Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1050: Buzz is being watched!

Watching the bus leave and disappear to the end of the line of sight, Speights retracted his gaze, and protested unhappily to the assistant coach Harry next to him: "Coach Harry, why can't you stop me? Qin was injured by that **** Bass. Now we are at the critical moment of our competition with the Knicks. Qin’s injury is simply a disaster for us. Are you not angry?"


"Coach, you should have let us beat Buss up hard."

Nene and Blakins also said.

Had it not been for Assistant Harry and Iverson to stop them, they would have rushed forward.

Once they rushed up, the fans would naturally rush up there. Where did the bus stop, could it be true that people inside would not be able to get in without opening the door?

Where are you waiting for the police to arrive?

"I'm also angry, and I want to take Buss badly." Assistant Harry shook his head and sighed: "We know you want to avenge Qin, and I also know what Qin's injury means to the team at this time. But you guys. Even more clearly, if things go wrong, you will also be punished, fined, or even suspended. Have you ever thought about how we will play the next game if you are suspended? Qin will definitely be absent for a period of time, if you too Absent, what else do we use to compete with the Knicks?"

Nene, Speights, and Kaka were silent.

Only Blakins whispered: "I'm not afraid of suspension."

Assistant Professor Harry rolled his eyes and said in his heart that I didn't say anything about you. Besides, you must have such an awareness. Why didn't you just rush forward and do the thing alone?

Seeing awkwardness by Assistant Harry, Blakeins had to shut his mouth and retreated behind the three of Nei Nei.

Although he has the consciousness of "reluctant to bear children and can't set wolves", he really wants to let him go to buss alone, or even a group of Celtics, he doesn't have that courage.

"Okay." At this time Iverson also said, "This is the end of the matter. I just received a call from the hospital. Qin's MRI results have already come out. The same as the team doctor's judgment, but ordinary He’s sprained and healed after one to two weeks of rest. Even if you want to avenge Qin, you have to wait until the arena."

The eyes of a few people lit up, and Iverson knew what they were thinking at a glance, and silently added: "I mean using basketball to beat each other on the court, not for you to make small moves."

"We didn't think like that." Speights said in his mouth, but his eyes kept rolling.

Without Iverson’s supplement, he really has that idea. You can do the first year of the junior high school, and we can do the fifteenth. The life and death are indifferent, so what do you do if you don’t accept it.

Not to mention other Celtics players, in short, Buss was targeted by the 76ers.

It’s not just the 76ers players who saw Qin Hao being injured by Bass, who had an excellent relationship with Qin Hao. Butler, Rose, Klay, Anthony, Yao Ming, etc. are very upset. If you meet with the Celtics When the team fights, Buss will definitely be targeted.

Buss didn't know what was waiting for him.


In the apartment.

Qin Hao sat on the sofa with gauze tied to his injured ankle and fixed it. He placed it flat on the coffee table. Jiang Xue brought a plate of fruit and placed it in Qin Hao's hand, with a worried expression on his face.

Seeing Jiang Xue's appearance, Qin Hao smiled and said, "Okay, it's just an ordinary sprain. If you change a bottle of Yunnan Baiyao, you can solve it in two or three days. As for? Come on, give me a smile."

As he said, he blinked at Jiang Xue, looking cynical.

Jiang Xue glared at Qin Hao, and then laughed "pouch" and told Qin Hao: "You must be careful next time, and you must not get hurt again."

"Don't worry." Qin Hao slapped Jiang Xue's hip, "Go to work, there are so many things waiting for you in the company."

"I went to work, so what do you do?" Jiang Xue said, "Or I will let Vivian take care of you."

What kind of routine is this?

Qin Hao murmured in his heart, and quickly refused: "You haven't seen Vivian look unhappy with me? I don't know where to provoke her. Besides, she is your assistant, not my assistant. Hurry up. Go ahead, I just twisted my foot, and it's not that I can't take care of myself. I need someone to take care of it. I just call for a takeaway after lunch.

Jiang Xue gave up now, got up and picked up her bag, and turned around one step at a time: "Then I'm going, don't move around, just stay, the doctor said that you should rest well."

"I know, go go." Qin Hao waved his hand, "Remember to come back early after get off work."

When Jiang Xue went out, Qin Hao watched the TV for a while, then grabbed the crutches and stood up, and tried to walk a few steps in the room. There was still pain in his left ankle, but it was not very heavy.

Then he threw away the crutches and tried to walk a few steps. Although it was a little painful, he was able to walk on a bump. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He sat down on the sofa, unfastened it, and removed the gauze.

Originally, the ankle should be more swollen the next day after the sprain, but Qin Hao's left ankle did not. Compared to yesterday, the swelling was a bit less.

Qin Hao lifted his foot, rotated it a few times in the air, felt it, and the smile on his face became more intense: "Sure enough, my recovery speed is much faster than ordinary people. After only one night, the swelling disappeared a lot. The swelling will almost disappear in two days."

When he was injured for the first time in Yuyang No. 7 Middle School, Qin Hao was surprised to find that his injury was recovering very quickly. At that time, the brow bones cracked, and the wound was scabs in one night and healed within two days.

Qin Hao has no way of knowing why this happens. It is probably related to his physical changes. Speed, bounce, and strength have been increasing all the time. It is already comparable to those black NBA players with excellent physical fitness, and even in some respects. To be more outstanding makes many people feel incredible.

After the ankle injury, Qin Hao learned that there was no structural damage, so his heart was mostly relieved.

At this moment, I verified that his body's recovery ability is indeed far superior to ordinary people. He is completely relieved. The breakthrough ability has been transformed. The body's super resilience is also heavily dependent. Qin Hao is confident that he will become stronger after healed from his injury. The posture returned to the court.

At noon, Vivian came to give Qin Hao lunch.

Jiang Xue was still uneasy, but there was still something to deal with at the company and couldn't leave, so she asked Vivian to send lunch to Qin Hao, and by the way, see if Qin Hao ran around.

However, Vivienne came and went in a hurry, unwilling to stay with Qin Hao, put on an unhappy expression, making Qin Hao speechless, and said that I might as well order a takeaway by myself. Basketball Myth: Super Defender Latest Chapter Address: Myth: Super Guard Full Text Reading Address: Myth: Super Defender txt download address: Myth: Super Defender Mobile Reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record this time (Chapter 1050 Buzz is targeted!) reading Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Basketball Myth: Super Defender", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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