Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 307: BLUE

At 8 o'clock in the evening, a silver Audi TT was rushing along the streets of Los Angeles.

As soon as Li Nan and Iverson arrived at the hotel in Los Angeles, Kobe picked them up.

Li Nan didn't want to go.

However, Iverson insisted on going, saying, "Where can there be a large villa in the hotel for comfort."

Moreover, Kobe himself is really enthusiastic.

In the end, there is no way, then go.

"Kobe, I'm sorry to disturb you so late." Li Nan was also polite.

Kobe waved his hand, very generous, "It’s okay, it’s okay, these are all small things. When I went to Philadelphia before, you all treated me well. You come to Los Angeles, of course I have to treat you well. No way, who will let me Am I so hospitable?"

In fact, it's not that Kobe is so hospitable or how comfortable his home is, but that he doesn't want to owe others anything.

Along the way, while driving, Bryant told two outsiders about the famous places in Los Angeles.

After a while, the Audi parked in a small villa.

"Hey guys, here it is!"

The door of the villa opened, and the bright light shone into the eyes suddenly, a little dazzling.

"bring it on."

Kobe greeted Iverson and Li Nan enthusiastically.

Iverson walked directly in.

However, Li Nan, who walked in afterwards, regretted it a little.

It’s a lie to sleep in a hotel or a villa.

The lobby of Kobe's house is a bit unpretty

The clothes and trousers lying on the sofa, the beverage bottles on the table were stumbling, and the trash can was so full that it was about to tip over.

This is the residence of the young Kobe?

However, Iverson and Kobe didn't care. They walked over, habitually swept away the messy clothes on the sofa, and sat down.



One person opened a can of beer, picked up a package of unsealed potato chips that he didn't know where, and ate it directly.


Li Nan watched all this and shook his head.

"Kobe, why don't you clean up here?"

"Cleaning? That's what women do. I just have to play basketball and sing the HipPop I like."

Kobe didn't care about these, Iverson also nodded. He also agreed that tidying things up is what women do!

Li Nan originally wanted to talk to them about the principle of "Why sweep the world without sweeping a house", but finally gave up.

It should be said to these people, "Those who make big things do not stick to the trivial."

At this time, Kobe stood up suddenly, "By the way, I recently compiled a song by myself, and you guys come to listen to it and give me your opinion."

After that, Kobe led the two to an underground studio, which turned out to be a small recording studio. There are messy papers on the table in the middle, the guitar is lying on the sofa in the corner, and the triangle is lying alone on the carpet...

Li Nan wasn't too cold about this, but Iverson's eyes lit up when he saw this! Obviously, Iverson likes it here.

Kobe searched the table for a while, then picked up a piece of paper.

"Guys, come here, listen, this is what I wrote."

Without waiting for the two to respond, he sang directly.

"Uh, whatIlivefor? Basketball, beatsandbroads!

Yo, what am I living for? Basketball, beats, mother-in-law!

FrItalytotheUS, yes, it’sraw

From Italy to America, yes, I have no experience.


I want to find a lady-in-law to help me spend money..."

Hearing this, Li Nan couldn't hold back, "Puff~Brother, you are empty, lonely and cold."

Iverson even pointed out: "Sichun for short!"

"Hahahaha." The two smiled at each other without forgetting to give a high-five.

"What do you know? This is art!" Kobe over there didn't care, he was thinking of spring. He believes that his love will come soon.

Li Nan also smiled, "OK, this is art!"

It seemed that it was not satisfying, but Kobe turned on all the audio equipment and continued to sing happily.

Iverson and Li Nan also joined them soon.

In the 76ers, Iverson and Coleman are nurtured every day, and Li Nan will of course be so.

"Iwon’tdenyit, I’mastraightridah..."

You sang me one by one, and the roar of three people quickly filled the space, and they all sang very hilariously.

Behind, the three of them played with musical instruments, Li Nan was playing drums indiscriminately, Kobe was playing the guitar, and Iverson was playing the triangle iron.

"Wonderful" music took away everyone's fatigue.

Taking a break from the busy schedule, calling a Mai with a friend, suddenly I feel much better. This trip to Kobe is not too bad.

When everyone was happy to play, Kobe suddenly suggested on a whim:

"Hey, guys, I think we should form a group, I have a name, HighEnergy band!"

Iverson immediately objected, "No, no, this name is not good. Um~ Zenith! Peak Band! I think this name is the best!"

Both of them said they were good, but Li Nan also came.

"I do have a name, it's very simple, that is, the names of the three of us each take a letter, and then we form! Bachelor of Arts band! On the court, we are invincible! On the stage, we are all elegant people. "

Both Kobe and Iverson clapped their hands "pop" and agreed, "Good name!"

"Bachelor of Arts!" Kobe liked the name very much. Because "B" is at the top, he is of course very happy. "I think we should get Tracy and Vince on, it's more fun to have more people..."

Seeing Kobe liked it so much, Li Nan also smiled "hehe".

To celebrate the establishment of the combination, they sang again.

When it was about ten o'clock in the singing, Kobe suddenly got up, "I'll go to the bathroom."

Then, Li Nan and Iverson haven't seen the guy come back for a long time.

When they saw Kobe’s bedroom door closed tightly, Li Nan and Iverson also gave Kobe a word respectively.




The next day, the sky was still dark.


A door opened quietly on the second floor. A figure flashed out quietly, one step, two steps, three steps... he headed downstairs.

"Hey! Kobe!"

Suddenly, someone shouted the dark shadow behind him.

Kobe didn't turn just waved his hand like that, and proactively confessed: "Suddenly I was a little hungry, I got up to find something to eat, do you want something?"

Li Nan didn't care very much, "Oh, no need to go."

Kobe downstairs asked again, "By the way, Lee, why did you get up?"

"Me? I drank too much yesterday and I was so flustered." Li Nan yawned as he said, "Ha, don't say it, don't say it, I'll go to bed again."

"Oh, good." Kobe on the other side was slightly taken aback. Li Nan didn't touch a drop of wine last night. "It must be too much water"


The door closed, but Li Nan looked out the window.

4 o'clock in the morning, Los Angeles.

The night is dark, and there is nothing to look at.

It's just that the figure on the pitch in the distance makes all this different.

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