Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 246: Balloon

"Okay! That's it!"

"1, 2, 3, 76ers!"

The morning training is over.

Today, we will practice together for 3 hours, which is half an hour longer than usual.

This is dragging the class!

If it is left in the past, some people will complain, some will go on a run, and some will even leave early.

But today, these guys are sorry.

What are you sorry for?

I regret "how time flies so fast".

Today, in this training class, many people have changed their views on Larry Brown, and the word respect has been put on an important position. That's because many people have learned useful things in this class.

That's Larry Brown's precepts and deeds. It's what the old guy has learned from decades of experience on the court.

In the past, everyone was a little afraid of being criticized by Larry Brown, but now everyone really wants Larry Brown to cure his shortcomings.

After all, time is too short. Training is not a matter of overnight. It takes time to build the team in Larry Brown's mind.


At 7 o'clock in the evening, Philadelphia, the cold wind roared in, just like the Los Angeles Lakers, the 76ers' opponent today, and the momentum is coming.

The Lakers currently have a record of 34-11, first in the league.

The 76ers have a 30-15 record and are fourth in the East.

In the first half of the season, the Lakers' strong offense allowed them to score extremely high. They averaged 108 points per game, making them the strongest spear in the league.

The 76ers have played slow-paced defensive battles in the past 20-odd games. The average score per game is now the hardest shield in the league.

The strongest spear meets the hardest shield, who can have the last laugh? The answer will be revealed immediately...


Beep beep! ! !

The starting players from both sides debut!

Lakers: Nick Van Exel, Kobe Bryant, Rick Fox, Robert Horry, Shaquille O’Neal,

76ers: Eric Snow, Allen Iverson, Li Nan, Derek Coleman, Ben Wallace.


This is Kobe's first start this season. When he started looking for a match, he immediately approached Iverson. Just like looking for Jordan in the All-Star Game, Kobe likes to do it.

However, at this time, Iverson said suddenly, "Lee, you are really right, he is here to find me."

Li Nan also said sourly, "Oh, no way, who makes you better than me?"

"But in this case, it would be unfair to you."

"No, I think it's very fair."

The conversation between the two of them was so confusing. Although Kobe didn't understand what it meant, he was not happy!

Since entering the league, these two guys have been blocking their way. I grabbed my first place, grabbed the best rookie, grabbed the rookie game MVP, grabbed... grabbed a lot of honors that belonged to him.

Today, Kobe decided that he would be here, in the 76ers' home court, and let these two guys pay the price.

"Wait and see!"



With a whistle, the game begins!

At the beginning, Kobe wants the ball! I'm looking for Iverson!

Just like defending against Stackhouse, Iverson also struggled to defend Kobe's back.

Turn left, turn right, Kobe's movements are very skilled. It seems that exercising on Old Qiao is still very effective.

Turn right and take a tentative shot.

Iverson is flying!


Kobe used the time difference to bend his knees, jump up, shoot, and shoot.

"Be careful!"

Someone yelled, but it was too late!


The basketball went straight out of the bottom line!


"Lee! Lee! Lee!"

Li Nan left a sentence: "Allen, look, I guarded one."

Iverson glanced bitterly at Li Nan, "Wait!"

Kobe is inexplicable, didn't these two guys just be good? Why is it like arguing now?

Besides, shouldn't it be me who has something to say?

Lee, you attacked me!

Then, Kobe said nothing...

Soon, it was the 76ers' turn to attack. There was no good chance of leading the ball in one lap, and the ball was in the hands of Iverson.

Iverson didn't have to look for it, Kobe stared at him himself.

After rolling up his shorts, Kobe opened his hands, very serious.

After so many fights, Kobe still knows Iverson very well.

"Don't you just take the right?"

Kobe moved a small step to the left in advance.

However, what about knowing? What about moving one step ahead? Iverson is just saying you can pass you!

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Iverson moved without warning.

The left foot stepped on a virtual step. In an instant, the ball landed, and immediately afterwards, a swing left and right protruded.

Kobe knew not to move right in his mind, but his body was still cheated!


Iverson made an emergency stop jumper directly.


Without even looking at Kobe, Iverson ran back.

"Lee, I'm in."

Li Nan waved his hand and said with a smile. "No, you were carrying a balloon."

Transport balloons.

Not far away, Kobe suddenly knew that, it turned out that these two guys will be so directed towards themselves at the beginning of the game because of that sentence.

"However, it came just right!"

Kobe smiled and ran forward quickly. He wants another goal.

Nick Van Exel took good care of Kobe and made another goal for him.

However, this time, the person Kobe faced was changed, Li Nan!

Low back!

"Lee, you can't guard me. Even Michael Jordan can't guard me, neither can you!"

For Kobe's words, Li Nan was indifferent.

Li Nan has used this kind of distraction technique on Wang Dazhi countless times.

Sure enough, when the voice just fell, Kobe suddenly turned to the right and Li Nan moved a little.


Kobe quickly turned to the left, opened his left arm, ready to rush to the right.

However, Li Nan had expected this earlier, and a slippery step blocked his way.

At this time, Kobe seemed to be prepared, one of his forearms appeared on the upper end of Li Nan's waist and abdomen, with a strong effort.

After borrowing the force, Kobe directly took a step back and jumped back to shoot.

Li Nan took an arm, slowed down for a while, jumped up, bounced fast, and hit Kobe.

Kobe felt the danger, so his shot was also raised.

Li Nan didn't touch the ball.



One strike!

The ball hit the neck of the basket and bounced to the other end.

Ben Wallace fought O'Neill desperately.

Coleman took the rebound.

Iverson passed the three-point line in seconds.

Then, Yiqi Juechen appeared again.


The audience boiled But Iverson ran back with a smile and said to Li Nan, "It's a tie again."

Of course, Kobe at the side knows what these two guys are doing, isn't it just playing against himself?

unacceptable! You are too much!

Kobe frowned, he wanted to find his place.

However, the reality is not to give face. Especially the boss of the Lakers, the least face.

"Give me the ball!"

Kobe and O'Neal spoke in unison.

Outside, Nick Van Exel can only make choices.

Of course it is O'Neill, the boss!

Kobe's eyes suddenly appeared dark.

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