Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 359: we are the champion!

In 3 minutes, Li Nan scored a key 13 points and stabilized the situation in one fell swoop.

In the commentary, Matt Gokas also stood up and yelled excitedly.

"Yeah! See it? This is the strength of the 76ers! At this critical moment, it should be the stars!"

Bill Walton was aggrieved, and there was nothing good to show Gokas.

Groom-Albert also has something to say at this time.

"This season we have rarely seen so many singles with the ball in Lee. Every regular season game is like that one or two, and even in some games, there is no breakthrough, almost all of them are receiving and shooting. Some people say, The league did not give the MVP trophy to Li because Li’s skills were not comprehensive enough. I think this game once again explained something. And what I want to say is: Li, far more than we all imagined Much better!"

There is something in Groom Albert's words, Gokas next to him is smiling, and Bill Walton is a little worried.

The director of the NBC backstage is not so good...

In the stands, the faces of the 76ers fans are full of joy at the moment.

"Good shot, Lee played so well! We didn't have to wait until Allen came back in the fourth quarter, we just booked the championship directly."

"Yes! The championship is ours!"

"You said, is our FMVP good for Li or Allen?"

"Hiss~ This problem is really a headache."

"I think it should be given to them! The Philadelphia Gemini! It must be together!"


"Wow! Li Nan is too, too handsome."

There were small stars in Yang Mi's eyes on the sidelines.

Li Yapeng on the side curled his mouth triumphantly.

"That's not it, this is the star I admire most, can it not be handsome?"

Not only are they so happy, the 76ers in the audience are a little excited.

However, at this time, the referee's whistle sounded.

Beep beep!

Unfortunately something happened!

Sabonis sat on the floor, gritting his teeth, frowning tightly, and covering his right wrist with his left hand.

Wrist! His right wrist was injured! It lasted when I fell to the ground.

"How? How? Is Avidas's wrist okay?"

Dunleavy asked the team doctor anxiously.

Of course, the team doctor knows the current situation. Without Sabonis, the Blazers are another team. However, he had no choice but to shake his head.

"End, he can't fight anymore."

Seeing that the team doctor was so serious, Dunleavy sighed, and then said, "Okay, I see."

At this time, Sabonis was slowly on the court, with his injured right wrist in his left hand. He glanced at the whole arena, his eyes narrowed, and his lip was bitten before he finally walked off the court slowly.

Every step seems a bit heavy, very slow, very slow.

The stage of the finals is so fascinating...


The game continues.

The Blazers lacked Sabonis, and their style changed. They played even more fiercely.

Rasheed Wallace followed, received a pass from Damon Stoudemire, rushed directly into the inside, and jumped up to challenge Coleman's inside defense.

Ben Wallace shot out diagonally, and a pair of big arms knocked Rasheed Wallace to the ground.

With a bang, Rasheed Wallace landed on his back.

As soon as he landed, Rasheed Wallace didn't have any twist, he just got up with a hand support, found the culprit Ben Wallace, and gave him a hard push.

"What do you want to do? Murder? I *#@...."

It's all loud! The strength of the roaring Tianzun was undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

Teammate Sabonis was injured and the team was in trouble. Rasheed Wallace felt uncomfortable. This anger was all vented to Ben Wallace.

And Ben Wallace is not a bully, "Do you want to fight? Come on!"

When he was talking, he just started directly and swept it fiercely.

The thick arm went directly to Rasheed Wallace's head.

Fortunately, Rasheed Wallace dodged a bit, but his head touched a bit and it hurt. If it's all done, it will have to bear.



Beep beep! ! !

There was a sudden chaos on the scene, and the players from both sides fought.

The uniform group hurried in.


In a great chaos, Ben Wallace and Rashid Wallace were entangled together. Several big guys in the uniform team shot together, and they couldn't help it.

The referee on duty directly sent the two culprits out of the field, and the two men still had dirty mouths.

In the end, the uniform team threw the two out together. The scene calmed down this time.

After the chaos, the game became a little dull.

The Blazers without Rasheed Wallace and Sabonis are not at all an opponent of the Philadelphia Twins.

The Trail Blazers offense is not offense, defense is not defense, it is completely messed up.

The 76ers rely on the advantage of the home court, the more they fight, the more ferocious.

Fall to one side.

The 76ers quickly stretched the score beyond 20 points.

In the last 10 seconds of the game, everyone stood up.

"10, 9,...3, 2, 1!"

Beep! time up!


The 76ers beat the Trail Blazers by 21 points.

The champion is here!

Bang bang bang!

With a few explosions, the colorful ribbons fall all over the sky in an instant~~


"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

"We are the champions! Our 76ers are the champions!"

All the fans in the stands poured into the arena.

The Wachovia Center Arena, home of the Philadelphia 76ers, has truly become a white ocean!

Li Nan only had time to hug Lin and was soon dragged into the crowd.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

Rubbing shoulders, it's too crowded. Every time Li Nan meets a person, he can feel their excitement.

Wang Zuxian embraced Li Nan enthusiastically, Yang Wanli flushed, Li Yapeng gave a thumbs up, and the little girl Yang Mi kept yelling, "Li Nan, I love you!"

"Brother Nan, you are amazing!" Yao Liang's eyes were full of admiration.

"Brother Nan, awesome!" Yi Jianlian blushed.

"Xiao Li, that's great, you can finally inherit your brother's mantle." Wang Dazhi did not forget to take advantage at this time.

"Little Li, well done!" Big brother Liu Yudong hugged Li Nan.

"Okay, very good, very good." The old coach Qian Chenghai also squeezed in, the excitement on his face couldn't be restrained.

Teammate Wilkins held Li Nan in tears, "Thank you, Li, thank you."

Coleman took Li Nan and Frank King for a group photo, "3, 2, 1, yay!"

Snow twisted the dancing posture in the crowd, Ben Wallace was constantly showing everyone his powerful arms, and the rookie Mobley smiled foolishly...

Holding the ball, Iverson rushed to the technical stage, wearing a champion hat on his head and holding his hands high, and shouted out loudly, "thisismyhouse!"

Iverson rarely does this on the court. Obviously, Iverson is so excited at the moment.

Li Nan just watched from the side, just smiled so faintly.

He was not as excited as he thought.

NBA championship, really got it, it feels like that.

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