Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 450: Defensive master

   After a timeout, the US team played more seriously.

   Offensively, they temporarily gave up some bonuses and started to concentrate on scoring.

   Kidd is in control of the overall situation and frequently sends wonderful passes; Steve Smith's precise three-pointer, Kevin Garnett's large jumper; Mourning also scored a lot of goals in the low post.

   Vince Carter and Li Nan are entangled with each other, and there are few chances to shoot.

   The NBA is indeed the world's No. 1 Division, and the abilities of NBA stars are indeed powerful.

   Soon, the American team hit a wave of small poles and caught up with the score.

   On the offensive end, the US team is catching up, and on the defensive end, the US team is also serious.

   The cooperation of the Chinese team is not as good as the Pacers and the 76ers. Even if there is, it will not stop the American players from changing their defenses to Li Nan.

   When Li Nan was being watched, other Chinese players stood up.

  Using Li Nan as a bait, Wang Dazhi's high position gave others a lot of opportunities, and Wang Dazhi also frequently sent out several assists.

   Guo Shiqiang's sudden score, Zhang Jinsong's three-pointer, Yao Liang's low hook shot, everyone has their own characteristics.

   Li Nan adopted a sneak attack tactic. Running with the opponent, when the American team players relax their vigilance, one suddenly comes.

   slammed a cold arrow suddenly, piercing a knife in the opponent's heart.

   The sudden use of Lengjian also caused the opponent to be interrupted every time the tide was about to rise.

  On the field, the offense of the Chinese team is not as good as that of the American team.

   For a time, the two sides were evenly matched.

   The audience was so enthusiastic about it, and even many foreign audiences started to cheer for the Chinese team. Every time the Chinese team scored, the audience applauded enthusiastically.

   At 12 minutes, the score between the two sides was 33-34, and the US team led by 1 point.

   Rudy off the court-coach is very dissatisfied with the defense of the US team.

   "These bastards!"

   Why is the Chinese team shooting so high? Isn't it just these guys who are lazy?

   Especially Carter who defended Li Nan. The whole team targeted Li Nan in this way, and Carter often drove short runs to give Li Nan a chance to shoot, which really disappointed Coach Rudy too much.

   He directly chose five ups and downs.

   On the sidelines, Coach Rudy also explained, "Gary, stare at him, don't let him score anymore."

   This "he" is naturally Li Nan.

   Every time Li Nan's sudden cold arrow is to push down the momentum of the US team just getting up, it is really unpleasant! The U.S. team can't always fight the tide, and the offense is naturally incoherent.

   Gary Payton is on the field, and the main defender is Li Nan.

   32-year-old Gary Payton is still in shape.

   Seeing Li Nan in front of him, I don’t know why, Gary Payton remembered the finals with the Bulls.

   After the past few seasons, Gary Payton has not many chances to match Li Nan, and there is no chance to defend Li Nan.

   After all, Li Nan's previous team used to let him play off the ball.

   Just like that today.

   "Then let me try your FMVP quality."

  It’s just that Gary Payton knows that in the Chinese team’s style of play, Li Nan still misses the ball more.

   I have to think of a way...


   When Gary Payton came up, Li Nan felt something different.


   Yes, it's focus!

  To say Carter Kidd and the others, that's for fun! Gary Payton is really focused, he is here to play the game.

   Li Nan couldn't help being cautious.

   However, Li Nan discovered that Gary Payton only glanced at himself, then ran to stare at Guo Shiqiang.

   The Chinese team just delivered the ball.

problem occurs!

   Gary Payton steals the frontcourt!

   A layup succeeded!

   Seeing this, Li Nan also had to admire Gary Payton.

   This defense is really strong.

   Gary Payton has defended the first team for 6 consecutive times from the 93-94 season to this season. He is the only player to win the best defensive player as a PG.

   The steals are the king, limit MJ's lowest scoring average in the finals, a well-known nickname-gloves...

   All this proves how good his defense is.

   Gary Payton's defense is textbook-like for every PG.

  Li Nan also has a lot of research on Gary Payton's defense.

   This steal just now can only be a piece of cake, and Gary Payton still has a lot of textbook moves.

  For example:

   When encountering an opponent at the basket, close to you to prepare for a jump shot, usually the standard defensive posture taught by the coach is: arms high and straight, not leaning forward.

   This concept is not wrong at all, but if the opponent is higher than you, it is not good, the result is often open eyes to watch the goal, sit and wait.

   Of course, Payton can’t sit still, what he does is "active defense"——

   The first is the best!

   When the opponent has not yet lifted the ball, the five claws are out, and the ball is shot first.

   Another example:

   The attacker dribbles the ball with his back to Payton, and the attacker dribbles the ball to the center and makes a false cut to the left to induce Payton to move left. Payton moved a little bit to the left, but when the attacker turned his right foot to the bottom line, Gary Payton had already seen through what moves he was going to make, and at the same time moved to the right.

   Insight into the attacker’s next route in advance is Payton’s defensive recipe

and also:

   When the attacker had exhausted his moves and was about to lift the ball for a jump shot, he looked at it with a big eye, but Gary Payton had already half-stepped him, with his big feet open, completely blocking the offensive line. Hit the ball with a palm and immediately launch a fast break.

   Of course, Gary Payton's defense is much more than that. He is a very good defensive master.

  ...Looking at Guo Shiqiang's dribble being suppressed by Gary Payton's defense, Li Nan also had to withdraw to get the ball.

  Gary Payton didn't even think about it, so he changed positions with Ray Allen who defended Li Nan.

   "I will guard him!"

   Li Nan didn't dare to be strong. Being entangled by this old guy, it was not so easy to pass halftime safely.

   With the help of Bart's cover, he circumvented, passed the halftime steadily, and handed it to Wang Dazhi.

   This is another tactic.

   Gary Payton is very upset at this moment!

   "Boy, you are far behind Michael Jordan."

   Is it too far?

   Li Nan thinks about it, it's really a bit.

   Just facing Gary Payton, Li Nan thought of his teammates for the first time, instead of relying on his own ability to pass him and **** the ball through the half.

   Now halftime, what Li Nan thought was to give the ball to Wang Dazhi and then play tactics. Instead of directly dealing with the troublesome spirit in front of you.

   For a moment, Li Nan remembered what he had said against Jiang's guidance before, what "higher, faster and stronger", and also remembered what Jordan said about "confidence".

   "hen~ I'm still not confident enough."

  Gary Payton looked at Li Nan shaking his head, somewhat inexplicably.

  And at this moment, Li Nan suddenly pushed Gary Payton with a hard hand.


   "F@#¥!" Gary Payton scolded and chased after him.

   This guy is too cunning! No wonder Vince was bullied so badly. If I am a few years younger, I must want him to look good!

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