Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 425: This belongs to Lee

   Before the fourth game, the Lakers announced the news of Kobe's comeback.

   Kobe's comeback is like a hope for Lakers fans in Los Angeles.

   Everyone is looking forward to it.

   hope that the OK combination can bring the Lakers the first championship in the new century.


   On the evening of June 16, Indiana, Bankers Center Arena.

   When the coach of the visiting Lakers team arrived, many media also came to Kobe.

   The reporter quickly asked: "Is your injury completely healed?"

   Keru told the truth, "It's almost a bit, but for me, it's okay!"

   A minor injury can't get under the line of fire, Kobe now looks a little bit like that.

   The reporter asked again,

   "Kobe, why do you insist on playing with injuries today?"

   "To help the team win the game."

  Victory, the word Kobe said very seriously, he really values ​​victory very much. Of course, the championship is more important.

   "As everyone knows, no team can make a comeback when behind 3-0. Do you think you still have a chance?"

   "Of course! There was no team comeback before, it doesn't mean that there is neither now nor in the future. Also, isn't the record just used to break?

   Kobe speaks very confidently. Although this has been said before, he still wants to say it.

   No one can underestimate the heart of a championship.

   Just when Kobe wanted to say something more, "Lee and Reggie are here!"

   Then, a large group of reporters who had been squeezed in front of Kobe just now swarmed.

   Looking at Li Nan who was so squeezed that he could not move, Kobe pursed his mouth heavily, condensed his eyebrows slightly, and then resolutely turned and left...


   On the other side, the media stared at Li Nan and Reggie Miller among the Pacers players.

   The question of the finals MVP is constantly being talked about,

   "Lee, do you think this MVP should be given to you?"

   "Lee, if this FMVP trophy is not given to you, do you think it will be shady?"

   "Lee, who do you think is more suitable for you or Reggie to win this FMVP trophy?"


   Li Nan rarely has the habit of being interviewed before the game. He's past that age for speaking harshly.


   Now that these guys come out like this, don’t they just want to mess up the atmosphere in the Pacers?

   "Let let, let let, thank you everyone."

   Li Nan didn't answer a single question. Seeing that the security came, he also hurriedly went outside.

   Reggie Miller is still surrounded by everyone.

   The same question was quickly asked.

   "Reggie, as the boss of the Pacers, do you think FMVP should be given to you, right?"

What is unexpected is that Reggie Miller actually answered: "No! This FMVP is for Lee. Without Lee, there would be no championship! Lee makes our entire team different. Confidence, That’s right, it’s self-confidence. Our team is full of self-confidence. Everyone in our team dared to take action. We have never been so confident. This champion is ours! This FMVP trophy must belong to Li!"

   Reggie Miller was recruited, not only the championship, but also the FMVP.

   If you lose this game today, it will be a face slap, a face slap.

   However, as you can see, Reggie Miller didn't care at all.

   Click, click, click.

   The reporters kept shooting Reggie Miller. He was very cooperative, as if he had actually won the championship.

  Not far away, Larry Bird glanced at Reggie Miller.

   "If you can't win today, see if I won't give you shoes!"



   "let\'sgo! Pacers!"

   "The champion is ours!"

   The Pacers are very excited at home tonight, and many fans are screaming frantically. Various signs were held high in the stands. There are various slogans on the brand.

   "4-0, it's over!"

   "Our first championship!"


   "Lee, stay here!"

   When the scene suddenly went dark, the fans on the scene became even more intense.

   The Lakers took the lead in the game, and there were constant boos on the scene, giving them to the supporting actors of the home team.

   Kobe looked around, his eyes full of murderousness.

   O'Neal looked solemn, and today may be the last game of the season.

   Soon, the Pacers began to enter the field. Every home team player was warmly welcomed by the fans on site.

When Reggie Miller and Li Nan entered the finale from the player channel at the same time, the Pacers’ home court set off fireworks. The moment they bloomed, they were shining and bright. The Pacers fans in the audience were also very excited. Like a group of beasts.


  On the field, Li Nan and Kobe clapped their hands together.

"good luck."

"You too."

   Simple greetings, there are no more words.

   Today, here, they are opponents. In order to win the game, they must do everything they can on this court. Even if it is a brother, it is impossible to be merciful.


   The warm-up ended soon.

   beep beep!

  The starting players of both sides appeared.


   Ron Harper, Kobe Bryant, Glen Rice, A.C. Green, Shaquille O’Neal


   Mark Jackson, Li Nan, Reggie Miller, Dale Davis, Rick Schmitz



   A whistle sounded and the game started.

   Kobe is extremely excited today. In the first game after returning from injury, Kobe played very hard. Whether it is offensive or defensive, whether it is with or without the ball, whether it is defending with or without the ball, Kobe is very fierce.

   Kobe broke out the determination to fight back.

   Under his leadership, the Lakers' perimeter is also alive.

   His breakthrough formed a very good match with O'Neal on the inside line, which penetrated the inside and outside lines.

   Looking back at the Pacers, their opening game was a bit messy, and there were two turnovers within a few minutes.

   3-0 lead. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no relaxation in their hearts.

   The momentum of the Lakers breaking and sinking, the Pacers are slightly relaxed.

   After 3 minutes of the game, the Lakers shot a 10-3 Oval.

   However, the Pacers quickly called a timeout.

   "What are you doing? Huh? What are you doing?"

   Larry Bird glanced at Reggie Miller.

   This guy couldn't keep his mouth shut before the game, but now he is like shit.

   "Slow down, run a few tactics steadily..."


   The timeout was very timely. After Larry Bird roared a few times, the Pacers played much better.

   They settled down and played a few waves, and they even returned an 8-3 to the Lakers.

   The next game is back to the previous few games, and the main players of both sides are evenly matched.

   In the rotation lineup, today's Lakers also played well.

   The Lakers led by Kobe and the Pacers led by Li Nan played back and forth.

   At the end of halftime, the score between the two sides was 54-54, and it was a tie!

   Halftime, the Lakers, Kobe Bryant performed well, scoring 16 points and 5 assists. O'Neal is still strong, with 20 points and 8 rebounds, almost a double-double.

   On the Pacers side, the whole team is very stable, and there is no situation as previously thought. Li Nan and Reggie Miller performed well, Li Nan scored 15 points and Reggie Miller scored 14 points.

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