Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 401: Play with him

   The Pacers fans at the scene also began to get nervous.

   "What should I do? Reggie is down, this is really troublesome!"

   "Without Reggie, our tactics won't work."

   "Damn it! That fellow Pat Riley is so nasty!"

   "I'm going to be okay! We still have Lee!"

   "Is Li really all right? Reggie can't even take it? Is Li really all right?"

   "Didn't Michael Jordan talk about it a few days ago? Lee learned all his tricks."

   "I learned that he is not Michael Jordan. Lee is just a shooter!"

   "No! I believe in Lee!"


   When Pat Riley was a little proud, Larry Bird suddenly turned his head and smiled at him.

   "Just want to beat us?"

   Then, Larry Bird walked to the sidelines and shouted: "Give the ball to Lee!"

   Everyone can hear clearly.

  On the field, Li Nan was about to take a run. Unexpectedly, Larry Bird had already arranged this.

   OK OK, then give me the ball!

   Mark Jackson handed over the ball.

   Li Nan holds the ball in high position, facing the defense of Jamal Mashburn.

   Marshburn stood up with his feet apart and made a horse-stance. Wearing a mask on his face, his expression is very serious, "Come on! Try me!"

  Try it? Try it!

"I'm coming!"

   Li Nan suddenly put the ball in a shooting position directly.

   Marsh crouched a little low, and instantly lost his basketball vision.

   Did you vote out?

   Marsh looked back at the basket blankly.


   In the stands, the fans laughed.

   "Hahahaha! It's so funny!"

   "The appearance of Li catching the ball with one hand and making fun of people really has the charm of Michael Jordan."

   "If anyone plays tricks on me like this, I will give him a taste of my fist!!!"

   Marsh turned around instantly and looked at Li Nan, his eyes full of irritation.

   The first thing to defeat a person is to attack his defense. When the opponent's emotions, mood, and self-confidence are defeated, the game can be more effective.

   "You can't help me!"

   Li Nan sent a lightly.

   Marsh was full of anger without saying a word.

   This wound on his face is thanks to him! Dare to tease me now! See if I don't kill you!

  While Marsh was waiting, Li Nan suddenly said it again.

   "I'm coming!"

  Marsh wanted to say, you and he are so much nonsense! However, he did not. He knew Li Nan's tricks. Either a one-step breakthrough, or a straight arm and knee shot.

   This time is definitely no exception!

   Seeing Li Nan raising his hand, Marsh Ben hurried forward.

   jumped up!

   Marsh is happy!

"I got it right!"

   Marsh is struggling to block! I have set this ball!

   I am tall and long in arms, and I guessed the opponent's number of passes and the timing of the jump. It's really unreasonable not to block the ball.

   However, after jumping up, Marshben realized that he couldn't wear his hat!

   "That's not right! Why did he jump so high? So full? This is wrong!"

   Watching the ball fly over his fingertips and go straight to the basket, Marsh also sighed at the ball.

   As soon as he landed, he turned his head and looked at the hoop.

   will not enter! Won't enter! Won't enter!

   Marsh meditated in his heart.

   But, it just entered!


   Basketball hollow into the net!

   in three points!


   "Yeah! Good shot!"

  The fans on site are very excited!

   Larry Bird raised his arms a little to celebrate, and glanced at Pat Riley over there.

   Pat Riley was taken aback for a moment, and quickly returned to the original state, everything was expected!

   just scored a goal!


   Teacher Zhang Weiping was also very excited in the commentary, "beautiful! This Yan She's ball is really beautiful! We Li Nan, we are Li Nan! It's amazing."

Teacher Sun Zhengping at the side was also excited, "This is dry-drawing! Audience friends! This is Li Nan's dry-drawing shots! Dry-drawing shots require very high players' core strength. Most people simply can't do this. Action. Now McGrady of the Magic is the better player in the league."

  Who is McGrady? Of course it is a good friend of Li Nan, as all Chinese fans know.

   "I think Li Nan's workman is more handsome!"

   "Maddy's dry draw is too flat! You can't score at all!"

   "It seems that Kobe of the Lakers will do it too? However, he seems to be under-jumping and kicks people every time."


   The game is still going on.

   The Heat failed to counterattack and fell into position. The battle of positions is looking for Mourning again! It is again to eat insiders.

   was so bullied by Mourning, this time, Schmitz also had a temper.

   Schmitz could not catch up, but he squeezed it with his body and covered it with his long arms.

   Mourning couldn't move forward and chose to move laterally, ready to take a big step and then make a small thrower shot.

   However, when Mourning turned and moved sideways, someone shouted in advance, "Dale! Go!"

  Dale Davis’ defense came a lot sooner! Mourning's shot was blocked.

   Facing the double team, Mourning did not reluctantly give the ball to Hardaway outside.

   Hardaway reorganized the attack.

   He still wants to give the ball to Mourning inside!

   However, Schmitz squeezed so hard this time, the two sides were entangled, and Mourning didn't want to get the position.

   Time is running out, Hardaway can only choose others.

   He gave the ball to Marshburn who was in the low post on the other side.

   Marsh presents singles Li Nan.

   was played by Li Nan before, Marsh wanted revenge long ago.

   Now is the opportunity!

   "defence! defense! defense!"

   The fans at the scene suddenly shouted to help Li Nan cheer!

  Marsh on the field is even more exciting!

   I have to hit you!

   bang bang bang!

  Marsh's singles is characterized by his unreservedness.

   means that it doesn't matter the angle or the way.

   He used to make layups with his back to the rim, and he also sat on the ground to score.

   Of course, his strongest skill is to learn from Jordan's back basket, swinging shoulders and turning jumpers, and Marshburn's arm swings a lot, which is a bit dreamy.

   Don't say hello!

   Marsh shook his shoulders directly, swaying left and right, and I swayed left and right again.

   Li Nan didn't eat that set at all, just raised his hand and let you shake it.

   "Hurry up! No time!"

   I don't know who shouted.

   Marsh Benn squeezed Li Nan, then turned around and shot a jumper.

   This set of actions is very cool.

   Facts proved. It's not without reason that the Heat can be number one in the Eastern Conference.

   It's just that Marsh has a poor shooting accuracy today.

  哐~No entry!


   "Wow! It's beautiful!"

   " good job!"

   The sturdy cheers from the stands!

   Marsh curled his lips, "What is good for guarding? It's because I feel bad."

   Of course, Marsh would never admit that he was blinded.


  The Pacers successfully defended a goal! The next step is the offensive end.

   The ball was in Li Nan's hands again, and he was facing Marshburn again.

   Teacher Zhang Weiping is also excited.

   "Good! Li Nan! Play with him!"

  On the field, Li Nan raised the ball above his head again!

  Marsh is already embarrassed!

   Jump or not?

   Just as Marsh was hesitating to jump, Li Nan jumped by himself.


   is another three-pointer! Hit!


   "Good qiu~ Li Nan is Li Nan, how can I fight?"

   Seeing Li Nan score a goal, Zhang directed that a happy one.


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