Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 277: NBA superstar


Iwon’tdenyit, I’mastraightman, I don’t deny, I’m a man of integrity

Youdon’twannatogowithme, you don’t want to go with me~


On an airplane, Coleman was singing eccentric songs happily.

On the one hand, Li Nan put down the newspaper full of "the first man in history" and sighed, "Oh~ what a pity!"

"What a pity?" Iverson asked next to him.

What a pity, of course, the old guy won the sixth crown, and it is very likely that he will retire.

This championship is really too difficult for the Bulls. Jordan's last shot of the century was a perfect ending. It was so beautiful to leave here.

However, Li Nan said: "It's a pity for the Jazz."

"They are indeed a pity." Iverson nodded.

In the last game, the last minute, the Jazz were still leading, but they were not sure about it.

However, some people have different opinions.

Coleman, who was still singing just now, also leaned in suddenly.

"In the sixth game, it was obvious that someone did something. Otherwise, the champion must be theirs."

Frank King was also indignant. "This is a conspiracy! David Stern wants Jordan and the Bulls to win! The Jazz are actually victims! They lost wrongly!"

Slowly, everyone chatted away. Most people hold injustice for the jazz.

There are many people who have opinions about the game. It's just that, with the passage of time, everyone will only remember the winner, remember Jordan's first vote of the century, and remember the Bulls 6 crown dynasty!

"Hurry up, everyone prepare!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately began to organize their shapes.

Frank King caressed his newly permed curls, Coleman fiddled with the T-shirt he had nothing to do with, Ben Wallace was sitting in jeopardy, even Iverson made a ditch while not paying attention. s hair……

Li Nan on one side smiled easily, "Hey, are you like this?"

Coleman nodded seriously.

"As for, of course. The fans in Asia are so enthusiastic towards us, of course we have to show them in our best image."

"I never thought that so many fans in Asia would know me. To be honest, I am very touched. Today in Korea, I must do well." Snow's eyes were full of joy and movement.

Frank King at the side felt the same way, "Yeah! I feel like an NBA superstar here. I love Asian fans the most!"

Ben Wallace said, "I like it here too. Just take so much money for any abuse. It's great!"

When everyone heard the truth of Ben Wallace, they looked at each other and laughed, "Hahahaha~~"

The day before yesterday, the 76ers and a group of players went to Japan to play a friendly game, participated in some activities, and then eat, drink and have fun.

There is still money to take.

An average of one hundred thousand dollars per person!

It's strange that everyone doesn't like it here!

Coleman suddenly sat next to Li Nan, "Li, tell your agency, I can join your company."

This time, the 76ers Asia Tour is led by LYN.

Li Nan readily agreed, "Yes, no problem!"

However, the key point Coleman wants to say is, "Lee, can you say if I can invest in your company. I invest in myself as capital."

"What a foresight!" Li Nan also admired this guy. "I guess you should be worth a thousand or eight hundred."

Coleman is still very happy with thousands of eight million, but what the **** is this thousand eight hundred?

"Li, you are too much."


Everyone talked and laughed, and the plane began to land immediately.


At Seoul Airport, South Korea, crowds in the lobby. There are hundreds of young men in 76ers jerseys. White, black, 9th, 3rd.

On one side, several cameras were aimed at the exit. Several beautiful sports reporters and anchors are holding microphones, all kinds of guns and guns, ready to go, as if they are about to fight.

The beauty anchor Kong Shuying, wearing a white No. 9 jersey, stood in front of the camera, feeling a little excited, "Dear fans, the 76ers' special plane has arrived at the airport. The stars will also meet with you soon..."

After waiting for a long time, the automatic door of the exit slowly opened, and the 76ers came out one after another.

The scene immediately exploded.

"Ah! Oppa!"

"Li Nan! Li Nan! Li Nan!"

"Allen! Allen! Allen!"

"Let\'sgo! 76ers!"

The 76ers received a warm welcome from the fans, and they were surrounded by groups.

Coleman and the others also responded enthusiastically, signing all kinds of ghost paintings, and pens and dragons.

The treatment of this superstar is so cool! There were always unstoppable smiles on the faces of several people.

On the other side, Li Nan and Iverson, who were so cold, just signed a few names and slipped away under the security.

For the two big stars who have left coolly, the beautiful anchors like Kong Shuying are also a fuss. They can only choose Coleman who has not left yet...


The next day, at the home court of Samsung Thunder, the 76ers and the South Korean team played a wonderful friendly match.

Although the South Korean team was beaten up by the 76ers' drinking fountain players, the scene was still screaming.

There was even more uniform cheering on the scene.

"Let\'sgo, 76ers!"

In the end, 126-56, the 76ers beat South Korea by 70 points.

The fans at the scene enjoyed it.

"This is the NBA team! This is the real basketball!"

"As expected of an NBA team! The 76ers are really amazing!"

"Li Nan Ouba's dunk is so handsome!"

"It's a pity, I didn't see Allen playing."

In the news interview after the game, the beautiful anchor Kong Shuying of Sports Channel interviewed the 76ers.

She first asked other players some simple food travel questions, and finally asked Li Nan.

"Lee, our Li Kyu-sup player has always followed you as an example, changed to the number 9 jersey, and has been training hard. What do you think of his performance today?"

Lee Gyusup? Is that the guy who was blown up by Frank King today?

Li Nan also commented: "Well, he was very active and hard. He is the best performer in the Korean team and he is very promising."

Today, Lee Gyu-sup is indeed the best performance of the South Korean team, with 18 points and 5 assists. What Li Nan said were all positive comments and facts.

Hearing the "good" evaluation, Ms. Kong Shuying asked again: "Lee Gyusup participated in this year's draft. Do you think he can enter the NBA?"

Li Nan paused.

That guy Lee Kyu-seop can't even beat Frank King, a 76ers water dispenser, can he make it into the NBA?

Li Nan was not embarrassed to say something hurtful.

"Uh, as long as he keeps working hard, performs well in the training camp, and is recognized by the coach and management, he will definitely enter the NBA."

After that, the South Korean media reported on it.

Everyone in South Korea knows that Lee Gyu-seop will participate in the draft this year, and they all know that Asian superstar Lee Nam has given high praise to Lee Gyu-seop. They all believe that South Korea's first NBA player will be born.

Li Kyu-sup himself was also very encouraged, "I will not disappoint Li Nange's high expectations of me!"

He resolutely embarked on the road of the draft.

The whole Korean people are looking forward to the draft in a week...


Li Nan and his party also embarked on a new journey, the next stop, China!

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