Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1104: A turn of events, a three-point lore!


"Can you score?"

"Don't enter..."

Seeing the situation on the field, the fans all held their breath and stared at the field unblinkingly.

James also saw the situation ahead. The 76ers were all squeezed on the inside. He encountered the same troubles as Qin Hao. Should he choose to take a direct mid-range shot or pass the ball?

In the end, James chose to pass the ball, choose a good brother who believed in himself, and gave the ball to the left of the three-point line at a thirty-degree angle-where Wade was standing.

"not good."

People exclaimed.

At this time, the 76ers had no time to pounce on to block the shots, because everyone closed in and blocked James, Wade glanced at the basket after receiving the ball, and then took a three-pointer.

When James didn't get to the Heat, the boss of the Heat was Wade. He had a big heart. He didn't hesitate after catching the ball. He shot directly and still took a three-pointer.


With a soft sound, the ball is scored.

This was a hollow three-pointer, a key goal, and the score became 109:107. The Heat overtook the score, leaving only the last twenty seconds for the 76ers.

"Damn it, I made it."

"My God, how could this happen? He was overtaken again."

"It's okay, hold on, as long as we score another goal we can drag the game into overtime. If we hit a three-pointer, maybe we can kill the game directly."

"Yes, there are still twenty seconds left, and there is still a chance. The three-point shot is our strong point. Qin is a three-point shooter..."

The goal was a big blow to the 76ers, and they felt like they had fallen from heaven to hell, but the gate of **** has not yet been closed, and they still have a chance.

However, there is no timeout.

"Come on 76ers!"

"The 76ers must win!"

In the audience, the home fans stood up and shouted loudly to cheer for the home team.

Qin Hao took the ball in the backcourt, and after advancing to the frontcourt, James rushed forward. He raised one hand and placed it in front of Qin Hao, almost touching Qin Hao’s face, not giving Qin Hao a shot. A three-point chance.

At the same time, other Heat players are also staring at Qin Hao.

At this time, the Heat led by two points. Even if the 76ers scored a two-pointer, it was only a drag in overtime. Unless a three-pointer is scored, the Heat will be the best, and Qin Hao, a three-point shooter, is naturally the biggest threat.

"Huh..." Qin Hao let out a sullen breath and gestured.

The offensive time is getting less and less, and it can't be delayed any longer.

Mozkov came up for a pick-and-roll, and Qin Hao took the opportunity to get rid of it, but he didn't succeed. Someone immediately pounced on it. It was Bosh. He pounced directly in front of Qin Hao, just not giving Qin Hao a chance to shoot a three-pointer.

"Damn it." Qin Hao cursed secretly, choosing to break through, intending to take a two-pointer to tie the game.

With one step out, Qin Hao's speed exploded completely, like a phantom, he passed Bosh in an instant, and then he hugged the ball and rushed to the basket. Joel was inside, but Qin Hao didn't care. Joel was not tall enough.

Qin Hao jumped up to meet Joel and confronted him in the air. He was about to throw the ball. An exclamation came. Qin Hao's heart jumped and he subconsciously dodged.


One hand hit the backboard.

Qin Hao turned his head and saw the other party-it was Wade!

James was blocked by Mozkov, Bosh was passed by Qin Hao, but there was also Wade, who had been staring at Qin Hao, and he had found the opportunity to give Qin Hao a nail-board hat and directly kill the game.

"It's a pity." Wade cried out, "It's a pity that he caught the timing just right, but he didn't expect Qin Hao to fight Joel in the air, raise the ball, and actually do another dodge, and finally slapped it in the air."

"It's dangerous." Qin Hao had a lingering fear, and he felt the huge gravity, as if a tentacle was pulling him to the ground, and he quickly threw the ball out.

This scene was like a flash of light, but it was in the blink of an eye, but the fans who watched were frightened. At this moment, their hearts were all raised in their throats, staring at the basketball and praying silently.

This goal must be scored!


With a soft sound, the basketball hit the hoop and bounced out.

For a time, more than 10,000 home fans were heartbroken. Some people were holding their heads and it was difficult to accept, some people lamented, and some people closed their eyes in pain.

At this time, the ball can be said to be a life or death goal. If you score it, you can drag the game into overtime. If you don't score, it will almost declare the 76ers lost the game.

"Rebounds." Coach Luke shouted.

At this time, there were 3 seconds left in the game, and he did not give up hope.

Several players jumped up together, Nene, Mozkov, Joel, Wade, Qin Hao, the insiders huddled together, all stretched their arms to grab the basketball. Among them, Mozkov relied on his height. Advantages occupy an advantageous position. Seeing that he couldn't get it, Joel suddenly had an idea to shoot the ball out of the court, even if it was out of the court, it was better than letting the 76ers get a rebound.

I saw the basketball flying off the court. Although the Heat players felt a little regretful, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. There were 2 seconds left. When the ball went out of bounds, it was estimated that the game time was almost over.

At this moment, a figure suddenly threw out, and the body flew up, almost flying out of the court in the air, one hand stretched out, one catches the basketball, and threw it out of the three-point line at the bottom left corner. .

"It's Iguodala."

"Oh my God, he saved the ball."

People exclaimed, unbelievable.

It was just a few seconds, but it was all the way up and down, with twists and turns. Wade almost blocked Qin Hao. Qin Hao missed a layup. Joel shot the racket out of bounds. When everyone thought it was like this, Igo Dara suddenly jumped out and saved the ball in an almost impossible situation.

At the same time, outside the left corner of the three-point line, where Iverson was standing, he was used as a backup end point, originally thought he would not be able to use him, but he did not expect the ball to pass suddenly.


With a muffled sound, Iguodala fell to the ground.

The ball also arrived in Iverson's hands. On the timer, the bright red number jumped to 1. There was only one second left in the game. Despite some accidents, Iverson was Iverson after all. He didn't hesitate to jump up after receiving the ball. He didn't look at the timer or care about other things. He just stared at the basket and shook his wrist.

When the basketball flew from Iverson's fingertips, the timer lights up and the number changed to zero.

Everyone is staring at the basketball, their eyes move with the rolling basketball, and time seems to be slow and slow...


It wasn't until the basketball hole pierced the net and a crisp sound came out that people felt that the flow of time had returned to normal, and the white net was shaking like a cheerful wave.

At this moment, the Wachovia Center Arena, nearly 20,000 fans went crazy. They were screaming, roaring, roaring, cheers resounded throughout the arena, and the hustle and bustle was filled with immense joy.


With a score of 110:109, the 76ers beat the Heat!

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