Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 432: After all, failed to fight to the end

   "Little Li?"

  'S mind was dark, as if it was only a moment, and it seemed that a long, long time had passed.

   Feeling that someone is pushing him, Li Nan slowly opened his heavy eyes, and then stared at his old teammate Wang Dazhi with a dumb face.

   "Why did Dazhi become so tender?"

   "Illusion, right?"

   "Well, it must be an illusion!"

   When he saw that he was in a huge and bright basketball hall and the stands were full of foreigners of all colors, Li Nan's brows suddenly rose, and he didn't realize what was happening now.

   Isn't it right now that I should lead the boys to train in the National Youth Team? Why did you open your eyes and suddenly came to this ghost place?

Is    dreaming?

   "Beautiful 3-pointer! Huweidong!"

   ";dunk! Kobe Bryant!"

   "Oh oh oh!!!"

   Listening to the sudden rush of cheers, Li Nan, who was still a little dazed, couldn't help but grabbed his forearm, he wanted to get out of this inexplicable dream.

   But what he didn't expect was that the real pain was directly transmitted to the brain!

   What the hell?

   thought he was dreaming Li Nan, at this moment the brain suddenly short-circuited.

   He muttered to himself: This, is this fake?

   Li Nan, who couldn't believe it at all, looked around the surroundings quickly and glanced around.

   Then, he was surprised to find that he was in a big arena.

   There are many blond and blue-eyed foreigners in the stands. The center line of the stadium is a big palm drawing, which looks very familiar!

  This, isn't this the scene of the Rocky Mountain Summer League?

   Li Nan looked at the familiar old teammates around him in surprise, Dazhi, Captain Sun, the bus...Why are you all so young? really?

   inadvertently lowered his head, the white national team uniform he was wearing came into view, and the bright red "China" made Li Nan's heart tremble.

   In the next instant, memory images after another appeared in Li Nan's mind.

   is like waking up suddenly after a long silence.

   Feeling the scenes in his mind, Li Nan was stunned.

   Is this a joke?

My goodness!

   It turned out to be July 14, 1996!

   And even more amazing is that he is only 18 years old now!

   I was born in 1974. I should be 22 years old now. How come I have become an 18-year-old young man?

How is this going?

   Sitting on the chair, Li Nan, who kept wondering about his life, began to use different methods of testing to see if he was dreaming.

   But, no matter what method he uses, he shows that all this is true in front of him!

   This is a paradoxical parallel world!

   Li Nan's brain started to think wildly about how he got here.

   The brain revolved at a high speed, and finally he got a result that made him a little dumbfounded.

   In the previous life, he was drunk at home, and then went through.

   Is it possible to travel through with a drink and a night's sleep?

   Okay, I must have drank fake wine!

   Looking at the familiar playing field in front of him, looking at the familiar old teammates in front of him, and touching his familiar shirt, Li Nan suddenly felt a little emotional.

   "Am I back in the Rocky Mountain Summer League in 1996?"

   In 1996, this was his first national team selection, and this Rocky Mountain Summer League was his first international competition.

   For the next 14 years, he will wear this jersey to fight for the country. He is also one of the best forwards in the national team.

   As one of the fathers of the August First Dynasty, Li Nan has the qualities of a soldier, has a tough playing style, and is especially able to tackle key problems. His excellent three-point shooting is even known as Xiao Li Feida.

   After retiring, Li Nan became a coach and even the head coach of the national team.

   It’s just that the World Cup defeat was really hurt.

   Now, God has given him another chance.


   In the Rocky Mountain Summer League in 1996, the Lakers and the Chinese National Basketball Team are now facing each other on the court.

   At this time, the Chinese men's basketball team is the golden generation of 94!

   It is the Chinese team that historically won the eighth world championship under the guidance of Jiang two years ago.

The members of the    team are basically twenty-six or seventeen years old.

   Center: Wang Dazhi, Shan Tao, Bart;

   Before: Liu Yudong, Gong Xiaobin, Wu Qun;

   Xiaoqian: Hu Weidong, Li Nan;

  Shooting guards: Sun Jun, Zheng Wu;

   Point guards: Li Xiaoyong, Wu Qinglong;

   Liu Yudong, who is known as the God of War in the future, has excellent shooting skills. At this time, he can fly and dunk;

   China's Jordan Hu Weidong, excellent physical fitness, amazing explosiveness, is also a good three-pointer;

   Point guard Li Xiaoyong, with a strong overall view, strong organizational control;

   Captain Sun Jun, with strong scoring ability and fast speed;

  Bart has a strong body and good defensive ability;

   There is also Wang Dazhi, a young man who chased the wind, Mr. Key Zheng Wu...

   This is the strongest team dominating Asia.

   And they are also the most brilliant generation in Chinese basketball history.

   However, such a talented Chinese team is still a lot worse than this Lakers team full of recruits.

