Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 270: That's Gary Payton!

After a while, the audience was ready.

The referee Dick Bavita took the ball and walked to the middle of the court.

Beep! With a whistle, the game begins!

Langley dialed the ball back and Harper held the ball for more than half of the time.

On the other side, Harper handed the ball to Pippen, which is to initiate an attack from Pippen.

To Li Nan's surprise, Jordan did not mean to catch the ball. I didn't just keep saying that Li Nan could not be spared, but now Jordan hasn't moved anything.

Seems to see through Li Nan’s eyes, Jordan also said directly.

"Do you think I'm stupid? It's just a little aggressive trick."

The radical method is useless. However, Li Nan didn't have much hope. What he has to do is to keep staring at Jordan. As for the others, it can only rely on teammates.

On the side where Li Nan hadn't noticed, Pippen launched an offensive against Snow at a 45-degree angle.

Pippen put up Snow with his left hand, lowered his weight slightly, and then he dribbled the ball. Go straight to the right, strong!

Snow has been pushed back, but has always maintained a defensive position.

Behind Snow, Ben Wallace is ready to support him. On the other side, Coleman also moved a bit, ready to make up for the leak.

However, Pippen didn't wait for the 76ers' defense to arrive, and shot halfway.

With height advantage, Pippen didn't have much problem with his shot.

However, when Pippen jumped up and shot, he suddenly had an extra hand in front of him.

The ball was thrown out just like that with the feeling.


Did not score there!

Here Pippen immediately covered his eyes. "Hiss~"

But no one cares about Pippen at all. The 76ers have already played.

5 to 4, Iverson broke through and scored, Snow from the outside was unguarded and hit a three-pointer!



Snow scored the goal, and the whole person raised his arms in excitement.

Teammates also gave thumbs up, "Good shot!"

On the sidelines, Pippen had a few words with Dick Bavita.

"That's a foul! He pricked me with his finger."

Dick Bavita refused, "No! Your eyes are nothing! This is a good defense!"

Bavita whistled many times in 76ers' games. He knows the 76ers' blindfold defense very well. This is Lee's first defensive method. In the case of match-up disadvantage, Bavita thinks this is a very smart defensive method.

Bavita knows that blindfolding can block the sight of the basketball player and has a lot of impact on the shooter's feel. But more importantly, these guys with blindfolded eyes will have some fear of being hurt. This is the beauty of blindfold defense.

As the most fair and impartial referee, Bavita not only does not restrict blindfold defense, he even encourages such defense.

"Then what if he pokes me?"

"Don't worry, I will foul by then."

Pippen tearfully said, "By then it will be late!"


Next, Pippen seemed to be really afraid of being injured. In the next two attacks, one singles hit the iron directly, and once Pippen chose a screen and shot and went in.

Pippen is not efficient here, and people like Harper are similar.

The Bulls' opening offenses did not involve Jordan, and the success rate was not high.

Everyone didn't seem to be so excited and couldn't mobilize their fierce energy.

The 76ers are much more efficient.

Li Nan's three-point attack, Iverson's breakthrough mid-range shot, Coleman's dunk...

After just over two minutes, the score became 10-4, and the 76ers led by 6 points.

Originally, the Bulls intended to let people other than Jordan open first, but at present, the effect is not good.

At this time, Jordan naturally would not stand idly by.

Jordan began to fall into a low position, leaning on Li Nan, this is about to begin.

"Old man, you still can't help it."

"Little guy, I will blow you up today!"

The two began to wrestle, Li Nan tried his best to get around the front, not giving Jordan a chance to catch the ball comfortably.

Not only is Li Nan putting pressure here, Harper also faces Iverson's pressing defense.

In the end, the ball was in Jordan's hands, but Jordan was too tired. The two competed several times to get to the front position, and in the end it was Harper who led the ball to Pippen on the other side, which then passed in.

"This little guy is a bit difficult," Jordan sighed slightly after he got the ball, but he felt a little surprised again. "No double-teaming?"

Jordan held the ball in the low post, and the 76ers did not double-team!

Not only was Jordan surprised, many viewers also felt surprised.

In the regular season, Jordan broke Li Nan's point. 54 points! Wasn't the 76ers only able to double-team?

"No doubles, the 76ers are going to be blown up again today!"

"How can Chinese Li alone prevent Michael?"

"There is no one in this world who can stand alone against Michael!"

The other eight people on the court pulled apart and did not participate.

Everyone in the audience was watching the confrontation between the two.



Jordan was about to turn around. As a result, Li Nan's left hand slapped his ball.

The ball was not lost and it was still under Jordan's control. However, Jordan frowned slightly.

Left hand! This is a very familiar left hand!

Gary Payton!

Yes, at this moment, it was Gary Payton that suddenly appeared in Jordan's mind!

The left hand tried to steal the ball, this is Gary Payton's move.

People who are accustomed to using the right hand often use the right hand to copy the ball, but Payton uses the left hand to copy the ball.

There are many benefits to this.

Close to the ball, the success rate of steals is not low; keep your body facing the attacker, so that even if you fail to copy the ball, you won't expose any flaws, but after the right hand makes a copy, the body is facing away from the opponent, which is dangerous. One can imagine.

"Want to learn that guy defended me?"

In the finals two years ago, Payton really shocked Jordan in a cold sweat. However, now Jordan is not afraid at all.

Leaning back and leaning against Li Nan, Jordan immediately began to move.

Dribble sideways and walk diagonally toward the middle, hit hard, hit hard again.

The two impacts were not light, but Li Nan slammed them all down and did not lose his position.

Everyone thought Jordan was going to hit the third time.

But no!

Jordan suddenly received the ball, turned around 180 degrees with his right foot as the axis, stepped on his left foot, and moved the ball upwards, making a move!

Li Nan reacted extremely quickly. The moment Jordan turned around, he took a step with his right foot and forced him up. However, instead of jumping, he held his right hand high.

And Jordan did not shoot this ball. As soon as he received the ball, he immediately connected a left turn, 90 degrees, his left foot slightly, jumped up, his body turned straight in the air.

Li Nan was not slow, stepped forward with his left foot and immediately jumped up to keep up!

Li Nan raised his left hand at a high height, infinitely close to the ball that Jordan had just thrown.

Then, it didn't come across.

This is a backward shot by Jordan, with a higher angle of The audience clearly saw the trajectory of the ball in the air, and the arc was a bit steep.

The basketball went straight up and down, straight into the net.




"Yeah! Good shot!"

Most of the Bulls fans in the stands were cheering for Jordan, and some people wiped their foreheads.

"Hi~ It's dangerous. Michael almost got blocked just now."

"That guy must be lucky."

"Michael has turned up the arc, which shows that the defensive pressure that guy puts on is really not small."

"Does that guy's defense depend on anticipation? How does it feel familiar to you? Hiss~ That's Gary Payton!"

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