Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 473: Mobile force

   After the game, Wang Dazhi suddenly appeared in the locker room. There are many complicated things in those eyes, there are grudges, hatred, anger, and...

   Li Nan can't stand it anymore, "Hey, Dazhi, why are you staring at me?"

   "Little Li!" Wang Dazhi pointed at Li Nan fiercely, very angry!

   Li Nan continued to ask knowingly, "Huh? Why?"

   "What do you say I want to do? Huh?"

   Before the game, I didn’t say that I should give me more opportunities and let me work hard to win the honor. As a result, today, you basically just focused on your own high scores and forgot my brother!

  Wang Dazhi was opening his mouth to blurt out, but Li Nan waved toward the dressing room.

   "Hey, coach, are you looking for me?"

   said, Li Nan walked away quickly.

   Wang Dazhi was about to catch Li Nan, but he found out that Old Jim was really at the door, and he was really looking for Li Nan.

   "Damn it! Xiao Li, you are so unreliable!"


   After the game, Jim Burheim found Li Nan.

   Is this to ask the teacher?

   Li Nan was about to open his mouth to admit a mistake and make a statement. What he didn't expect was that Old Jim actually spoke first.

   "Lee, it's all my fault."

   Seeing Li Nan added more individual singles today, Jim Burheim also blamed himself.

   He believes that Li Nan increased his individual singles because his teammates could not provide more support.

   "Lee, the players didn't give you more support. This is my fault as a coach!"

   Li Nan was also a little hot on his face.

   Isn't it the old Jim's retreat? However, looking at the serious look of old Jim, it was completely different.

  Old Jim is serious!

   Li Nan also waved his hand, very generously said: "It's all right, old Jim, we are all our own now, don't need to be like this."

   At this time, Old Jim smiled, and suddenly pushed some documents to himself.

"this is?"

   Old Jim didn't say, but waved his hand and asked Li Nan to open it.

   Li Nan always feels this situation is very familiar.

   Well, yes, it was a "gift" that Larry Brown gave himself when he returned to Philadelphia in the All-Star Game more than two years ago.

   And now this is a gift from old Jim to himself?

   Li Nan opened the folder and took a look.

   As expected!

   ""New Tactical Training Plan""

   also mentioned a lot of things, "dynamic offensive theory", "running and bombing", "Nuggets defense system"...

  Dynamic offensive theory, constantly running the ball, all players are moving on the field, or running, or helping to screen, until someone finds an open opportunity to shoot...

  Running, emphasizing the speed of offensive and defensive transitions, when the opponent wants to defend the penalty area, we choose to shoot directly from the three-point line...

  Li Nan is convinced that this article is definitely proposed by D'Antoni!

   Defensive system, this is old Jim's skill. Like Larry Brown, the old Jim's defensive system is accurate to everyone's defensive actions, defensive duties...


   This new tactical system, the more I looked down, the more Li Nan felt familiar.

   Well, it's kind of like the Golden State Warriors of the 10s.

   Moreover, this tactic emphasizes offense and defense, which seems to be more comprehensive.

  Just, with such a comprehensive tactical system, can this Nuggets team do it? Can the players bear such a tactic? Like Ben Wallace, is it possible for him to learn to pass?

   In the previous game, the Nuggets have proved that they can’t, not really!

   Because there are too many uncertain things in it!

   "Coach, I think there are still many things that need to be changed. We have to do it according to the actual situation. Like Ben, you want him to pass the ball. This is easier to talk about. If you want him to take an open shot, this is not justified..."

"Just forget about running and bombing. If we have a chance, we can play fast break. Don't forcefully pursue the kind of running and bombing. However, some things in running bombing and dynamic attack theory are very good. For example, keep running. The ball. Our team is like a mobile unit that can..."

   "I think Wang Dazhi's chance tactics should be increased. Just like the previous Nuggets, his offensive organization is quite a set..."

   "With so many talents on our bench, we can give our opponent a heavy blow..."


   "Well, what you said is what I meant. Especially the term maneuver unit! Be adaptable and adapt to local conditions. If the players can handle the ball in this way, then this half-time positional match is perfect."

   Old Jim was very pleased and sighed, "Those guys only made such a thing in a few weeks, but you discovered the key at a glance. Li, you really didn't disappoint me."

   was praised accidentally, Li Nan also smiled lightly and accepted it calmly.

   "Just, Lee, this style of play reminds me of the Princeton system of the Kings."

   "No, no, this is an improved dynamic offensive system belonging to our Nuggets, not Princeton!"

   Princeton focuses on passing the ball and commanding the inside. The Nuggets are not!

   "What I worry about is whether we can digest these tactics. If we learn badly, then we will be ashamed."

   Tactical things need to be accumulated before practice makes perfect.

   And the birth of the new tactics naturally requires someone to experiment. This experimentation means that one season, or several seasons, or even some people's careers may fail.

   "Coach, do you really want to change?"

   Li Nan didn't say it so seriously, but Jim Burheim thought about it that way.

   Jim Burheim meditated quietly, his eyes a little out of focus.

   After a long time, he finally spoke.

   "Try it, maybe it works well?"

   Jim Burheim is going to fight for it.

   After all, other people’s tactics are other people’s tactics after all. Where can I get famous with my own tactics?

   Then Burheim also gave a rough idea of ​​the training plan. It is a gradual and gradual change, without any brainstorming.

   Will this be effective? Li Nan didn't know.

   Try it, try it!

   I'm only 22 years old anyway, and I can afford to wait.

   Just before leaving, Li Nan suddenly remembered a few small tactics.

   "Coach, I have thought about a few small tactics here, can you see if you can use it?"

   "Oh? You designed it? Quickly, draw it and let me see."

   Jim Burheim is still very interested in tactics.

   Li Nan also took the drawing board and started writing and drawing on it.

  The offensive tactics on the court are basically derived from the pick and roll.

  For example, triangle offense, Princeton, horns, diamonds, pistols, these tactics are indispensable for pick-and-rolls, or use the pick-and-rolls to find vacancies, or use the pick-and-rolls to find strong singles opportunities.

   This tactic drawn by Li Nan also has a pick-and-roll in it, but it is a special pick-and-roll.

   Looking at the little tactics drawn by Li Nan, Jim Burheim thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

   "Yes, yes, we can try all of these."

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