots, 1 of 3 three-pointers, and an extra. The basket, a man scored 9 points.

Under Qin Hao's outstanding performance, the 76ers will narrow the gap.

"There are 4 points left." Qin Hao gasped.

Although he scored 9 points alone, the Heat's Big Three are also scoring, especially James. "Full Zhan" is almost unsolvable, so the score difference is still 4 points.

With ten seconds left in the third quarter, James passed the ball to Wade for the Heat, who passed it to Chalmers from beyond the three-point line, and Chalmers made a three-pointer to strike the iron.

The 76ers took the rebound and passed it to Qin Hao. At this time, there were only a few seconds left in the third quarter. Qin Hao had no time to delay. After getting the ball, he rushed to the front.

"Hurry up."

"Stop him."

The home fans shouted.

Wade and James both chased at the first time, and the two were also very fast, chasing after Qin Hao.

On the frontcourt, Qin Hao turned his head and glanced, stepped into the free throw line and hugged the ball and jumped up. Instead of a layup, he chose to dunk. Because he knows that Wade and James are both good players, and if they choose to layup, they are likely to be blocked. So he chose to throw himself into the air and dunk to end.



Fighter, Qin Hao fell.

The referee also blew his whistle, gave Wade a foul, and put up two fingers, because Qin Hao still dunked the ball, and one more penalty was required.

PS: There was a mistake in the previous chapter, it was "Two minutes left in the second quarter", which has been modified!

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