Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 427: In trouble

   The conflict is neither big nor small.

   The three referees gathered at the technical table to watch the defense, and then they met to discuss.

   At this time, the Pacers fans on the scene were agitated.

   "Technical criminal! Technical criminal! Technical criminal!"

   O'Neal already has a technical foul, if another one comes, the Lakers will completely GG. The Lakers without O'Neill are lambs to be slaughtered.

   In the rest area of ​​the Lakers, everyone stood up and stared at the referee closely.

   "No! The referee won't be so cruel! Two technical fouls in one round! This is absolutely impossible!"

   O'Neal is also weak at this time.

   I was really too impulsive just now. I have been a veteran for so many years, so why didn't I hold it back?

   It’s just that it’s no use regretting now. The only thing he expects is that the referee will show mercy.

   "I'm the number one star in the league! The referee will definitely take care of me!"

   Phil Jackson looked at all this indifferently, no waves in his eyes.

   Kobe looked at the referees, if he could, he hoped that the referee would fine O'Neal...

   On the Pacers side, Larry Bird kept talking two or three meters away from the referee.

   "Technical foul! Old folks, this is a technical foul."

   "Did you hear that? The audience's eyes are sharp."

   "Punish him. You are the most impartial referee in the eyes of the fans. You can't cover up the ‘criminal’."

   Reggie Miller is also helping Larry Bird.

   The big guy Schmitz was also angrily crusade, talking bad things about O'Neill.

   The Pacers are all looking forward to O'Neal being sent off.

   Li Nan is the only one, wearing a towel, sitting on the bench seat, no one can see that he is sleeping with his eyes closed.

   Just when the atmosphere on the scene was so tense, the camera lens suddenly turned around.

   Suddenly Li Nan, who was lonely on the bench, appeared on the big screen. It seemed that what happened at the scene had nothing to do with him.

   In the commentary, Groom-Albert and the others also looked at each other.

"Wow, we saw that when the whole audience was paying attention to the referee's penalty, Li was the only one who stayed out. What is this? Is this disunity? No! No! When the conflict just broke out, Li was the first He rushed up and gave Shaq. But at this tense time, Li chose to stay quietly for a while. I suddenly knew why Li Neng has so much heart performance? Because Li can always be in such a situation Keep your peace for a moment."

   Li Nan can't hear Groom-Albert's praise of him. If he knew it, he would never tell the old man that he was actually resting.

   In these dozen or so playoff games, every game opportunity is about 46 minutes of playing time. Even if you are an iron body, you will get tired.

   Therefore, Li Nan doesn't want to miss every minute of rest, whether on or off the court.


   After repeated discussions, the referee finally decided:

   Rick Schmitz technical foul!

   Give Shaq a verbal warning.

   "Huh~" The Lakers all breathed a sigh of relief.

   O'Neal raised the corners of his mouth, "I'll just say it!"

   Kobe is a little sorry, but he smiled and patted O'Neill's ass, "Come on, man."

   "Black whistle, black whistle, black whistle!"


  The Pacers fans were agitated.

   This is the Pacers' home court, so blatantly favoring the Lakers, don't these old men want to leave here safely?

   However, no matter how restless it is, it is useless. The referee has already given the result and there is no possibility of change.

   Kobe stood on the free throw line, this time, he made a steady hit.

   70-80, 10 points difference.

   Soon, the Pacers sent a baseline ball.

   is another step-by-step running tactic.

   However, this time, the Lakers gave the Pacers a lot of trouble.


   Kobe pulls Li Nan! Fisher pulls Mark Jackson! Glen Les pulls Reggie Miller...

   The little action of the Lakers became blatant, and the referee was indifferent!

   The fairest old Dick-Bavita was indifferent!

   Then, the Pacers also began their own revenge.

   Bump! Push! top!

   The Pacers caused the Lakers' defenders to suffer a lot.

   But, the Lakers' pain is very meaningful.

   In this wave of offense by the Pacers, Reggie Miller missed the shot.

   As soon as AC-Green scored a rebound, the Pacers fouled immediately.

   Still send O'Neal to the free throw line!

   When it was surprising, O'Neal made two free throws this time!

   On the defensive end, the Lakers "do their best", on the offensive end, O'Neal has a key moment.

   At the end of the third quarter, 78-82, the Lakers chased the score abruptly.

   The trouble is coming!

   What the assistant coach was worried about before the game is really happening now.

   "Crow's mouth!"

   During the break, Larry Bird gave the assistant coach a bitter look.

   In the fourth quarter, if the adjustment is not good, then this game will fly.

   Larry Bird didn't put pressure on the players, but according to the previous arrangement, he put in the rotation lineup.

  Best+Li Nan+Reggie Miller+Coleman+Crossill.

   On the other side, the Lakers didn't dare to care at all, and went directly to O'Neal + Kobe + Glen Rice + Fisher + Horry.

   This game is very likely to be the last one. It’s impossible to rest and stay strong. You must fight!


   The fourth quarter began.

When    came up, both sides fought very fiercely!

   Fighting fiercely is undoubtedly a great influence on the Pacers, the shooting team.

   The Pacers’ hit rate has plummeted.

   In the previous three games, the Pacers faced fierce defense. At the time, the Pacers' hit rate was pretty good.

   However, the Pacers' hit rate today is the same as when the power was suddenly cut off.

   0 for 3, to 0 for 5, the Pacers only relied on Li Nan to make a foul in the fourth quarter and scored two points, but the Lakers relied on O'Neal's brutal inside attack to open up the situation.

   After O'Neal scored two goals in a row, the Pacers immediately began to foul, as long as O'Neal received the ball, he would foul directly.

   O'Neal made 11 of 24 free throws in the first three quarters.

   At the beginning of the fourth quarter, O'Neal made 5 of 6 free throws!

   now also becomes 30 free throws 16 of them!

   The Lakers took the opportunity to play a wave of 9-2, leading the score in one fell swoop.


   Pacers are in trouble!

   beep beep!

   The Pacers paused.

   Many viewers in front of the TV are happy.

   "Hahaha, Pacers are in trouble now."

   "Shaq's free throws are always not soft at critical moments! This is the big heart player."

   "Kobe played well. Wouldn't O'Neal have such an outstanding performance today if Kobe didn't come back?"

   "The Pacers got a headache, should they continue to chop the sharks? Or not?"

   Walkers are indeed in trouble now. Defensive can't defend, offense can't attack, how to adjust?


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