Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1010: Looking forward to the All-Star Game!


NBA All-Star Weekend is a feast for all fans, but for Chinese fans, the All-Star game is the most anticipated show.

Because this year's All-Stars Qin Hao and Yao Ming were selected as the starters of the Eastern and Western All-Stars, the two will appear in the All-Star game at the same time-this is the first time that two Chinese players have appeared on the NBA All-Star stage at the same time.

For Chinese fans, this is a feat and a milestone.

So countless fans are looking forward to the All-Star Game, and discussions have already started on major forums.

"Tomorrow is the All-Star Game. Qin Hao and Yao Ming were selected for the All-Stars together. Now they feel a little unreal. This is really crazy."

"Not only was selected as an All-Star, but also as a starter. I can't wait. I don't know how Qin Hao and Yao Ming will perform in this All-Star game. If anyone can get the mvp, it would be perfect. ."

"It may be difficult to get mvp. Yao Ming doesn't have much hope. In the All-Star game, the center has suffered a lot, not to mention Yao Ming is a pragmatic center. He has participated in the All-Star so many times before, and the score is not very high. However. Qin still has a chance, and his style of play is very suitable for this kind of game."

"Not easy."

"Yes, after all, Qin was selected for the All-Star for the first time. The East team also has a lot of stars such as James, Anthony, Wade, Howard. If Qin Hao wants to win the All-Star mvp, not only does the East team defeat the West team. He has to compete with James, Anthony, Wade, Howard, it’s too difficult."

Two Chinese players Qi Qi were selected for the All-Stars. The Chinese fans only fainted with happiness. Although it is difficult for Qin Hao and Yao Ming to win mvp, it does not affect people's enthusiasm.

Regardless of mvp, what people discuss most is how many points Qin Hao and Yao Ming can get.

Especially Qin Hao.

After all, Yao Ming has participated many times before, and it can be inferred from the previous experience, but Qin Hao is the first time to participate in the All-Star Game. Everything is unknown and unpredictable.

But it is precisely because it is unpredictable that the fans are extremely looking forward to it.


Finally, the All-Star Game Day has arrived.

Fatty Peng Jun got up early this morning, earlier than ever before.

"Fat brother." A roommate rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked dazedly: "Why are you so early, are you awakened by urine?"

"I hold your sister." The fat man said angrily: "Today is the All-Star Game."

Several roommates were awakened, and remembered that today was the All-Star game, they all sat up, but when I looked at the time, I felt speechless: "Fat brother, it's only six o'clock, the game won't start until nine o'clock. It."

The fat man waved his hand: "I know, I'm not afraid of oversleeping."

One person murmured, "You can watch the recording if you oversleep," but no one cares about him. As long as the fans know, watching the recording and watching the live broadcast are two feelings. What you need to watch live broadcasts is a sense of anticipation and tension. You know the results of the game when you watch the live broadcast. If you watch it again, there is no sense of anticipation and tension.

A few people were woken up, and they didn't sleep at all.

But after a few people washed up and sat in front of the computer, they realized that it was not yet seven o'clock and the sky outside was not completely bright. They looked at each other suddenly, and they were speechless.


Southern province.

Jiang Feng and Wang Lei got up early for morning exercises. After all, they are professional athletes. Naturally, they cannot get up later than the pigs like Fatty Peng Jun. They get up at 6 o'clock every day, and they can't beat them.

After the two of them finished their morning exercises and had breakfast, it was only half past seven.

The two came to the meeting room, turned on the computer, connected the projector, and waited for the game to start.

If only the two of them are naturally there is no need to come here, but the teammates will definitely come later, how could they miss this kind of game?

Sure enough, the players of the Yunlong team arrived at less than half past eight. Seeing Jiang Feng and Wang Lei had already arrived, everyone was not surprised. They smiled and greeted each other and sat down to discuss the upcoming game.


Yuyang City.

Qin Hao's parents did not rush to the United States, and together with Qin Hao's grandparents, grandparents, and uncles and prospective aunts, they waited for the All-Star game at Qin Hao's house.

Qin Hao's parents originally planned to go to the United States, but later learned that Jiang Xue was busy with the company and couldn't go to Orlando, so the two elders simply couldn't get there.

"Isn't it just a game?" Grandpa Qin Hao asked before the game started, "What's the difference in normal times?"

"That's very different." Qin Zhenguo laughed and began to popularize science to his old husband. From the history of the All-Star game to the rules of the All-Star voting, how difficult it is to be selected for the All-Star, the difference between the All-Star substitute and the starting... .. Regardless of whether the old man understands or not, his greatest pleasure now is to "show off his son."

Liu Jiarong couldn't hear it for a while, and then turned to look at his sister, okay, it is not that the family does not enter the house, the brother-in-law is "basking the son", and the sister is "basing the daughter-in-law".

There is no one.

However, Liu Jiarong also had to admit that his nephew and nephew and his wife were really good, Qin Hao didn't say anything. I heard that Jiang Xue's investment company now involves tens of millions of dollars in any project.



Philadelphia, United States.

It was already half past six in the afternoon, and the employees in the office of the investment company were still busy.

Jiang Xue sat at the desk and issued orders one by one: "I will keep an eye on the 56289 stock. If it falls again tomorrow, we will continue to buy it. There is also 86592, and I will buy another 500,000 shares tomorrow. Although the stocks have not fluctuated much in the past six months, there should be a wave of rise in this period of time..."

Vivian stood aside and wrote down the president's words.

In fact, the purchase of the two stocks 56289 and 86592 had already started the day before yesterday. After Jiang Xue asked people to keep an eye on these two stocks yesterday, they bought a lot today.

At present, the market is pretty good.

As for the previous 28694, Jiang Xue didn't mention it again, and Vivian didn't dare to ask more.

Investment companies have purchased dozens of stocks in the past few days, some stocks are constantly buying, some stocks are sold soon after purchase, some stocks are rising, some stocks are falling...

Every day, the flow of funds on the company's account is millions of dollars, or even tens of millions of dollars, which makes the participants feel thrilling.

"All right."

After some instructions, Jiang Xue stopped and waved his hand: "I'm here for today, do the things I ordered just now and then you can get off work."

Vivian agreed and took a peek, just to see the president open the live page of the All-Star Game, and he couldn't help but feel frustrated again.

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