Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 483: Brother 666

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On February 12, the MCI Center Arena in Washington was extremely lively, with people everywhere inside and out. It's like an important holiday.

"Dear audience friends, audience friends, I am Groom Albert of TNT TV. Today I will take you to see the All-Stars in the dressing room."

Before the start of the All-Star Game, in the players' locker room, Groom Albert had 20 minutes of interview time.

At this time, the old groom is in the locker room of the Eastern All-Star team.

The first thing that catches the eye is the long dining table in the innermost dressing room with a lot of things on it.

"Here is the food for the All-Star players. There are biscuits, toast, mashed potatoes, cheese sticks, bananas, oh, there are chicken wings that everyone likes. I know this attractive color. It's absolutely delicious... well, of course, we have limited time, so we still have to interview our All-Stars first."

The camera turned quickly and came to the side. The first one to be shot was the Bucks marksman, Ray Allen.

The entire Eastern Conference All-Star locker room is quiet, as is Ray Allen at this time.

The old groom shook hands with him, "Hey, Ray, are you ready for today's All-Star game?"

The gentleman Lei smiled faintly and answered politely: "Yes, I am ready to fight."

A simple greeting, immediately the next one's turn.

The next Jerry Stackhouse obviously didn't expect it to be so fast, he was eating a cookie in his mouth.

"Jerry, how about you? How are you preparing?"

Stackhouse held a small biscuit in his hand, and said unclearly:

"Obviously I am not ready yet, I think I should eat more and save more energy."

"Then good luck to you."

The old groom also moved quickly and came to the next one.

"The next one we interviewed is Tracy who entered the All-Star Game for the first time."

McGrady was sitting quietly in the closet, gesturing scissors hands to the camera, with a faint smile on his face.

"Tracy, how do you feel now?"

"I feel very good. Enjoy, yes, I enjoy this game."

Enjoy it? Nothing can be seen from McGrady's face, but his eyes are to tell others that this game is not that simple.

Next to McGrady is his cousin, Vince Carter, the All-Star vote.

Carter was sitting in the closet, and his face was blocked by his jersey.

When the camera was pointed at, he suddenly appeared.


Frighten people?

A big card is a big card, a little good at playing!

No wonder so many fans like him.

Groom-Albert also asked:

"Vince, how does it feel to be the All-Star vote?"

"Does it feel? Normally, not as excited as it was last year. However, I am used to it."

Carter had a joking tone, but the arrogance in his bones could not be concealed.

He, Vince Carter, is now the most popular king in the league!

"Then what do you think of this game today?"

"The opponent is very strong! But we must win!"

Confident, this is what Groom Albert gave Carter.

Of course, Carter is now a bit of a goddess, and this confidence is necessary.

Soon, the old groom came to Iverson.

In front of the camera, Iverson is still so cool and tricky.

"Alan, who will win this game today?"

"Well, during breakfast, I made a bet with Li. So, we will definitely win this game today."

Iverson was half talking, and didn't say clearly what bet he made.

The old groom didn't know anything from Iverson, and he immediately moved to the other side.

Compared to the quiet of the Eastern All-Star locker room, the Western locker room is much more lively.

When the old groom walked into the locker room, he was laughing "hahaha" inside, and Gary Payton himself had picked up the pink corded microphone to **** the old groom's interview work.

The old groom can only sit in Gary Payton's position with a smile, watching the "big mouth" Gary Payton play.

Gary Payton took the camera from Cross-Webb inside to introduce the audience in front of the TV.

Chris Webber seemed to be a little shy, but he lowered his head and did not dare to look at the camera.

"Oh, everyone, this is Cross, this big guy seems shy. Cross, don't do that, look up, otherwise everyone will misunderstand what is between us."

Webber immediately raised his head, looking serious.

Who knows, this makes everyone happy even more.


The next one is the oldest in this locker room, Karl Malone.

"This old guy is Carl, so old, isn't it okay to obediently realize your dream of being a postman?"

Karl Malone responded with a smile, "Go! I'm going to hit a 40-year-old man."

Gary Payton took a **** and came to the next one.

"Oh, this is my old friend, Jason Kidd. Dude, you have already figured out how to dominate the game, right? The people on the other side must be shaking."

Kidd just smiled and watched the old man brag.

"This is my big baby, Shaq! Shaq, can you give me a big hug?"

"Can I say no?"

Gary Payton has taken it up by himself.

O'Neal is disgusted, but also helpless.

Kobe next to O'Neal, Kobe's right protective gear has been taken off.

What the doctor said was two months or even the reimbursement for the season. However, Kobe returned in just over a month and his protective gear was lost.

"Kobe, you have been playing fiercely lately, will you still be so fierce in this game today?"

"No, I just returned from an injury after all."

Is it true? Gary Payton knows it will be clear after a while. This young man often disagrees with his words and deeds.

Next, Gary Payton came to Li Nan.

"Everyone must know this, Lee! This is a man who makes me jealous. He won two championships when he was just over 22 years old. What's even worse is that he even won two FMVPs. Seriously, I Can't stand it anymore, how could there be such a person in the world?! I have already planned, and I will go to him next year."



Boos and laughter are Nan also succumbed.

Brother, you are really 666!

Gary Payton really deserves to be a 33-year-old old river and lake. This atmosphere makes the people in the entire dressing room different.

Li Nan admired this old guy very much.

Li Nan glanced at the people in this locker room, Kobe, O'Neal, Webber... all of them are today's superstars. There is no one who can speak like Gary Payton.

This is life, communication, and status.

So, Li Nan still has a lot to learn.


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