Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 479: Secret

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At 6:30 in the morning, on the basketball court of the Pepsi Center Training Hall.








Wang Dazhi muttered, "Xiao Li took the wrong medicine today, so he took such crazy shots. What is this going to do?"

Li Nan was shooting the basket, and Wang Dazhi was constantly picking up and passing the ball.

For 10 minutes, Li Nan shot once every four, five or six seconds, almost a hundred times.

Li Nan was still so focused, but Wang Dazhi couldn't help it.

"Xiao Li, don't you have sore hands? Let's take a break and vote again. There will be games in the evening."

"It's okay, I'm not tired."

"You are not tired, but I am tired picking up the ball."

Li Nan didn't hear the same, and continued to shoot at a constant speed, practicing his shooting.

Seeing this, Wang Dazhi could only continue to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.

Pick up the ball, pass the ball...

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

Watching Li Nan's consecutive goals, the hit rate is super high, Wang Dazhi is also envious.

But, when is this training head tall?

In another ten minutes or so, Li Nan shot more than one hundred consecutive shots. At this time, Li Nan finally stopped.

Wang Dazhi breathed a sigh of relief, but he was slanderous in his heart: "Xiao Li is really a pervert...Oh, my arms are so sore."

However, at this moment, Li Nan picked up the ball from the ground and passed it to Wang Dazhi.

With a bang, Wang Dazhi hurriedly caught the ball.

"Damn! Xiao Li, what are you doing? Murder?"

"Dazhi, it's you!"

"It's me? What's it to me?" Wang Dazhi thought he didn't understand. He didn't want to be a pervert like Li Nan, that would be exhausted.

However, thrust came from behind.

"Hey, Xiao Li, don't push me, my hands are still sore."

"Dazhi, don't you always want to know why I shoot so accurately? Shoot 1,000 shots a day, this is my secret."

"A thousand per day? Really?"

Wang Dazhi coveted Li Nan's shooting secrets, but when he knew it was 1,000 shots a day, he did not believe it. He tried to find some evidence on Li Nan's face, but the faint smile on Li Nan's face showed no trace of lying.

However, Wang Dazhi was still reluctant at all.

He was just picking up the ball. Passing is exhausting enough. Now if he is doing a thousand shots as Xiao Li said, no, as long as he makes more than one hundred shots like just now, he is sure that his hand must be "useless".

"Little Li, I'm young~"

Wang Dazhi was about to bargain to say that he had missed a few shots. At this time, another ball flew towards Wang Dazhi, directly hitting the ball in Wang Dazhi's original hand.

"Oh, wow! Xiao Li, don't go too far."

Saying that, Wang Dazhi finally started to do it.

When Wang Dazhi was shooting, Li Nan was picking up the ball and passing it while talking.

"Dazhi, do you know? Just the Lakers and Kobe. Didn't this guy hurt his right hand before? This guy started to practice left-handed shooting at home. Seriously, Dazhi, in terms of effort, you can't match him."

"Impossible, I also train very hard every day, okay?"

"If you really work hard, you won't have just a few shots after you get on the court."

"I~" Wang Dazhi was about to refute, but he stopped thinking of his heartbreaking shot recently.

"Dazhi, your shooting percentage in recent games is not very good. Many open shots have not been thrown in. Old Jim told me that if your shooting percentage still can't improve, he will start for Ewing."

"What? How can old Jim be like this? I'm his personal disciple! Ewing is our old enemy Georgetown University!"

Having said this, Wang Dazhi also turned his head suddenly and stared at Li Nan questioningly, "Xiao Li, you lied to me again."

"I lied to you? How could it be possible? You are my best brother, how could I lie to you?" Then, Li Nan stopped, ran to the sideboard to retrieve a document, and threw it over. come and see."

Wang Dazhi took the folder and opened it.

The words "problems with players in the team" made Wang Dazhi's eyebrows slightly constricted.

Then, Wang Dazhi saw himself on the first page.

This was put on the front as a "problem" player, Wang Dazhi also blushed, so he quickly looked down

"Wang's concentration recently is not as concentrated as before, and the game is not active anymore, and his shots are a bit bleak..."

There is also a field goal percentage chart for the half-time semi-circular area.

"Under the basket, Wang Dazhi's shooting percentage is 57%

Close range, shooting 40%

Middle distance, 39% shooting

Long distance, shooting 38%

Three points, 30% shooting percentage"


Put Wang on the bench. "

When he saw his shooting percentage, Wang Dazhi's face was unnatural and his eyes were dodging. When he saw the last suggestion, Wang Dazhi clenched his fist even more.

"Change me to the bench? No, absolutely not! I don't want to play as a substitute!"

Seeing Wang Dazhi like this, Li Nan also secretly smiled, and those pens were still pretty good. At this time, he also hurriedly hit the railroad while it was hot: "So, Dazhi, you still have to work hard. Come on, keep shooting."

At this time, Wang Dazhi turned his head and tried to ask:

"Xiao Li, what if I cast a thousand as you said is useless?"

"It's useless to vote a thousand a day? That's impossible! I'm the one who came here! This is definitely useful!"

"But what if it's really useless?"

"If it's really useless, then two thousand."

Wang Dazhi:...


after an hour,


Sitting on the court, Wang Dazhi kept panting, his left hand was still rubbing his right arm, but his eyes glanced at Li Nan who was still playing left-handed shots, his eyes full of strange colors.

At this time, Hamilton and Reid showed up on the training ground.

"Richard, come and see what good present I have brought you."


Everyone's eyes were attracted by Li Nan, but their hearts were a little sour.

Especially Wang Dazhi, whose arms are too tired.

"Why don't you give gifts to these irrelevant people, don't you give me gifts. Xiao Li really turned his elbow out."

Hamilton's face was very indifferent, but he was a little bit happy.

Only I have none of you.

After receiving a box from Li Nan, Hamilton was also curious.

"what is this?"

Li Nan waved to him,

"Take it apart and see if it fits properly?"

Suitable or inappropriate? That's what is worn. Isn't it a trick, give me underwear or something?

Hamilton shook his head quickly to get rid of these bad thoughts.

Li is not like that! The ideas that made fun of Reid last time were all from the bad guys in Fordson.

When Hamilton opened and saw what was inside, he was relieved.

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