Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1000: Sniping the stock market

New York Stock Exchange.

People come and go, the New York Stock Exchange, which has been bustling for a whole day, finally quieted down. The closing time of the New York Stock Exchange was four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was almost four o'clock at this time.

In the office room divided into grids, one or even two computers are placed in front of each person.

Everyone who works here is employed by multiple clients and is responsible for monitoring the movements of some stocks and funds around the clock, and is also responsible for helping certain clients buy or sell stocks.

"Hey, Johnny." A man with gold glasses, his hair neatly combed back, and waxed, dressed in a suit with a red plaid tie on his collar, he looked like a "financial circle". "People" Fan Er, a man in his thirties stretched his waist, knocked on the next office room, and shouted, "How about going to reqice after get off work for a couple of drinks?"

"John, don't you fall in love with Mira?" Johnny is also a white man, in his thirties. Compared with John's handsomeness, he looks calmer and has a "business atmosphere."

Mira is a girl they met in the reqice bar. Of course, she is not a person in the financial circle, but a wine seller in the bar. I don't know if she secretly does some other business.

Johnny is not interested in such a woman. He has a happy family and a pair of children. Although he often goes to the bar for a drink with John because of the pressure of work, he always goes home at night.

"Haha." John laughed, disregarding the slightly ridiculous ridicule of his colleagues, and shrugged his shoulders: "Don't you think she is sexy? Well, just go for a drink."

After speaking, there was no answer.

John asked again, but there was no response. He just stood up and leaned on the lattice railing. Just about to question Johnny, he saw Johnny staring at the computer with a solemn expression.

"What's the matter?" John asked.

"Something's wrong." Johnny pointed to the computer screen. "Just now, stocks with the code 28694 were suddenly bought in large quantities. An unknown account bought 100,000 shares."

John laughed when he heard the words: "Isn’t it just 100,000 shares? Although it’s a bit wrong to buy suddenly near the closing time, 100,000 shares are nothing. I remember this stock is only 4.6 US dollars per share, and 100,000 shares are only four. A hundred thousand."

For John, he is used to the big storms in the stock market. Although the money is not his own, four hundred thousand dollars is really nothing in the stock market.

Not to mention the spray, you can't even turn a blister.

Johnny added: "But just after this account was bought, suddenly several different accounts bought at the same time, not a lot, each bought tens of thousands of shares."

"Oh?" John raised his brows. "Do you suspect that this is the same person operating? But even so, there are not a million shares involved, two or three million dollars, what can you do?"

"Yes." Johnny breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help laughing.

It’s not uncommon for him to suddenly look at buying before the market closes. He just subconsciously linked it to the “behind the scenes trader”, but several accounts bought less than 600,000 shares in total. Less than three million US dollars, for a stock like 28694, let alone prying, at best, it can only be regarded as a tickle.

Having figured this out, Johnny didn't care too much, and went for a drink with John after get off work.

It's just that the stock market is vast and there are so many stocks that Johnny and John are only staring at a limited number of dozens of stocks.

So they didn't know that not only the 28694 stock, but also a few stocks that also suffered similar incidents, were suddenly bought in large numbers before the market closed.


New York.

In a villa, a group of people are sitting together. What is placed in front of them is not wine and food, but a computer, just like the New York Stock Exchange. A dozen people are sitting in front of the computer and are busy.

"Boss." A potbellied man suddenly turned his head, looked at a middle-aged man in his fifties sitting on the sofa not far away, and said, "It's a bit unusual."

The middle-aged man stood up and came to the computer: "Dock, what's the problem?"

Doc said: "Just now, the 28694 stock was suddenly bought by several different accounts, and each account bought tens of thousands to 100,000 shares."

"Oh?" The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes. "It seems that it's not just us, but others are also eyeing this stock. Haha, it's interesting, it's really interesting."

They are optimistic about this stock. They have been preparing for a long time. They have mobilized hundreds of millions of funds to raise this stock and cut a wave of leeks. As a result, someone has taken the lead.

Doc asked: "Boss, can we still do it?"

"Do." The middle-aged man didn't hesitate. "Although multiple entry will make the situation more complicated, it also means that our profits will be higher. How can we not do such an interesting thing? Duke, you stare This stock will be bought as soon as the market opens tomorrow, and proceed according to our previous plan. In addition, tell me immediately if the other party has any movement."

"Okay." Dock promised.



In the conference room, busy employees relax.

At this time it was four o’clock and the New York Stock Exchange had closed. Thinking of the fact that they had involved hundreds of accounts and bought many stocks through different methods in the ten minutes just now, they felt cold on their backs and sweat on their clothes. Soggy.

Although the plan was made long ago, they were clear, but it really started to implement, and it really cost 10 million US dollars in ten minutes. It still feels so thrilling.

"President." Vivian came to Jiang Xue and asked softly: "What should we do next?"

"Wait." Jiang Xue said: "Wait for the reaction of all parties tomorrow."

Although the plan was made in advance, and many preplans were made, including plan B, plan C, even plan D, and plan F, the stock market is changing rapidly and there are too many uncertainties. The planned steps remain the same, but when to start the next step, the next step is a difficult problem.

And this problem can only be solved by Jiang Xue.



As night fell, tomorrow was the rookie game. Qin Hao, Butler, Xiaoka, and Klay were all participating in the rookie game, so they returned to the hotel early.

Butler still remembered "good brother, a quilt," and insisted on sleeping with Qin Hao, making Qin Hao tired and crooked, wishing to kick this guy out of the window.

The two hadn't seen each other for several months and had a lot of conversation.

Finally speaking of tomorrow's rookie game, Qin Hao moved in his heart and asked: "Jimmy, are you interested in the rookie game mvp?"

Butler's eyes lit up, staring at Qin Hao, and grinned: "When you say that, I suddenly discovered that I'm still very interested in this mvp."

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