Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 236: It's time to rest

Cleveland, February 2.

"His~ Slot!"

On the bench, Li Nan rubbed his uncomfortable chest.

Today, every one of the Cavaliers is like a ghost, and they are all directed at Li Nan.

"Extraordinary! Duck egg, you villain! You dare to plot against me! I'm never finished with you!"

Isn’t the staff talking about what the media is talking about?

Just because Li Nan was pushed to the fore by the news media, he made a bad name.

Then, against the Cavaliers today, people like Rainman Camp and Bob Sura focused on Li Nan and attacked...

Li Nan played very tired today, very tired.

It seems that the exhaustion of half a season suddenly broke out today.

Li Nan suddenly understood Wang Dazhi's feelings.

rest! What Li Nan wants most now is rest!

Closing his eyes, Li Nan leaned back on the chair. He didn't think about anything, he wanted to lean back quietly like this.


Li Nan was immersed in his own world without hearing Larry Brown's call.

Larry Brown looked at Li Nan's sweat, panting heavily, and suddenly remembered the rookie wall question Li Nan asked before.

"Huh? Did he meet the rookie wall? It shouldn't be, this is the second grade. Moreover, his condition these days is not very bad."

However, Larry Brown remembered again that Li Nan was only a 19-year-old kid! After all, he's just a 19-year-old kid!

At this moment, Li Nan's voice came.

"Coach, did you just call me?"

To Li Nan's surprise, Larry Brown suddenly said: "The day after tomorrow, you rest!"


Li Nan suddenly remembered the way Larry Brown looked at him.

That is worry!

"Coach, you may have misunderstood, I'm fine. That said I was a good friend."

"Huh? Wang?" Larry Brown actually knew Wang Dazhi.

Seeing Li Nandian nodded, Larry Brown insisted.

"No! You are tired."

The old man was talking about this, and Li Nan was not against it.

"Well, take a break when you rest."

Since entering the NBA, Li Nan has been very strict with himself, doing the same thing every day.

Since knowing about Dazhi, Li Nan also felt that he was going to take a vacation.


Beep beep! ! !

The game is over.


The 76ers lost to the Cavaliers by 3 points.

The game data:


Iverson, 9 of 24, 25 points, 5 assists, 3 rebounds

Li Nan, 7 of 16, 19 points, 4 assists, 4 rebounds,


Camp: 9 of 25, 23 points, 3 assists, 6 rebounds;

Li Nan is not the only one who is not in good shape today, Iverson and the others are also not good.

Of course, the Opposite Cavaliers are the same.

The All-Star Weekend is coming, everyone’s holiday is coming, everyone is a little relaxed.


On February 4, the 76ers played the Heat at home, but Li Nan did not play.

90-84, the 76ers lost.

After two consecutive defeats, 30-15, the 76ers dropped from second in the east to fourth in the east.

In the first place are the Bulls, the Pacers, and the Heat.

This season, the 76ers' half-time game ended like this. Everyone’s holiday has begun.


On the 6th, people come and go on the streets of New York.

It was originally a big city, and with the arrival of the All-Star Weekend, New York is even more lively.

Wang Dazhi looked at Li Nan carefully, "Xiao Li, why do you look differently?"

Li Nan was a little confused, "Huh? What's different?"

Wang Dazhi was still looking at Li Nan, but his hand was touching his chin. "Um~ how do you say? More confident."

Of course Li Nan is confident. "Is it confident? I have always been very confident. For example, I am very confident about being your brother, and I believe in it."

"Fuck!" Wang Dazhi also pushed Li Nan. This bad friend!

Hehehe, it's fun to tease Wang Dazhi.

The two began to stroll in the street.

However, the popularity of the two of them in New York is really not good. They just walked on the street so brightly, no one came up at all.

Li Nan has not forgotten the purpose of this trip to New York, "Dazhi, you are familiar with New York, today you say where to go, let's go there."

Although Li Nan had said it before, Wang Dazhi was still not convinced. "Really going to play?"

"Of course!" Li Nan nodded and patted his chest. A mark protruded there, it was a bulging wallet!

Wang Dazhi asked carefully again. "Really do you spend money?"

"Of course, I want to be your eldest brother, what is this little money?"

"Get out!" Wang Dazhi found that he rolled his eyes many, many times today.

Laughing, Li Nan followed Wang Dazhi all the way, and when he got there, he realized that this guy went to Syracuse University!

At the beginning, Li Nan didn't think there was anything. He went back to his school to see that it was human nature.

It's just that the more he walked into the school, the more Li Nan felt wrong.

Soon, Li Nan understood what was wrong.

"Ah! It's wang!"

"Wang! My brother, why did you come back?"

"Ah! Wang, I am your fan!"

"Wang, you are really making face for our school!"

A lot of students from the basketball club gathered around, took photos, signed autographs, and made various hookups!

Wang Dazhi is indeed a campus star of Syracuse University!

Li Nan is not enough to see here.

"Hahaha, guys, I really want you to die!" Wang Dazhi smiled happily.

Li Nan rolled his eyes.

Wang Dazhi, your kid dare to calculate me!

Wang Dazhi showed off for a while, and finally he was leaving.

Li Nan said in a weird tone: "Dazhi, you can do it, there are so many fans."

"Hehehe, it's a trivial matter."

Li Nan rolled his eyes again, but Wang Dazhi smiled happily!

However, when I think that Wang Dazhi is a rookie wall now, if the depression is broken, it will be bad. Li Nan also resisted the urge to attack him.

"Next, where are we going?"

"I don't know." Wang Dazhi seemed to have no idea.

Li Nan also gave some guidance, "Just follow your current thinking. If you don't play basketball, don't play NBA, don't think about body management, don't think about trivial things, what do you want to do most now?"

"Yeah~~" Wang Dazhi took a long time, and finally his eyes lit up, "Yes!"



Amusement park, roller coaster,

The two big men yelled frantically!

The fluttering lips, the splashing saliva, the trembling little tongue...


"Kill kill kill!!!"

Video game city, in front of game consoles.

The two big men slapped the buttons frantically with one hand, and quickly manipulated the joystick with the other.

"Ah Yugan!" "Three shots without revealing!" "Hawacha!"

The King of Fighters 97, the two guys are playing very hard...



A corner of Times Square! In the big stomach game!

The two big guys seemed to have just been released. They ate each hot dog, they both ate 20 hot dogs...


"Guru, Guru, Guru~~~ha~~ cool!"

Hotel room.

After a few guts of draft beer, they slumped on the sofa chair. The two guys never wanted to move anymore...


Have fun!

It turns out that this is what Wang Dazhi wants to do most!

Tensed, really need to relax.

Li Nan, who had been playing together all day, also felt that the whole person was much more relaxed. And Wang Dazhi also had a smile on his face, a smile of happiness and contentment.

Li Nan also showed the kindly smile of his father.

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