   Everyone knows that the NBA teams participating in the summer league are all rookies and those who have lost the draft. Naturally, their strength cannot be compared with normal NBA teams.

   And the regulars in this Lakers team are the talented high school student Kobe Bryant and the fisherman Fisher.

   As for the others, they are naturally made up.

   Check it out, there are, David Poole, Derek Barty, Ryan Marion...

   No one is known to Li Nan.

   This is completely a patchwork army.

   And it is such a miscellaneous army that can compete with the Chinese national team, and even suppress the Chinese team.

   It can be seen how far the domestic basketball is from the United States.

   Today's game, young Kobe became the focus of the audience.

   The more people there are, the more Kobe wants to express himself.

   Gorgeous dribbles, sharp breakthroughs, blasting the audience's dunks, all are amazing.

   Of course, not only Kobe, but other little-known players also have a good performance.

   Outstanding explosive power, strong body, skilled football skills, they all play very beautifully.

   There is no advantage in every aspect of the body, but the Chinese team is still playing tenaciously here.

   Relying on Hu Weidong's three-pointer and Liu Yudong's mid-range shot, they still bit their opponents and didn't let the score change.

   "Kobe took the ball from the backcourt, he rushed up, connected two people, and went straight to the basket. Is he going to complete a dragon? Oh no, big hot pot! Huweidong rewarded Kobe with a big hot pot."

   "Counter-attack, the Chinese team's counter-attack, three-pointers! It's Huweidong again, he has already made the fifth three-pointer!"

   "The No. 8 of the Chinese team really shines! Without Kobe, he would definitely be the brightest star today."

   With Hu Weidong's three-pointer, the point difference was 7 points. Now is a good time for the Chinese team to start chasing points.

   Watching the fierce battle on the field, many Chinese fans on the scene were very excited, chanting "China team, come on."

   Li Nan, who was sitting on the sidelines, kept his eyes fixed and his face was full of anxiety.

   Li Nan seemed even more nervous because he knew the situation of the game behind.

   The rules of the Summer League are different from those of the NBA.

   4 periods of competition, 10 minutes per period, faster pace.

   Li Nan knows that by the middle of the fourth quarter, the physical disadvantage of the Chinese team will slowly become apparent.

   Increased turnovers, unfavorable offense, and the defense cannot withdraw in time, and a wave will be taken away.

   The heart is beating, the blood is burning, and the fingers are rattling.

   Li Nan really wants to play!

  It's just that this national team is full of talents.

   Among the forward players, Hu Weidong is known as China’s Jordan and is China’s best small forward.

   And Zheng Wu is Mr. Crucial. At the critical moment of the game, he can always stand up and give his opponent a fatal blow.

   Now Li Nan is just an 18-year-old young guy, so he is naturally out of his turn.

   At this time, the situation on the field has begun to change, and the physical disadvantage of the Chinese team is slowly revealed.

   Single Tao singles were blocked directly.

   Kobe got the ball and launched a quick counterattack from the backcourt.

   Sun Jun, who has lost his footsteps easily after changing his hips.

   Taking advantage of the Chinese team's unsteady foothold, Kobe drove straight ahead and scored to the basket.

   "Wow, beautiful!"

   Kobe deserves to be the biggest star of the Rocky Mountain Summer League, and the audience is exclaiming for his series of extraordinary actions.

   However, at this time, Hu Weidong gave a hand with no shame, and even pulled the ball away.

   Kobe, who was pulled down by a hand, glared at Hu Weidong angrily, shook his arm heavily to vent his dissatisfaction.


   "Call~~" The audience booed suddenly, and the audience expressed their dissatisfaction with Hu Weidong.

   That's Kobe, the genius high school student most valued by Lakers general manager Jerry West. He is the brightest star in this summer league.

   The boos all over the room seemed magical.

   After this ball, the Chinese team's decline suddenly appeared.

Seeing the veteran players still persevering on the field, Li Nan's hands were involuntarily The physical fitness of the Chinese players was not as good as the opponent's black and hard, and now their physical fitness is greatly reduced. , It was even more difficult.

  Substitution? !

   This is a way!

   Just, at this point, will the palace coach as the head coach change? Can someone change? Who will change it?

   Habitually, Li Nan started thinking again.

   What should I do?

   can't really let it be performed according to the original script, just watch and lose?

   Although it's just a summer league equivalent to training, Li Nan really doesn't want to taste the taste of failure anymore.

   I don’t want to!

   After all, where can Li Nan travel through, but he has traveled to this place, this time, this identity?

   Isn’t this God’s will in the dark?

   Li Nan's heart that wants to play on the court is already about to move!

   He really wants to play!

   He can't wait any longer.

   got up decisively, Li Nan walked to the trainer Gong Ming who was holding his arms in three steps and two steps, followed by a simple sentence.

   "Guide Palace, I want to play!"

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