Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1110: Persecute yourself

The Knicks won, narrowly defeating the Bulls by 2 points, rewriting the series' big score to 2:3.

The Bulls did not play bad in this game, but the Knicks played better. Nash scored 17 points and 14 assists. Stoudemire scored 27 points and 10 rebounds. Anthony scored 35 points. Under the leadership of the three of them, the Knicks have been stalemate with the Bulls until the end, and the Bulls failed to score in the final attack Rose.

"We won." Anthony laughed.

"Well, pull back a city." Nash also showed a smile. Although they are still one game behind the other side, they still have a chance. As long as they win the next game and drag the game into the tiebreaker, everything is possible.

at the same time.


In the 76ers training arena, Qin Hao is still training.

It was already close to ten o'clock in the evening, and the others had already left, but Qin Hao was still in the arena, with trainers Wood and Barry beside him, as well as Xiaoka.

"Wood, don't we really tell Coach Luke?" Barry asked Wood next to him.

In the afternoon, Coach Luke arrived, staring at Qin Hao's training, strictly controlling the time, and stopping as soon as the time was up, watching Qin Hao leave the arena before leaving.

But Qin Hao is a lot of thieves. He secretly took the key to the training arena, chatted with the security of the arena for a while, and promised to send him two home tickets.

Originally, the security only wanted a home ticket. After all, this is the Eastern Conference semifinals. Of course, Qin Hao got the tickets for the first few rows, which are expensive. His daughter is a fan of Qin Hao and has always wanted to come to the scene. Cheer for Qin Hao.

Qin Hao gave out two as soon as he learned about it, because the eldest security guard was divorced from his wife, and his daughter was only 11 years old. The little girl is alone, and she must be accompanied by her father.

Of course, Qin Hao is also conditional-he is not allowed to tell Coach Luke that he is coming.

After the security guard patted his chest and promised to give Qin Hao a check, Qin Hao took Barry, Wood, and Xiaoka into the training arena and continued to practice mid-range shots.

Now that the series score is 2:3, the 76ers are really forced to the edge of the cliff. As long as they lose another game, they will be eliminated. Qin Hao is unwilling to be eliminated, so he has to seize every minute and every second and do his best. s hard work.

Even if there is only one in ten thousand chance.

Wood and Barry disagreed with this, worrying that Qin Hao's physical energy consumption would be too great, which would affect the game behind him. And in their opinion, it will be the sixth game of the series. Just one or two days, even if Qin Hao spends 24 hours in the training arena, how much effect can he play?

Even for the 76ers this series, they don't have much expectations.

Because the situation is very unfavorable for the 76ers, Iguodala was injured and the team lacked a main player. Although Xiaoka made up, Xiaoka is still a first-year player after all, far from mature enough, and after Xiaoka replaced it. , To a certain extent weakened the 76ers' bench lineup.

Now that the series score is 2:3, can the 76ers win two games in a row?

Barry and Wood find it difficult, almost impossible, and even difficult to win another game, because the Heat will definitely struggle in the next game, and they will never let the 76ers drag the series to the tiebreaker.

If the series is dragged into the tiebreaker, everything is really hard to say.

So in the next game, the Heat will definitely go all out and use all their abilities without any reservations.

"Hey..." Wood sighed, looked at Qin Hao, and said, "Forget it, don't tell Coach Luke. Qin must be unwilling to lose to the Heat. He is doing the last thing. Work hard. Let him continue, at least you can leave no regrets if you work hard."

"Okay." Barry replied and couldn't help sighing: "It's a pity, if Iguodala is not injured, if Qin and Leonard are given two more years..."

It's just that there is no if.

Barry and Wood did not dissuade them, neither did Xiaoka, because Xiaoka was also training hard.

He made his first playoff start in the last game. He scored 15 points, plus 7 rebounds and 2 assists. For a first-year player, it was the first playoff starter, which was good enough.

But Xiaoka feels that it is not enough. He wants to do better and must do better. Only in this way can he help the team, help Qin Hao, and win the team.

Seeing Qin Hao racking his brains to avoid coach Luke's supervision and training every minute and every second, how could Xiao Ka not be moved?


With a muffled sound, Qin Hao shot the ball and hit the iron.

He returned to the three-point line and asked for the ball at Kaka: "Come again."

Xiaoka passed the ball to Qin Hao. Qin Hao took a step and made a jump shot. This time the basketball hollowed into the net, then the next one, the next next...

In fact, after the transformation of three-point ability and breakthrough ability, Qin Hao can feel that his mid-range shooting ability has approached a bottleneck.

During this period of time, he has been focusing on training mid-range shooting, and the effect is naturally there. He can feel his progress, but the feeling of transformation has never appeared, and he has never been able to capture the "critical point".

Barry and Wood believed that in only one or two days, Qin Hao would not gain much even if he worked hard, but Qin Hao knew that this was not the case. He knew that he was different from everyone else, whether it was the body’s super recovery ability. , The continuous improvement of physique is still the "critical point" that has repeatedly appeared, the feeling of "transformation"...

These are real.

So as long as his mid-range ability can be transformed, his strength can be greatly improved.

"Come again."

Qin Hao leaned on his knees and gasped, his sweat dropped one by one, but he didn't stop, he wanted to force himself.

In a blink of an eye it was another ten minutes.

Both Wood and Barry were dying of anxiety.

The passing speed of Kaka has also slowed down. Qin Hao has been training for two consecutive hours with only ten minutes of rest. This intensity is not even normal, not to mention this is in the middle of the playoffs.


With a soft sound, the training arena was pushed aside.

Coach Luke walked in angrily, his face was ugly: "Qin, how can you be like this, I didn't tell you..." He stopped before he finished speaking, and Qin Hao's jersey was wet. Thoroughly, both legs were trembling, and he opened his mouth to gasp. Obviously he was exhausted to the extreme, but his eyes were as bright as stars, making Coach Luke swallow the rest of his words.

Qin Hao did this for what?

This is because they have reached the edge of the cliff and there is no retreat. The reason why Qin Hao fights so hard is just to win and help the team win.

Coach Luke can't bear to be harsh on such a player, and he really can't find a reason to reprimand. He only feels sore eyes, which is proud and distressed.

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