Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 336: I got thirty-six points, how about you?

Ray Allen walked off the court, very unexpectedly, George Karl patted him on the shoulder.

"Ray, good job!"

Although it was just a simple sentence, Ray Allen was inexplicably moved.

The fans behind the seats are all grateful and excited at this time.

"Lei, come on! You can! You are no worse than the opposite Li!"

"Let" sgo! Bucks! "

"Ray! I love you!"

Ray Allen smiled and waved to the enthusiastic fans behind the seat. He felt that it was worth doing so much on the court today.

However, when he saw the nice sound of love coming from a big fat girl, he immediately turned his eyes.

On the other side, the 76ers replaced all the main players.

14 points difference! There are still more than 7 minutes, this is not the time to play.

"Defense! Defense! Defense!"

"Our main thing is to change defenses! Keep changing defenses!"

"Don't let him score! I don't want to see that person score again!"

Larry Brown has always emphasized defense! He knows how terrifying a shooter can be. Can't get used to him!

Beep beep!

The suspension soon ended.

The two sides sent the main force, this is the final decisive battle.

As soon as he came up, Ray Allen said suddenly.

"Lee! I got 31 points, how about you?"

Somewhat proud, but now Ray Allen can indeed be proud!

Only 10 points in the first half, and 21 points in the second half in just over 7 minutes. This scoring efficiency is terrifying!

Li Nan was about to say something to respond, but Iverson next to him spoke first.

"What are you proud of? It's just luck!"


Ray Allen immediately replied: "He is defeated!"

Iverson replied with a contemptuous look. "You can do that too."

Ray Allen is not to be outdone, "You will just bluff."

Iverson passed by Ray Allen and deliberately bumped him, "Come on! See if I won't tear you up!"

Ray Allen gave a light push, "hen~see who tore it to pieces!"

Li Nan at the side shook his head.

These two guys who had formed Liangzi during their college years still "look down on" each other.

However, Li Nan knew it, and it was just a superficial phenomenon. Both people actually care.


With the ignition, the game between the two sides began again.

Once up, Iverson made a mid-range shot after breaking through Kassel and hit two points to stabilize the situation.


It's the Bucks' turn to attack!

Ray Allen ran diligently, with Thomas' cover, an L-shaped run, the opportunity came out.

Ray Allende took a 3-pointer from the corner, and Ben Wallace, who was spinning, was half a beat slow.



"Yeah! Good shot!"

Bucks fans are excited!

Ray Allen is still so accurate!

Iverson rushed for the ball again, but his shot after breaking through Kassel,


Did not enter!


Seeing the Bucks successfully defended the next goal, the fans were excited.

Here comes the Bucks' opportunity!

However, there was a sudden defensive change on the court.

Li Nan stared at Ray Allen.

"Have you finally come to stare at me?"

Ray Allen smiled at the corner of his mouth but slid in his hand.


Unexpectedly, Li Nan's hand was pulling his jersey.

Ray Allen did not run completely.

They are all people who are good at running off the ball, and they are mindful of each other's routines.

Ray Allen is trying to use Thomas' cover again to find a chance!


Li Nan yelled in advance, and Ben Wallace directly made up.

Ray Allen runs again! Throwing away Ben Wallace easily.


Snow posted it again!

Change defense! Change defenses infinitely!

Ray Allen has no chance!

Seeing that Ray Allen could not find a chance outside, Cassell, who had the ball outside, could only choose Glenn Robinson on the other side.

Glenn Robinson is now facing Ben Wallace who is turning around! Direct a unexpected turn over jumper shot.


Did not enter!

Fans are not happy.

"Why give Glenn? Why not give Ray?"

"If you give the ball to Ray! This is another three-pointer! Maybe we can get the score close to ten points!"

"Give the ball to Ray! I want to watch Ray shoot three points!"

"Lei is so accurate today. Give him more balls! Maybe we can throw in more. We can watch one more game."

On the sidelines, Bucks coach George Carr narrowed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.


In turn, Iverson rushed for the ball again. However, his breakthrough was blocked, and Iverson could only score the ball to Li Nan.

Li Nan had a chance to shoot, but he dribbled to the top of the arc, controlling the rhythm!

"Everyone, be steady! Now we are the leader, don't worry! Let's make a steady fight!"

After that, Li Nan gave the ball to Snow! The 76ers' lead has started!

Find the best opportunity!

Seeing Li Nan's actions on the court, Larry Brown below also smiled with satisfaction.

The 76ers have indeed slowed down, they are indeed leading the ball, and they are indeed the one who found the best outing, but Snow, who had the chance, didn't make it!


Seeing the Bucks successfully defended the next goal, the fans were excited.

It's the Bucks offense again.

Ray Allen kept running around and pulled the 76ers' defense.

At this time, Robinson in the low position suddenly raised his hand for the ball!

"Give me the ball!"

This time he was defended by Li Nan who just turned around.

Robinson played so badly today, or that this round of the series played so badly, he was actually very upset.

I have to chisel in one today!

However, Glenn Robinson just waited and didn't see the ball. The power behind suddenly withdrew, he was unstable and almost fell a **** Damn! "

When Glenn Robinson was upset, something happened on the other side of the basket.

Ray Allen ran out to get the ball from the bottom three-pointer, made a slight gesture, and Snow flew straight away.

Ray Allen dribbled the ball into the post.

On the other side, Li Nan had quickly patched up his defenses.

Ray Allen is not afraid, and rises to the challenge!

Step into the restricted area and jump up!

"Is this going to be a layup? Li is right in front of my eyes! It won't be blocked, right?"

Many Bucks fans covered their eyes.

Glen Rice on the other end was a little dissatisfied, "Rather than waste the ball to him, it's better to give it to me!"

He also thinks Ray Allen is delivering food!

However, what people did not expect was that Ray Allen was just a fake layup. He quickly retracted his raised hand, and jumped from Li Nan's armpit to the other side of the basket, a beautiful pull rod to reverse the basket!

Li Nan jumped upright, and he was beyond the reach of this ball.

Goal in!

"Wow! Pretty!"

Bucks fans in the audience are excited!

Li Nan pulled up Ray Allen on the ground.

Ray Allen really struggled a bit this time, and went to the ground.

Ray Allen is still a little reluctant to do this kind of pull rod to reverse the basket.

However, a goal is a good goal!

"Ray, this ball can be played!"

The corner of Lei Allen's mouth bends, he stretched out his hand, and got up with strength.

As soon as they were together, Lei Allen suddenly sent Li Nan a sentence, "Li, I got 36 points, how about you?"

This guy has really changed a little, and he is coming again!

The corner of Li Nan's mouth bends, "hen~ just look around!"

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