Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 494: I don't admit this brother

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Many teams have made minor repairs for mid-term trades, and the comeback of Michael Jordan that many fans expected did not appear.

The news soon began to turn to Jordan's comeback next season. However, after this news lasted for a few days, it slowly faded.

More attention is returned to the game.

After the All-Star Game, the competition for a place in the playoffs will become more intense.

Regardless of the east and west, the competition is very fierce.

As of February 28, the number one Pacers in the East was 36-22, just 29-29 ahead of the eighth Magic, seven games ahead, and the Kings, number one in the West, 36-19, only eighth. The Timberwolves are 30-25, leading just 6 games.

At this time, the Nuggets record is 34-22, ranking fourth in the Western Conference.

In front are the Kings, Lakers (35-21), Mavericks (35-22)

After the mid-term trade, the Mavericks still played well, with 7 games and a 5-2 record. Anderson has adapted well to the Mavericks' style of play. At present, it seems that the Mavericks are not losing at all, but instead let the team play more smoothly.

The Nuggets did not sign up in the mid-term. In the last six games, the Nuggets have a 4-2 record and still maintain a winning rate of about 60%.

The team is still improving its technical and tactical capabilities, getting rid of some bad problems of the players, and proceeding gradually according to the plan.

Li Nan has recovered his high efficiency and is the backbone of the team. With Li Nan, the team has been able to maintain a steady development momentum.

If this continues, the Nuggets are full of hope in the playoffs.


On March 1, the Nuggets visited Chicago.

Before the game, in the locker room.

"Today we must win this game. However, before entering the field, I still want to emphasize again."

When talking about this, the whole team's eyes were on Danny Fordson.

"Why are you looking at me? Listen to the coach."

Danny Fortson wanted to divert everyone's attention. However, the coach old Jim stared at him fiercely.

"Danny! On the court today, pay attention to your actions and don't be so rude. We are playing basketball, not wrestling. You remembered it to me. If you get fouled off the court again today, you will not play in the next game. "

Hearing how many lessons the coach had said, Danny Fordson was very wronged, his mouth was flat, his hands wiped the corners of his eyes, and tears seemed to be streaming down: "Coach, I did it all for the team. Ah, you can't do this to me."

Old Jim hurriedly stopped him, "Okay, stop acting, I have had enough of your botched acting skills. Rebounds are fine, but fouls, no! Remember, how you did it in training, here it is. On the court, do what you do."

"But, coach," Danny Fortson was still fighting, but old Jim didn't give a chance.

"Okay, let's just talk about it. Everyone prepares. We will be on the stage right away."

Having said this, old Jim turned around and left.

Everyone also joked very unscrupulously.

Lauderdale: "I bet that Danny will definitely be punished by six offenders today. Well, at least it can last 20 minutes."

Ben Wallace: "I bet he can hold on for 15 minutes."

Bobby Jackson: "I think there should be 10 minutes! Hahahaha."

A group of people laughed heartlessly, and Danny Fortson also threatened viciously:

"Go go go go! You guys are all bored? Arrange me! Be careful I kick you with flying dragon legs."

"What are Feilong legs?"

"I don't know?" Danny Fortson said triumphantly: "Tell you, this is a trick that Master Li taught me! If I show up, it will be invincible."

The world is invincible, this is definitely no one believes.

"The world is invincible? Danny, you must be Bruce Lee's movies."

"Danny, you will brag."

"Nervous skill? Come on, Danny, I'll stand here, you show me a look."

Bobby Jackson also stood up and provoked. How can Danny Fordson stand this provocation?

"Hey, I have a bad temper. You, Bobby, you stand, yes, just stand there."

Everyone stepped away to see how Fordson would teach Bobby Jackson.

However, Fortson did not step up, but walked to the side.

"Brother Li, come on, your junior is being laughed at."

"Hey hey, Danny, you can't find foreign aid, you have to come by yourself."

Bobby Jackson knew that Li Nan had already had a trick with Li Jianwen. Then Li Nan might really be able to do so.

Fordson was justified:

"This is my big brother, why can't I find it?"

Big brother?

Everyone is unbelievable, Fordson's apprenticeship succeeded?

This is not scientific!

The aptitude of this product is worse than mine, and I have not been accepted as a disciple. How could he be?

At this moment, Li Nan said from the side:

"No, no, I actually refuse to admit this junior."

Everyone also laughed heartlessly.


"Let me just say it! I haven't succeeded in apprenticeship with my talents, so how can a dumb person like Danny succeed?"

"Hey!" Suddenly Danny Fordson didn't use anything, he started directly, hooping Bobby Jackson with his arms.

Even if he didn't learn Master Li's moves, Danny Fordson had a whole body of tendons.

Bobby Jackson is so bound by Danny Fordson that he can't move at all, so hurry up and admit it, "Brother, I am wrong, I am wrong, I am wrong!"

"Hahahaha." The others laughed noisily when they saw Bobby Jackson deflated.

Seeing this, Li Nan also sighed.

"Young people have a lot of fun."

Ewing at the side looked over with a strange look, "You are just a 23-year-old kid."

"Hen~" Li Nan smiled, noncommittal.

When it was almost time to see him, he stepped forward to rescue Bobby Jackson, and then reminded everyone loudly, "Okay, okay, stop making trouble, we're going to be on the stage, go quickly."

Everyone laughed and walked out, but Danny Fordson, who was at the back, was slumped and a little unhappy.

"Danny, do you know why Master Li didn't accept you as a disciple?"


"Why do you study martial arts? Not to show off not to bully the weak. To learn martial arts is to strengthen your body, cultivate your character, and cultivate your sentiment. But you can't do it at all. Your character is too impatient. , Too impulsive."

"Then, what should I do?"

"What to do? You have to start by changing yourself. Then start with today's game."

"Brother, are you an undercover agent sent by the coach?"

"Hey, did you dare to arrange me? Look at my sweeping legs!"

"Brother, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"Then do you know what to do after playing?"

"I know, I know!"

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