Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1092: This is not the end, it's just the beginning!

The 76ers defeated the Heat and won the Big Three. There is no doubt that it was a big upset. Even if some people originally thought the 76ers were not weak, the series is unlikely to be taken away by the Heat 4:0. I expected the 76ers to win at least one game, but never expected to win the first game.

There are seven games in the series, but not necessarily seven games. In addition to the battle of Tianwangshan, the first game is also particularly critical. Countless fans are expecting the Heat to win the first game.

But the result was lost.

Even if the game is over, fans are still talking about this game and Qin Hao's lore. After this game, Qin Hao's popularity has soared.

If it's just popular, it's no worse than those superstars.

At the same time, Miami.

In the training arena, the Heat players are training.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the arena looked a little dull and depressed, there was no laughter, no squabbling, and the loss of the first game of the series made the Heat feel depressed and unwilling to all.

Each player was immersed in training and worked very hard, because everyone was holding a lot of energy in his heart, urging himself to train hard, to be shameless.

Coach Spoelstra and several assistants were on the sidelines. Coach Spoelstra took a look at the court, retracted his gaze, and said, "Let's talk about it."

At the end of yesterday’s game, coach Spoelstra had a black face and did not return to the locker room to comfort the players. Instead, he called a few assistants and the team’s video analysts to work overtime to study the game video, and finally ordered to go on. A few teaching assistants went back and summarized them carefully and made it clear that they would have to let some assistants work overtime all night.

However, the team lost the ball and several assistants were also depressed.

At the moment the head coach asked, an assistant first spoke up, saying: "I think we still underestimate the enemy, and the defense is still not good enough. The opponent has made so many three-pointers, which is related to the opponent's good touch and our defense. Not good enough."

"Yeah." Coach Spoelstra nodded. "This is indeed. I am also responsible. I didn't expect the other party to adopt such a tactic."

"Coach, you don't need to blame yourself." The assistant coach hurriedly encouraged, "This is something that none of us expected, but with this time, the next time the opponent wants to play like this, it won't be so easy."

"That is, until the next game, we will defend against the three-pointer, and the opponent won't have that good chance." Another said: "I don't believe they can have that three-pointer feel in every game."

As soon as the words came out, everyone nodded.

Yesterday they have researched that the 76ers' three-pointers are indeed good. Except for Qin Hao, Lu Wei, Iguodala, Holiday and others all average more than 35 percent of their three-pointers per game. .

But even so, it should not be as accurate as yesterday.

Yesterday's game, the 76ers' overall three-point shooting rate exceeded 40%, far exceeding the season average shooting rate of the 76ers except Qin Hao.

Therefore, it can only be said that it is not normal, but the state is here, and it is super-level. Except for Qin Hao, it is unlikely that other people will continue to keep such a high three-point shooting rate.

"There is one more thing we need to pay attention to." Another assistant coach said suddenly: "That is Qin's breakthrough. We all know that Qin's three-pointers are great, but we ignore his breakthrough."

With that, he took out a data map and gave it to everyone to browse, and continued: "I studied it. Since the All-Stars, Qin's average number of breakthroughs per game has increased a lot than before. By the end of the regular season, he was injured. After his comeback, the proportion of breakthroughs in his offense further increased, almost equal to three-pointers."

"Furthermore, after Qin returned from injury, including the first round of the previous playoffs, the 76ers played the Pacers, and Qin had a high percentage of breakthroughs in the game, and his efficiency was amazing."

This can be clearly seen from the data graph.

I have to say that to become an NBA coach, even just an assistant can't be underestimated. The research on the opponent can be said to be meticulous and the various data are particularly rigorous. Only you can't think of it, and no one can't do it.

After all, data is not deceiving.

"Yeah." Coach Spoelstra nodded and said: "This is indeed very important, but it is easily overlooked. We lost to the opponent's three-pointer in the game yesterday, but Qin had the last two points. It is also the key to break through the score for many minutes, so we have to be careful about this."

With that, Coach Spoelstra paused, took out a data map, and gave it to everyone to browse through, and said: "I found one thing, Qin's score is either outside the three-point line or inside the penalty area. , And in the area between these two areas, he has very few shots. What does this mean?"

Everyone looked at the data graph and heard Coach Spoelstra's words. They couldn't help but move their hearts and their eyes lit up.

One person asked: "Coach, what do you mean... Qin is good at three-pointers and breakthroughs, but he is not good at mid-range. Is this his weakness?"

"That's right." Coach Spoelstra took back the data chart and pointed to a large area from the three-point line to the penalty area. "I guess that this area may be his blind zone. He takes a lot of shots in this area. Less, either because of habit, or deliberately avoiding this area. No matter which type, it means shooting in this area, his grasp is not very big, so he will avoid this area, or shoot three-pointers, Either break through the attacking frame."


"Why didn't I expect this, you are the coach."

"That said, as long as we find a way to force Qin to shoot in this area, it may greatly affect his hit rate and limit him."

Everyone was delighted.

Coach Spoelstra nodded with a smile, wrote and drew on the tactical board, and said: "So we have to do two things in the next game. First, focus on limiting the opponent's three-pointers and not allowing the 76ers. The team’s three-pointers are so good, they can shoot, but we have to keep their shooting percentage down. Second, try to prevent Qin from outside the three-point line or directly attack the frame, and find a way to get him Within the three-point line, the area outside the penalty area shot."


"Yes, it should be like this. As long as we achieve these two points, we can gain the upper hand. Although Qin is very strong, he is not without his shortcomings."

Several teaching assistants all agreed.

After that, Spoelstra called the training to stop, called the players, summarized the analysis and summary of the coaching staff, and also said the two points drawn in his circle, and worked out the corresponding strategy to let The players conduct targeted training.

"Have you remembered?" After speaking, Coach Spoelstra waved his hand. "We only played one game in the series. Although we lost, this is not the end, but the beginning!"


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