Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 447: I disagree!

Before the quarterfinals began, the media began to predict the top four places.

Donjevic, the head coach of the European champion Italian team, once led the Yugoslavian team to create a brilliant head coach in the early 1990s.

The head coach from Bosnia and Herzegovina made a high-profile prediction: "Australia has 3 NBA players! They play fiercely, they like physical contact, and they will use the host advantage to reach the semifinals."

The Australian team has center Langley who is currently playing for the Phoenix Suns. This is the champion center with 3 NBA championship rings! In addition, Australia also has NBA player Chris Ansty, who now plays for the Bulls, and former NBA 76ers player Mark Blanc, who now plays for the Sydney Kings.

The locals in Australia are naturally very happy.

But, not long after, a big mouth came out.

The head coach of the New Zealand team, who has been out, Crawhan boldly predicted: "The Chinese team is a dark horse. Under the leadership of FMVP, the Chinese team will definitely reach the semi-finals as a dark horse. Australia was not in the four-nation match. The opponents of the Chinese team are the same now, and there will be no change. Although Australia has big men like Langley, Ansty and Mark Blanc who play in the NBA, they are not enough to look at the invincible FMVP. . Australia wants to win unless it is a disgraceful means."

Crowhan really dare to say anything. Before arrogantly defeated the Chinese team, now it is changed. He wants to blow the Chinese team high, which also proves that he has not lost injustice, and of course, it is more meaning to praise and kill.

A reporter asked the big mouth of Crawhan, "Langley is the championship big center, why are you so optimistic about Australia?"

"I don’t know if you still remember. In the fourth game of the 76ers against the Bulls in the first round of the 97-98 playoffs in the Eastern Conference, Langley was directly cut off by Li bloody. Langley was dumbfounded at the time. It has also become muddled."

Crowhan directly found out the old things, and did not forget to lift Li Nan, "Li is the next Jordan, he has the ability to change the game. Such Langley is not enough to see."

Australia hates this big mouth too.

"Huh! It's just a friendly match, not worth mentioning."

"We will definitely give the Chinese team a hard blow, just wait and see."

"We are the number one team outside Dream Four."

The Australians seem to have forgotten that they are just the second place in the Group B group stage, and they are overwhelmed by Russia.

Soon, the quarter-finals match day on the 27th arrived.

More than 20,000 spectators filled the stands.

However, they came happily, but they went back in disgrace.


Li Nan scored 40 points and led the Chinese team to beat host Australia by 5 points to advance to the semi-finals.

After the game, Crawhan with a big mouth came out again.

"Look, let me just say it, China's Li is really amazing, right? 40 points, this is the highest individual score in a single game in this Olympics... Australia's defense is completely vulnerable, and Li is now. Michael Jordan...only a team as strong as the Chinese team can beat us New Zealand."

After mentioning such a long paragraph, Crawhan's goal is also pointed out at the end, the New Zealand team is not weak!

After that, in the other three games, the United States beat Canada 110-88, Lithuania beat Russia 87-86, and France beat Argentina 80-67.

Crawhan was even more straightforward: "Why do we in New Zealand get out of the group stage? It's because Group A is too strong. If we are in Group B, we can also appear in the group."

All four teams in Group A advanced to the semi-finals, and all four teams in Group B were eliminated.

Crawhan is right, Group A is really strong.

The Australians can't blame others, but their own national team is too rubbish.

At the end of the quarterfinals, the semi-final matchup is also out:

Team China vs Team USA

Lithuania vs France

"The anticipated Sino-US war is finally coming, right?"

"I think the Chinese team will choose to give up the opportunity to play with the U.S. team and fight for a medal with another group of winners."

"This is too much? What's so good about this kind of game?"

"Nonsense! The Chinese team didn't let Li play in the group stage because Li was injured and his ankle was in training...Uh, well, I can't make it up."

When everyone was talking, in a conference room in the Olympic Village.

Sure enough, some people got it right, and the coaching staff really wanted to "let" the game.

"No, I don't agree!"

Li Nan stood up directly.

The group stage "let", even if you pass the humiliation, this semi-final, you can't say anything!

"Coach, why are we here to play the Olympics? For victory? For medals?"

These questions about Li Nan also made everyone wonder. Isn't it just for medals and glory for the country to play in the Olympics? There is nothing wrong with it.

"No! No! Not like that! We are here to play the Olympic Games to make ourselves taller, faster and stronger! This time, we give up this game, even if we get the bronze medal, what about next time? Next time, we meet the American team again, and we give up again? Then we will never stand on the highest podium! We may have won medals in this Olympics, but we have lost the future!"

Li Nan said a lot of things in one breath, and he couldn't control so much of the logic. Anyway, what he meant was that this game must be played!

Director Jiang condensed his eyes, quietly, without saying anything.

At this time, someone stood up again, "I agree!"

Wang Dazhi!

In the last match, Li Nan didn't play, and Wang Dazhi only played for ten minutes, which was not good at all! This time, he said nothing to let go!

"I agree too!"

Liu Yudong also stood up afterwards, this is the attitude of the old Bayi team!

"I agree too!"

Then, more people stood up, one after another to Li Nan's side.

Even Guo Shiqiang, who was promoted by Jiang, is on the side of the players.

Jiang guided his left hand on his and scanned the people in front of him.

The authority of the coach has been challenged. This is not the first time he has faced it.

Director Jiang looked at the group of people in front of him, at their unspeakable fighting spirit,

Thinking again.

To be honest, he doesn't want to be so aggrieved, but this time the men's basketball team has a task. They were assigned a task of competing for cards. If they couldn't complete it, then he, the head coach, would definitely have to bye bye.

However, looking at these people in front of him, watching these high-spirited boys, Jiang Zhizhi moved.

The scene was quiet, no one spoke, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Just when the players thought they would be deadlocked to the end, or when they were reprimanded by Jiang, Director Jiang suddenly spoke.

"Okay! Since you are so persistent, then my old man is going to fight it out!"

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