Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 243: WewantLi!

At the end of the first quarter, 24-36, the East team led by 12 points.

Both sides played very seriously. However, the efficiency of the Eastern Army is much higher.

In this section, Li Nan played 12 minutes.

21 points, 5 three-pointers, 3 assists, 2 rebounds.

The highest score in the game!

When Li Nan went off the court, Jordan also took the opportunity to tease. "Little guy, you have 21 points. Didn't you mean to have fun?"

Li Nan quibbled: "Yes, I really came to have fun."

"Hen~" Jordan smiled in his eyes, "boy, don't be too happy. That scrupulous guy has a bad stomach."


Li Nan looked confused.

Li Nan was not happy until the second quarter.

In this quarter, 12 minutes, Larry Bird didn't give a minute!

Very strange!

It's unpredictable!

Did you give hope and let it die? Deliberately nauseous? Is Larry Bird really a scrupulous guy? Or are there other conspiracies?

Li Nan really can't figure it out.


In the third quarter, Li Nan started again and played 12 minutes.

He played from position one to position three. Faced with Nick Van Exel, Kobe, Eddie Jones, Richmond, and even Garnett at the fourth position.

8 points, 4 rebounds, 2 steals, 1 block!

Still good data.

Li Nan scored 28 points, the highest in the game.

The second place is Jordan's 22 points.

At the end of this quarter, the score between the two sides was 85-98, with the East team leading by 13 points.

As a result, in the fourth quarter, Li Nan was on the sidelines again.

He made a circle and gave Larry Bird, the scrupulous guy, to that one many times.

"Hey~ I really didn't warm up if I knew this was the case. A waste of feelings. That kid Wang Dazhi must think so now, right?"

In the stands.

"I told you a long time ago, those people are very bad, don't~ uh~~ Ah Qiu~~" Wang Dazhi rubbed his nose, and then stared at Li Nan, "You must be talking about me. Bad thing."

At this moment, Wang Dazhi heard what a little girl was talking behind.

"Ming, that Larry Bird is really disgusting. He didn't let us Li on the court!"

"That's right! If our family Li had as many opportunities as Jordan, he must now have 40 points."

"What happens next?"

"We are like this..."

"Well, we can only do that."

Wang Dazhi's ears stretched a lot, but he still couldn't hear the key information. However, these are enough to make Wang Dazhi envy.

Female fans! "Our House Li"! Gee tut~~

"Why do I have no female fans?"

Wang Dazhi is not happy anymore.


At this time, the game on the field became a lot more intense. Both sides have deliberately increased the intensity and both want to win the game. The competition is also repeated, wonderful.

The western troops seized the weakness of the eastern troops, and O'Neal and Malone began to ravage the basket.

Under high pressure, the outside shooter of the East Army suddenly lost sight.

The western troops played a beautiful offensive high dynasty and gradually narrowed the score.

In the last 5 minutes, the score was 110-112, and the East Army's lead was only 2 points.

At this time, Larry Bird replaced the striker Reggie Miller!

Originally, Larry Bird didn't plan to replace Reggie Miller. But who knows those guys in Glen Rice are so unbelievable?

However, the cold feel seems to be contagious. Reggie Miller came up, but the effect was not good.

The outside three-pointer of the East is the same as freezing, but it can't score. Their big inside man is not as devastating as O'Neal.

The East can only rely on Jordan to withstand the pressure.

At the commentary, the three old men were already very opinionated.

Gokas had the biggest opinion. He really dared to say, "I don't know what Larry Bird thinks. Lee is so accurate, he just doesn't use it! I don't know if there is something behind it."

Groom Albert was about to say something, but suddenly stopped.

"WewantLi! WantwantLi! WewantLi!"

Groom-Albert turned his head and found that there were more fans in black in the stands.

Perhaps driven by these people, more fans joined in.


Some people really want to watch Li Nan come on stage, while others are booing and watching the excitement.

But, in any case, the shout has drowned the entire arena.

The players on the court heard the shout, and of course Larry Bird on the sidelines also heard it. However, Larry Bird was indifferent and completely ignored the demands of the fans.

The time of the game slowly passed, and the game came to the last minute.

Payton lobbed the ball inside, O'Neal squeezed Mutombo, very tough, completely squeezed Mutombo away.



The Western Conference All-Stars led by 2 points!

This is the first time the West has taken the lead since the start.

The fans in the stands rang out again.


Jordan on the court withstood the pressure and returned a goal from the middle distance.

However, in turn, Karl Malone took the lead again from the middle distance.


10 seconds!

Beep beep! ! !

Pause! East troops suspended!


The black group of hundred people in the stands still insisted.

However, hope is getting dimmer.


Larry Bird yelled from the bench of the Eastern Army.

"Lee! Come on!"

Li Nan was slightly surprised, but got up.

Although Larry Bird is hateful, Li Nan doesn't hate him for such a moment.

"OK! Coming!"

On the stand, Zhao Mingming had sharp eyes. She saw Larry Bird calling Li Nan on the bench. She saw Li Nan take off his jacket. She saw Li Nan approaching Larry Bird!

"Ah!!! Li is going to play!"

She is not the only one, many people have seen it!


"Li! Li! Li"

In the commentary booth, Gokas also stood up and shouted, "Li! Li! Li!"

After yelling for a few Gokas said again, "Lee is on the court, I think, uhhhh~~"

Both hands covered Gokas's mouth at the same time.

Groom-Albert and Bill Walton looked at each other and smiled, but they let out a sigh of relief.

"Ten seconds, dear viewers, what kind of script do you think the last 10 seconds will be? Will there be a lore? Will it be overtime? Let's look down."

Many viewers in front of the TV were relieved at first, but soon became nervous again.

"I still remember last year, oh, not the year before, it was Lee who shot the lore on Michael's head. That ball was really shocking."

"This should be Michael handling the ball. However, Michael's three-pointer is not as accurate as the other guys. Should I take extra time?"

"I feel there will be a lore! I smell a lore!"

Everyone is looking forward to it.

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