Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1106: No regrets

Iguodala also knew the results of the examination, his face turned ugly, his teammates comforted him a few words, feeling that he needed someone to be quiet, so he left.

Coach Luke and team doctor also left, and there are so many fans and reporters outside who need them to deal with.

Qin Hao stayed until the end, Iguodala's left hand had been treated and fixed, and no hospitalization was required. Qin Hao offered to send Iguodala home.

Both of them did not speak on the way and won the game, but Iguodala was injured. Did they make a profit or lose this game?

"I'm here." Iguodala suddenly said.

"Oh." Qin Hao stopped the car, thought for a while, and asked, "Andre, if you didn't save the last ball, you wouldn't be injured. Do you regret it?"

Iguodala smiled sullenly and replied without hesitation: "I don't regret it. Even if I try it again, I will still choose to save the ball. I can do anything to win."

Qin Hao was shocked and nodded heavily.

If you change to be yourself, will you do it yourself? Qin Hao's answer was the same as that of Iguodala, even if it was hurt, he would do it without hesitation and no regrets.

There are always many choices in life. Sometimes you don't even have time to think, and you don't realize whether your choice is right or wrong. The only thing you can do is to do what you should do.

"Andre." Qin Hao got out of the car and gave Iguodala a hug, "Recover well and leave the rest of the game to us, waiting for you to come back."

"Okay, come on." Iguodala finally smiled.


The 76ers announced Iguodala's injury.

For a time, the fans felt overwhelmed. A simple save did not expect Iguodala to be reimbursed for the season. This result was uncomfortable.

"Damn, Iguodala will be reimbursed for the season. What should I do with the next game? Without a major player, the gap between the lineups between the two sides will be even greater. How can this be played?"

"If Iguodala didn't save the ball..."

"If Iguodala didn't save the ball, then the 76ers would have lost the game. There is no right or wrong of this kind of thing, and it has already happened."

"Yeah, without his save, this game would have been lost. By the time the series will be behind 1:3, the situation will not be much better than it is now. But what should the 76ers do now? One less major player? , The impact on them is still great, can they beat the Heat in the back? Is there still a chance in this series?"

"There will be. Everyone played well in this game. Iverson and Iguodala have all stood up. There may not be others who will come forward in the next game, right?"

"I hope so!"

Fans are talking about feeling sorry for Iguodala and worrying about the 76ers.

Now the series score has been rewritten to a 2:2 draw. The two sides returned to the same starting line. After four games of fighting, the 76ers have proven themselves. Many fans have changed their views and no longer blindly look down on the 76ers. The team, many fans began to look forward to it, thinking that the 76ers might be upset and eliminated the first place in the Eastern Conference.

But at this time Iguodala was injured, and the trend of the series seems to be on the side of the Heat...



After the end of G4, the Heat returned to their home court and the 76ers also flew to Miami. The fifth game of the two sides will be played at the Heat's home court.

Taking into account the physical fitness of the players, Coach Luke cancelled the training, allowing the players to rest and reserve their physical fitness for the next fifth game.

However, Qin Hao insisted on training. Coach Luke tried to persuade him for a long time and it was useless. In the end, he could only agree, but he asked to watch Qin Hao training and strictly control the time and training intensity.

In the arena.

Qin Hao stood on the three-point line and opened his hand to ask for the ball. Trainers Barry and Wood did not follow to the away field. It was Kaka who was responsible for passing the ball to Qin Hao. The ball passed, Qin Hao flickered after receiving the ball. After one step, he stepped into the three-point line and shot a mid-range jumper. With a "swish", the basketball went into the net with a hollow.

After that, Qin Hao returned to the three-point line and continued to catch the ball...

With coach Luke staring at him, plus four games, his physical energy consumption is indeed huge, even if Qin Hao’s recovery ability is amazing, he is a flesh and blood body, so although he insisted on training, he reduced the training intensity and only targeted training. Mid-range shooting-this is what he urgently needs right now, and the only place where he can make a big improvement.

Now that Iguodala is injured, the situation is very unfavorable for the 76ers, and Qin Hao is also anxious, so he urgently needs to improve his strength and make himself stronger.

Shot again and again, hit again and again...

Half an hour passed quickly.

"Qin, it's okay, let's train here today." Coach Luke shouted.

"No, it's not enough." Qin Hao leaned on his knees and gasped, with a stubborn tone. "Coach, give me another half an hour. I want to practice another half an hour."

Coach Luke frowned and looked at Qin Hao. Finally he softened and said: "Twenty minutes, the last twenty minutes. Qin, you have done well enough, don't embarrass yourself too much."

Qin Hao smiled and nodded and continued training.

Coach Luke took a look at the time, greeted Assistant Harry next to him, and asked Assistant Assistant Harry to pass the ball to Qin Hao. He waved to the small card and the two came to the side of the court.

"Coach." Xiaoka looked at Coach Luke and started scratching his head again.

"Don't be nervous." Coach Luke laughed: "Now that Iguodala is injured, we have a vacancy at the No. 3 position. I intend to start you as the starting small forward."

Xiaoka was a little confused, scratching his head vigorously, not knowing what to say for a while.

Coach Luke asked: "Are there any questions?"

"No." Xiaoka didn't hesitate this time, but after speaking, his expression became a little more solemn, "But coach, I'm a little worried that I can't do it well."

Now that Iguodala is injured and the small forward position is lacking, there is not no one among the substitute players who can replace it. For example, Brand can top it. If it doesn't work, let Wayway go. Wayway's scoring ability is still good. Can shoot three-pointers, that's how outside Qin Hao + Iverson + Lu Wei, the height is too short, enough defensively.

So after careful consideration, Coach Luke decided to let the small card top the starter.

Although he is still a first-year player, his progress this season is obvious to all. He has become the team's defensive leader. He may not be as good as Iguodala on offense, but it is not bad. He is still qualified as a role player.

In addition, Xiao Ka practiced with Qin Hao every day, and had a tacit understanding with Qin Hao. When the two of them were on the court together, they would always have some beautiful cooperation.

Coach Luke patted Kay's arm and smiled and said, "Don't worry, I talked to Qin, and he also thinks you can. You have to have confidence in yourself."

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