Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 373: I will be scared?

After Li Nan threw a three-pointer from the 76ers, he hit two consecutive mid-ranges.

The Sixers’ two lines of Ren and Du seemed to be opened all at once, and Iverson also had a magical feel.

Then, the game on the field became much more exciting.

O'Neal's offensive momentum is even stronger.

Ride the button-Wallace! Little hook! The tip-off at the basket was successful! ...

O'Neal keeps tumbling inside the 76ers...

The 76ers have become Iverson's one-man show.

Iverson made a three-pointer with Li Nan's pass after the screen! Goal in!

Iverson defeated the other nine people in the backcourt!

After Iverson played Harper with flowers and butterflies, he faced O'Neal and made a high kick! Come in!

Iverson faced Kobe alone, and he made a jumper after a sudden stop...

Both sides played very distinctly, which is the strong point.

The scores of both sides are also very tight!

Until the first quarter played 8 minutes, the two sides began to make substitutions and adjustments, to the rotation of the lineup.

At this time, the score between the two sides was 20-21, and the Lakers led by one point!

Iverson and O'Neal are going to rest, and the ball on the court is about to change hands.


Seeing Kobe dribbling the ball in the backcourt, Li Nan also smiled, "Brother, you finally have the ball."

Kobe gave Li Nan a blank look, and did not say a word.

One left and right! This is a trick learned from the two opposing hands.

However, it is useless! Li Nan has blocked Kobe's path forward, and Kobe directly hit a wall.

"Blocked!? So fast? Is it predictive? Or is it blind?"

Kobe is not quite clear.

What if blocked? I have other tricks.


As soon as Kobe greeted him, Fisher came over immediately.

Li Nan also teased, "Heh, are you afraid of me?"

"I'll be afraid? A joke! I'm saving energy!" Kobe didn't move at all, but rushed to cooperate with Fisher.

Kobe and Fisher are the Lakers who entered together, and the pick-and-rolls between the two are very tacit.

One file and one demolition!

Then, Kobe realized that his goal was too big, and Li Nan and Snow actually pounced directly on him.

"Brother, why don't you let me go?"

Fisher on the other side was already beckoning again, Kobe looked at the two people who were about to post, he also reluctantly passed the ball.

Fisher happily took the ball, and as a result, he saw Li Nan go and return as soon as he took the ball!

"Humph! More than 2 meters away, you can't cover me!"

Fisher dribbled the ball, adjusted it, and got up.

Standard standard jump shot!

The ball is shot!

"I'll just say, you can't cover me."

However, before Fisher had finished speaking, he just watched and watched Li Nan who had jumped into the air, and he touched the ball with the tip of his finger!

The ball was rubbed off like that!

"WhattheF@#¥! Is this okay?!"

Seeing Li Nan taking the ball away, Fisher had no intention of chasing after him.

Can't catch up!

After chasing and returning, he could only watch Kobe Li Nan dunk and shook his head in place, sighing:

"I knew I would come by myself. What if it's a double team? I'm always more reliable than others!"


After that, Kobe decisively increased his shots. With every shot, he deliberately avoided Li Nan's defense.

The two are so familiar with each other, Kobe always feels like he has been seen through by Li Nan.

In the face of Li Nan, Kobe's shooting rate was extremely poor.

When facing other people, he felt okay. Especially his large two-pointer after one move, the shooting rate is quite good.

Kobe just pulled up and scored a large two-pointer, and Li Nan came up. "Hey, brother, are you hiding from me?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Am I the kind of person who is afraid of things?" Kobe would not admit it. "I even dare to fight Michael Jordan, you are not worth mentioning in my eyes."

"Really? Then don't run the next ball." Li Nan was tempted.

Kobe also promised, "Hehe, do you think I'm afraid of you? Let's wait and see!"

However, for the next goal, Kobe took advantage of AC Green's screen and went straight to the basket.

Li Nan also became noisy around Kobe, "Brother, are you really afraid of me?"

"Nonsense! I'm a soldier who doesn't hate deceit!" Kobe is really smart, and learns everything well.

However, the Lakers only relied on Kobe to score, and it was a bit difficult to play, while the 76ers were the team that bloomed and played quite easily.

Li Nan can not only score by himself, but also drives his teammates to score.

George Lynch, Eric Snow, Matt Geiger, Samaki Walker, the four guys, led by Li Nan, constantly bombed the Lakers' backcourt.

At the end of the first quarter, the score of both sides also came, 32-27.


At the beginning of the second quarter, Iverson and Pippen led the team against the Lakers led by Kobe and Glen Rice.

After playing for 5 minutes, the score between the two sides became 43-33, and the 76ers were 10 points ahead!

When O'Neal came back, Li Nan from the 76ers also came back, and the two main players were fighting.

O'Neal is still unstoppable, the 76ers can only double-team.

Iverson is not a vegetarian, and no one on the Lakers can defend him. Harper can’t, Kobe can’t, Fisher can’t, no one can keep up with Iverson’s speed.

The situation on the court is the same balance of power.

At the end of halftime, the score between the two sides was 58-48, but the point difference remained at 10 points ~ ~ The main players of both sides were clearly evenly matched, but the 76ers were ahead by 10 points.

This is the gap between the rotation of the two teams!


In the half of the game, the three old men in the commentary also summed up.

"The Lakers are indeed the Big Three, but their bench scoring ability is not as strong as the 76ers. Kobe is still young and he can score personally, but it is a bit difficult for him to drive his teammates to score like Lee."

When the old groom said so, Matt Gokas interjected: "Old groom, Li is very young too, he is only 21 years old."

"Ahhhhhh, is that right?" The old groom pretended to be confused, but smiled, "I believe that many people are just like me, and sometimes ignore Li's age. No way, he is like this. It makes people feel like a veteran who has been on the battlefield for many years."

Speaking of this, Groom Albert suddenly stopped.

"By the way, where did we just say?"

After being interrupted by Matt Gokas so much, Marf Albert forgot to say where.

Bill Walton also reminded, "We are summing up at halftime."

"Oh! Yes, we are summarizing!" Marf Albert patted his hand and continued:

"The Lakers' Shaq is really great, but his big size is also a restraint on himself. If he can't help the team reduce the score within the limited time he plays, then the Lakers will be in danger when the rotation lineup is on the court. They The point difference may be pulled even greater. If the Lakers did not resist in the second half of the third quarter and the beginning of the fourth quarter, then the game may not be able to wait for Shaq to return.

How would Phil solve this problem during the halftime break? See you in the second half of the game. "

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