Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 467: Destroy Wang Dazhi

   "Jay, speed up the defensive pace! If you can't cover it, you will intimidate him, hit him, and give him a to do it? I don't need to teach you?"

   "Of course, what I want to emphasize is our offense. Our offense is really bad."

   Hamilton scored 3 goals in a row and then scored 5 goals in a row, while the Pacers have only scored 2 in the last 5 offenses.

   Larry Bird is not good. Hamilton will always be so accurate. He thinks that the reason for the team being overtaken is more because of his offense.

   Reggie Miller's shooting is not very accurate, Jalen Rose's low post is also a bit ugly, Larry Bird also thinks he is going inside.

   Last season, when the East felt that the Pacers' inside line was really eaten to death by the 76ers. Dale Davis, Rick Schmitz, Derek Coleman, Crohill, these four guys ate in front of the 76ers' two defensive champions Ben Wallace and Mutombo Big loss.

   However, this season Larry Bird is going to be proud.

   They got Jermaine O’Neal, an underrated young man.

   "Jermaine, next is the time to prove yourself, let the world see, you are also a 96th player, you are not weak at all!"

   Jermaine O’Neal grinned upon hearing Larry Bird’s words.

   I have been watching his teammates wasting opportunities before, and Jermaine O’Neal is also heartbroken.

   has been running back and forth on the court, he has been gearing up for a long time, can't wait to show himself.

The same players in the 96th class, Iverson, Kobe, Ray Allen, Nash... are all big stars. O'Neal believes that God is unfair. If he can get a chance to play earlier, he will definitely not be better than these people. Poor.

   Now, the opportunity is finally coming!

   "Yes, coach!"

   The timeout is over and return to the field.

   The Pacers still played the original tactics, Reggie Miller shuttled through halftime, looking at the same formula.

   However, soon, everyone saw their changes.

   Mark Jackson dropped the ball into the wing.

   This time it was not Jaylen Rose, but Jermaine O’Neal!

   It was Wang Dazhi who defended him.

  Wang Dazhi's muscle strength has increased a lot in the NBA, and he hasn't lost the wind at all in the confrontation. Among the big men of almost the height, his speed is not slow.

   However, facing the "fledgling" Jermaine O'Neal, Wang Dazhi still suffered a loss in his footsteps.

  Little O'Neal dribbled the ball with his back, twisted his right shoulder, and pretended to turn right, but he immediately caught up with the left turn, a very smooth turning motion, passing by!

   Wang Dazhi simply couldn't catch up.

   Little O'Neal went directly into the penalty area.

   Ben Wallace's defense awareness on the other side is already pretty good. He just got under the rim, but he was still slow.

   Little O'Neal jumped up and dunked with both hands!



   The bald-headed little O'Neill roared, venting his depression over the past four years, and also showing himself to the world.

I! Jermaine O'Neal! To be famous here today!


   "Jermaine! Good shot!"

   "Pretty! Beautiful button!"

   The Pacers fans at the scene naturally screamed frantically.

   A Li Nan walked away, and such an outstanding big man came, which can be regarded as filling a vacancy in his heart.

   In turn, the Nuggets attacked.

   A simple cross-run between Li Nan and Hamilton, and using Li Nan's restraint, directly created opportunities for Hamilton.

   However, this time, Hamilton did not make a shot under Jaylen Rose's strenuous pounce.

   Little O'Neal jumped up and grabbed the backboard with the first "bang".

   The momentum is a bit strong.

   The Pacers' half-court offense was again given to O'Neal.

   After O'Neal took the ball, he turned around and faced Wang Dazhi head-on.

   bang bang bang!

   dribble down! Little O'Neill actually showed up!

   Wang Dazhi didn't mean to stretch out his hand, he just watched.

   At this time, O'Neal suddenly lowered his center of gravity, changed direction in front of his body, and plunged directly to the right.

   passed away!

   into the restricted area!

   Behind him, Wallace made up his defense faster this time. However, he jumped a beat slower than O'Neal, he couldn't reach it!

   Little O'Neal shot lightly with his right hand in the air.



   The height of O'Neal 211 is very fast among power forwards.

   In his various turning movements, there is the shadow of Jordan.

   He will also lower the center of gravity and change the direction in front of the person. The speed and the action are not like a power forward at all, but a bit of a defender.

   216-tall Wang Dazhi has never met such a fast power forward, even Tim Duncan is not as fast as him.

   Wang Dazhi couldn't keep up in the first step, and then he could only be a spectator.

   Of course, this is true for any counterpoint.

   One step fast, step by step.

   One, two, three!

   Little O'Neal ate Wang Dazhi three goals in a row!

   It can be said that O'Neal beat Wang Dazhi!

   Wang Dazhi directly lost his temper.

   Li Nan went to the referee directly and made a timeout gesture.

time out!

   O'Neal scored three goals in a row, and the Nuggets were 1 in 2 for Hamilton, scoring one, and the score came to 18-20.

  While walking off the field, Li Nan was also talking to Wang Dazhi.

   "Dazhi, you block his right, no matter what direction he goes, you just block his right..."

   Like Rubio defending Harden's retreat in the future, he stands on Harden's left back and defends. Although Harden's breakthrough and points are not a small threat, but Harden's retreat is even more daunting.

   O'Neal's offense is all right-handed, left-handed dribble, left-handed breakthrough is also possible, but in the end, he still has to shoot with the right hand. At this time, the defender Wang Dazhi is on the right side of O'Neal. O'Neal's right-hand shot is absolutely awkward ~ It is not easy to score goals.

  On the sidelines, Li Nan said as he gave Wang Dazhi a seat.

   Wang Dazhi nodded his head as if he did not understand, feeling that Li Nan's words made sense.

Jim Burheim beside    nodded with a smile.

   But D'Antoni pouted,

   "Coach, why don't you care about him? This kid casually calls a timeout. Isn't this disrupting your rhythm? Also, are the things he taught Wang really useful?"

   In the commentary, Groom Albert still admired Jermaine O’Neal very much.

"Larry Bird's vision is really good. This Jermaine is really good. His bounce, his speed, his defense, and his offense are all very good. Use Dell Day Weiss traded him for a really good value.

   It was Richard who showed off for the Nuggets today, and the Pacers stepped up to respond to Jermaine. This game was good. "

  At this moment, the old groom saw Li Nan teaching Wang Dazhi on the sidelines, and he also said:

   "Lee seems to be teaching Wang how to defend. Can Wang block Jermaine's offense next? Let's wait and see."

   The old groom is looking forward to the next game.


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