Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 329: Vince or Lee?

May 5, Toronto, 6 o'clock in the evening. The sunset has already set, taking away the light and heat. The night gradually enveloped the earth, the sky was drizzling, and the temperature dropped and it was a bit cold.

However, this does not stop locals in Toronto from traveling.

Outside the Toronto Aviation Center Stadium, tens of thousands of fans are in an endless stream.

At the entrance of the arena, the blond female reporter Christine Ledro, wearing a suit with the Nike logo, was very excited.

Since he got the "flying man" Carter, there have been many more basketball fans in Toronto, and the basketball atmosphere has begun to heat up.

Today, Toronto fans are even more crazy because of the "slam dunk" promoted by the media.

In the past, there were more than 10,000 spectators. Today, it feels like there are 20,000 people. It is estimated that the arena will be full.

With a microphone in hand, the female reporter Ledro quickly became busy, busy interviewing the fans who came today.

"Today's game, what are you most looking forward to?"

Facing the question of the female reporter with a sweet smile and graceful attitude, Canadian fans answered very positively.

"China Li and Vince's dunk showdown!"

"Does that still need to be said? It must be a dunk!"


Ledlow then asked another question.

"Do you think Vince or Lee, whose dunk is better?"

On this issue, Canadian fans naturally support Carter overwhelmingly.

"Vince! His dunk is definitely the best in history, no one!"

"Vince! His slam dunk articulates the original violent aesthetics, it is simply pleasing to the eye!"

"Vince! His dunk perfectly combines actual combat and performance, and is the most enjoyable."

In the interview, two short-haired female fans wearing Raptors' No. 15 jerseys attracted the attention of Christine Lederlow.

Because these two girls are holding the score cards of the NBA Dunk Contest!

"Two beautiful ladies, are you here to support Vince too?"

The girl with short black hair smiled brightly and honestly: "Yes, we are Vince fans."

Seeing the scoreboard, Lederlow also turned to ask: "If you score Vince's dunk, how many points would you give?"

Without even thinking about it, the girl with short black hair replied, "9 points!"

Nine points are not low, but Ledro still feels that it is not enough. "Why? Why not 10 points?"

The girl said bluntly, "Give me one more point because I'm afraid he will be proud."

Ledlow snorted, "Hahaha, what you said is really interesting, I believe Vince will be very happy to hear this. Thank you for accepting my interview, and I wish you a happy watching."

The two girls slowly walked away.

The girl with short burgundy red hair is not very happy, "Ming, how can you give that guy so many points? If you want me to see, you can give it a maximum of 6 points, which means it's fine."

Zhao Mingming trembled his eyebrows and smiled, "But, my perfect score is 100 points."

Hearing this, Diana couldn't help it, "Puff chuff~~ming, you are so bad! You were all broken by Li Zhi."

"How can this be said to be broken? This is clearly clever and witty!"

"Yes, yes! You are right!"

The two walked into the arena cheerfully, and behind them, many men and women with score cards also walked in...


On the field, the players on both sides have entered the field to warm up.

On the sidelines, the three old men of NBC TV were sitting on high stools, and the Nike logo on their chests was very conspicuous.

"Seriously, I never thought that a single dunk could drive the basketball atmosphere of the whole city. However, Vince did it. Vince used a beautiful dunk to bring Toronto's basketball atmosphere to life. Last month , Vince’s jersey sales surpassed Kobe Bryant and came to fourth place. Now many Torontons are Vince fans..." Groom Albert brought out the topic of today’s game.

Dunk! Vince Carter!

Matt Gokas also quickly picked up. "I like Vince's dunk very much. It is a combination of actual combat and performance. His dunk gives us artistic enjoyment. The strong visual impact of his stretched dunk action makes it easy for people to get excited."

Gokas commented on Carter's dunk and mentioned stretch, but for the word "stretch", Bill Wharton explained it with data.

"The official height of Vince is 198 cm and the wingspan is 218 cm. His maximum bounce height is 111 cm. The height and wingspan plus bounce are a set of almost perfect numbers. The bounce height of 111 makes Vince easy to complete. A lot of dunks. And the most important number is the 218 wingspan. This wingspan really stretches Vince’s dunks. Even a normal dunk, he can dunk pleasingly."

"The two said very well, Vince's dunk can always bring us the enjoyment of strength and beauty, and instantly make the audience boil." After a paragraph of Vince Carter, Groom Albert did not forget to mention the other person. "We can understand Vince's dunk. So, what do you think of Lee's dunk?"

Gokas first comment.

For Li Nan's dunk, like many people, Gokas still stayed in the last dunk contest. That time, Li Nan surprised the world with his dunk. Gokas was also a fan at that time.

However, it is really too difficult for him to compare the dunks between Li Nan and Carter. Because he likes both.

"In fact, I like Lee and Vince's dunks very is Lee's perfect performance in the last dunk contest, which made me fall in love with dunks again. His dunks are very elegant! Yes, that's right, that is. Elegant! Vince’s dunk gives people the feeling of strength and beauty, while Lee’s dunk is beautiful, skillful beauty, very difficult beauty, highly creative beauty, elegant beauty! They are two kinds Different styles."

Bill Walton agrees with what Gokas said. Especially the word elegant, Bill Walton likes it very much. Bill Walton is worried about not having a good adjective, and it is just right now.

"Li's official data shows that he is 198 cm tall, 210 cm wingspan, and maximum bounce height of 107 cm. Of course, these data are quite different in my opinion. In my opinion, Li's maximum bounce height should be Around 112. The official record of Guinness's certification is 120 cm of Little Tudou Weber. However, Li's bounce is already very good.

Li often has unexpected dunk performances in the game, which naturally has a lot to do with Li's excellent bounce.

Li's ability to stay in the air is very strong. This allows him to have more time in the air to dunk than others, and his dunk is very calm. This is the reason why Lee's dunk is elegant. "

Bill Walton really deserves to be the "data emperor" in the fans' mouths, and is much more reliable than the "crow mouth" Gokas.

"Voice of Basketball" Marf Albert nodded with satisfaction, and finally concluded, "Vince and Lee's dunks are two styles, each with its own beauty. Today, what we have to do is: enjoyit! Good! Enjoy this closing contest!"

At this time, cheers suddenly sounded from the stands.


Everyone's eyes quickly shifted to the venue.

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