Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 603: Olympic Hope Team (15)

Li Nan is really busy. At the end of the season, he was thinking about taking a good rest and bringing the baby at home, but things came to him instead.

Olympic Hope Team.

I don't know who gave the advice, and the Olympic Hope team, other than the National Youth Team, has been preparing for the Beijing Olympics.

Director Zhang is responsible for leading this team.

The good domestic seedlings were actually chosen by the National Youth Team.

The Olympic Hope team is left over on National Day. It is an outstanding player selected by Director Zhang from various sports teams across the country through his own way.

Sun Mingming, Chen Jianghua, Lu Wei, Luo Zhi, Yu Liang, Zhang Yongjun, Xie Libin, Zhao Hang, Deng Li, Wang Nan, Mo Guochao, Guo Ye, Ma Chao, Zhang Zhan, Zhang Xiao, Zhuang Kai, Chen Li, Ma Liang , Sui Xiaolong, Liu Mingtao, Guan Le, Liu Junshan, Wang Zhanyu and other 22 people.

Among them, Sun Mingming, Chen Jianghua, Xie Libin, Lu Wei, Luo Zhi, and Yu Liang are the trainees in the LYN training camp.

Sun Mingming is 227 this year. He was diagnosed with gigantism the year before, but he has now been cured.

As Yao Liang won the NBA championship, Sun Mingming became famous in China. Sun Mingming is the star player of this Olympic hope team.

Although Chen Jianghua is only 13 years old, he has excellent ball handling skills and organizational skills.

The strength of this Olympic hope team is not bad.

However, the current situation is a bit embarrassing. This team does not have a national designation and cannot eat the "imperial food". How to maintain the livelihood of this team has become a big problem.

Then, because of this, Director Zhang found Li Nan.

Li Nan knew that the Olympic hope team was forced to disband.

I also know that the strength and talent of this team's players are indeed inferior to the National Youth Team.

However, he felt that they should be given some opportunities.


In the scorching summer, the courts of Haikou Stadium in Hainan were full of people.

They are divided into two groups. One group wears sky blue jerseys, they are the Olympic Hope team, and the other group wears national red jerseys, which are the national youth team.

The National Youth Team is also divided into two groups:

80-85 years: Xue Yuyang, Du Feng, Wang Shipeng, Zhu Fangyu, Zhang Qingpeng, Tang Zhendong, Mo Ke, Zhang Kai, Zhang Chaoxu, Zhao Hongxiang, Zhang Songtao, Sun Yue, Yili, etc.

1985-90 years: Yi Jianlian, Han Jun, Fang Shuo, Liu Xiaoyu, Ji Zhe, Ren Junfei, Ren Junwei, Li Geng, Chang Lin, Zhang Chengyu, Zhou Peng, Li Xiaoxu, Ding Jinhui, Xu Yong, Wang Wei, Wu You, etc.

Xue Yuyang and Zhu Fangyu are already NBA players, but they were recruited back to the National Youth Team. At this time, they didn't talk much and were even a little depressed.

On the side, on the youngest National Youth Team, some of the boys who have returned from overseas are chatting and talking a lot.

The kid Xu Yong has grown a lot taller. He is almost 1.8 meters old at the age of 13. He is already a little adult, no, he is taller than many adults.

"To be honest, I don't want to come back. What's so good about this national youth team game? Playing against other people's children has no technical content. I might as well bully American high school students in the United States."

It's really possible for Xu Yong to bully high school students by junior high school students.

However, soon, Wang Di directly exposed him, "Xu Yong, are you being bullied by others, okay? Where can you bully others?"

"Cut, you didn't see that. I swayed a guy named Chris directly on the ground. At that time, I used Brother Li's sideways to change to the extraordinary. I did this first, and then he wanted Reaching out to grab my ball, I just got short, dribbled the ball from the hip, and immediately changed direction. Then the guy couldn't keep up with his brain, so he just sat on the ground."

After Xu Yong finished speaking, the whole person will be complacent, and his chin will be raised high.

Quickly praise me, quickly praise me.

"I testify."

Seeing Wang Qi raising his hand, Xu Yong also muttered silently: Wang Qi is indeed my buddy.

However, Wang Zi said:

"I testified that Chris really slipped on his own at the time, and had nothing to do with Xu Yong. Moreover, Xu Yong was taken away when he got the ball. Oh, and, before that ball, Xu Yong had been taken away by others. Covered three, woooooo~~~"

Xu Yong quickly covered Wang Zi's mouth, "Wang Zi, will you die if you don't speak?"

Wang Zi pushed the kid away and smiled, "Ha ha ha! You won't die if you don't speak. However, if you don't expose your true face, I've been holding back for a long time, and I might really die."

"Damn! Lose your friend!" Xu Yong gave Wang Di a sullen look, and didn't forget to threaten: "If I choose the captain of the National Youth Team today, I will definitely not choose you, I choose, I choose Allen!"

Xu Yong found Yi Jianlian, a good old man, who was also the 17-year-old brother of these people here.

Unexpectedly, Yi Jianlian said, "Ahem, you don't have to choose me, because I just wanted to expose you, but Wang Zi moved a step faster."

"You!" Xu Yong pointed at Yi Jianlian and covered his chest with one hand, very hurt.


Everyone laughed.

At this moment, Wang Zi suddenly drank everyone,

"Hey! Don't laugh, Lao Li is here!"

at this time,

Beep beep!

The whistle sounded.


Li Nan, Zhang directed, and several national youth team coaches arrived.

The players quickly divided into three parts and stood in line.

"That, talk about it!"

Li Nan stood up and looked at every young man with a smile in his eyes.

Seeing them in this state, he was really happy.

However, now is not the time to be happy.

Li Nan became serious in an instant.

"To summon you here, there is actually a very important thing to tell you.

What's the matter?

That is, starting today, the National Youth Team adopts the last elimination system! "

Everyone finally understood that group of people in blue jerseys turned out to be not just sparring but also grabbing positions.

However, at this time someone has something to say.

Xu Yong raised his hand high.

"Xu Yong, say it!"

Xu Yong directly expressed his thoughts, "Brother Li, if we play very well, can we keep going up? Or even to the national team?"

"Hahaha!" Hearing Xu Yong's words, everyone laughed. Promoting to the next level is something that everyone has thought about, but to be promoted to the national team, don't think about it, the age is too young.

What everyone did not expect was that Li Nan's answer turned out to be:


The dozens of people also made waves at once, "Wow!"

Zhu Fangyu and Xue Yuyang also shine. This broke the U20, they didn't want to stay.

Li Nan is very satisfied with everyone’s aggressive performance, “As long as you have the strength, you can also play in the national team. This year’s Busan Asian Games, Dazhi and I are a little tired. Who of you wants to help us play a game? Did you fight?"


Xu Yong raised his hand without hesitation.

"Okay, very good," Li Nan glanced at Xu Yong approvingly, then looked at the others, "Is there anyone else?"

"Me!" Yi Jianlian actually raised his hand for the second time.

"Me!" "Me!" "Me!"

More people have raised their hands. There are big people, small people, adults, and minors.

"Good! Very good! Very good! Your courage is commendable, but if you have this strength, it is up to me."

Li Nan's eyes sharpened when he saw everyone.

Take up the whistle and blow,

Beep beep!

The training camp has begun!

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