Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 238: Individual event

Day 8 is still the same, a series of carnival activities, various charity activities, various players and fans interaction...

On this day, old man David Stern appeared suddenly.

When asked why the skill challenge was added, the old man said amazingly.

"We used to have dunks and shots, but this skill contest is a test of basic skills! Dribble, pass and shoot! Our young players should not only focus on those gorgeous skills. These most basic skills are the ones that make a living. Guaranteed."

When David Stern was approaching, he suddenly said.

"Of course, all these are thanks to Li! This skill challenge project is actually derived from Li's proposal."

After being raptured again, Li Nan also made headlines in the New York media.

Although everyone thinks it is a hype topic, the effect is pretty good. It really attracted the attention of more fans.


Li Nan went to Madison Square Garden Arena today and found that everyone looked at him differently.

Not passion!

But the day after a duck egg broke the news, the same look in the eyes of those guys like Bob Sura against the Cavaliers, and even worse!

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. This kind of reputation is really a bit bad! It is really uncomfortable to be fired up and down!

"You remember it to me!"


In the training ground of Madison Square Garden Arena, everyone is preparing for the upcoming individual event.

Various props for the skill challenge are all set up in the training ground. Several participating players are also eager to try.

Seeing Li Nan walking by, several pairs of eyes were aimed at him. There are a lot of things inside.

"Hey! Lee! We meet again."

The young man Kobe is really energetic, and his face is full of triumphant spring breeze.

Of course, the main reason is that the Lakers now have the best record in the league and only lost 10 games! On the battle list, the Lakers crushed the Bulls and took the lead. Kobe does have the proud capital.

"Small, uh, Kobe, don't you practice?" Li Nan pointed to the court.

"Hehe, why do you practice this? I just came to have fun." Kobe also sighed, "We are better. I won't practice hard like those people. Seriously, I don't like those. Such a utilitarian guy."

"Hen~" Li Nan seemed to smile.

Believe you a ghost.

However, he nodded in response, "Yes, too utilitarian, not good."

After chatting for a few words, Kobe walked away, and Nash leaned in at this time.

"Lee, long time no see."

Nash's whole person has changed and he is more confident.

"Steve, I am so happy for you to see you like this."

"Thank you."

Nash is indeed more confident.

Soon after Nash went to the Mavericks, Don Nelson fired his unsatisfactory head coach Jim Clemmons and became the head.

Under the leadership of Don Nelson, the Mavericks played an outstanding run and bomb.

Nash, who grew up in the 76ers, perfectly fits Don Nelson's tactical philosophy. With the addition of Nash, Finley and Duncan were both revitalized.

They quickly squeezed into seventh place. They also entered the era of "Duncan, Nash, Finley" and T's troika.

"Steve, you guys are playing well in Dallas now."

In the face of praise, Nash is still very humble. "Hehehe, it's okay. It's mainly that Michael and Tim are really amazing!"

"No, no, I watched a lot of Mavericks games. Before you went, after you went, the Mavericks were completely two teams of different grades. You revitalized their entire team." Li Nan was Sincerely praise, Nash is really useful now.

"Hahaha, Li, it's not as good as you said." Nash blushed a little shyly.

The two talked and laughed for a while, and Nash suddenly asked, "Lee, why didn't you participate in the dunk contest this year? I thought about helping you head the ball."

It's really a pity that the coordination didn't work out last time. "Let's do it later, there will be opportunities in the future."

"By the way, Li, did you really say those domineering words in the newspaper?" Nash was so eight.

Li Nan shook his eyebrows, "Guess."

Nash was very honest, "No! Definitely not! Those media like doing nothing and making up their best."

Li Nan was moved, "Steve, you still know me best, brother."

"Li, I seem to be older than you." Nash pointed out weakly.

Spread his hands, Li Nan smiled and said, "It's okay, I don't mind."

Nash turned his head, "Lee, I take back what I just said."

Li Nan said sadly, "Steve, you will lose my friendship with you."...

Li Nan talked and laughed with Nash for a while, then went to the bathroom, and when he came back, Li Nan was stunned.

On the field, Kobe is quickly circumventing those obstacles, the movements are quite smooth, but the pass is not very good, he bumps, he keeps frowning and shaking his head.

One trip is not enough, Kobe will continue, two trips, three trips, four trips.

It's getting smoother and smoother. It feels like he can finish it in less than half a minute.

This is Kobe's casual play.

Then Li Nan appeared in front of Kobe so quietly.

"Hey, Kobe!"

"Lee, I just tried it, this thing is quite interesting." Kobe smiled casually, then dropped the ball


The lights at Madison Square Garden Arena dimmed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next entry is the players who participated in the skill challenge today. Let us welcome with a warm like..."

Driven by the host, the atmosphere of the fans on the scene was very hot, and eight participating players also entered the stadium one after another.

Li Nan, Stockton, Hardaway, Payton, Kidd, Marbury, Nash, Kobe.

With eight star players, it can be said that this is the heaviest gold content in the individual event tonight, and it is also the most anticipated game.

They did not let everyone down, they were very dedicated to the game.

Dribbling the ball quickly, passing the ball accurately, shooting the ball accurately, all showed their excellent basic skills to the world.

In the first round, the top three, Kobe Nash Li Nan Li Nan dangerously and dangerously pressed Kidd to advance by 0.1 seconds.

Before the finals, everyone was optimistic that the championship would be produced between Kobe and Nash, both of them were very fast, but Li Nan was too slow and too steady.

Sure enough, at the beginning of the finals, Li Nan was the first to appear on the stage. He still pursued an unhurried pace, passing and shooting all in one step. Although slow, but stable.

Li has been eliminated! "

"Although he thought it out, it's useless!"

"I think Kobe will beat Lee by three seconds!"

"Steve's chance is not small!"

Then, everyone saw the accident happen.

Nash pursued speed. As a result, the first pass from his chest hit the After that, Nash also shot several times.

33 seconds!

Nash shook his head and walked down, a pity, "Li, I should listen to you."

The skill competition was originally the basic skill of the comparison, and it was more solid than anyone else.

The finale Kobe is still pursuing his own speed.

However, everything else is easy to say, but the shot from the top of the circle stumped him.



"Every time the iron is struck, there is a sigh at the scene, and Kobe is also a chill.

It took five full shots to score.

Kobe's expression is very upset, it is a pity.

But there is no way, this is the game!

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