Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 233: Lose the election

Now the 76ers can play slow-paced defensive battles, and fast-paced multi-round offensive and defensive battles.

Being able to attack and defend, such a 76er has become a fearful existence for many teams in the league.

It was nearly a week later, and the 76ers won 3 consecutive victories. Coupled with the previous loss to the Pacers, the 76ers now have a total record of 30-13, second in the East.

But at this time, the player ranked on the top of the 76ers was replaced and became the Chicago Bulls.

In this week, the Pacers have lost consecutively to the strong Western rivals Jazz and Sonics, 29-13. But the Bulls are 4 straight victories, 30-12, back to the top of the list.

The Sixers' record has recently stabilized, but all of the public opinion against the Sixers and Iverson suddenly disappeared. I don't know why, it just disappeared. No one knows why.


On January 30, at 7 o'clock in the morning, the sun in Philadelphia had not yet risen. It was a bit cold, and it was minus 4 degrees outside.

Today, Iverson had a rare early morning, he was preparing to raid the training ground.

"It's such a cold day, and it's still so early, no one should be earlier than me?...When those people see me first, they will definitely be dumbfounded?"

Iverson thought, but as soon as his car was in the parking lot, he realized that he was thinking too much.

There was a man in the parking lot a few steps earlier than him, it was Eric Knoll.

Snow was shaking his head at the moment, singing those soft songs.

However, Iverson didn't care about these, he cares more about the MPmanF10 in Snow's hands!

Iverson ran several shopping malls, but did not find this little thing at all. People have never even heard of it. The DISKman is all sold on the market now, the big one is like holding a small radio.

"Hey! Eric!"

Eric was taken aback by Iverson's call.

"Boss, you, why did you come so early?"

Iverson was slightly angry, "Can't I be so early?"

"Of course, hehe, of course he can." Snow also hurriedly lost his smile. At this time, he said too much wrong, and it is safest to put out a smile.

Who knows, Iverson confiscated the small machine in Snow's hand.

Snow was a little worried that Iverson would ruin it, and said weakly, "Boss, that, can you return that to me."

"I like your little machine very much. You have to buy one yourself, come back and ask me for reimbursement." Iverson was very overbearing.

"Boss, don't. You don't know, there is money and no place to buy this thing now. And, moreover, don't you have it yourself?" Snow was a little aggrieved, his eyes fixed on Iverson's hand. MPmanF10 inside.

"I didn't." Iverson did not.

"Impossible? The coach didn't give it to you? Oh, I see, you didn't come to train at the time, uh, uh." When it was said, Snow closed his mouth consciously.

"At that time? When was it?" Iverson stared at Snow, a little too serious.

Seeing Iverson like a police questioning, Snow answered honestly, "About two weeks ago."

"Two weeks ago? The coach sent it?" Iverson frowned, and asked again: "What was going on at the time? You tell me clearly."

Is this important? Snow was also taken aback by Iverson's attitude.

"Uh~ it was like this..."

Snow did his best to tell the story.

"Well, it's like this. Boss, is there something wrong with it?"

wrong! This is too wrong! How could that stingy old man Larry Brown be so generous?

Iverson suddenly noticed something, "You said it was like Li went to find the old man?"

"Um~~Uh~~" Snow thought hard, and then said with certainty: "Yes! It was Lee who went to the coach's office, and when he came back, the old man gave us gifts."

Iverson suddenly thought of something, "Just, why did he do this?"

Iverson couldn't figure it out.

Snow took the opportunity to retrieve the baby from Iverson.

This is Snow's baby, even the boss can't steal it!


When Iverson and Snow entered the training ground together, Iverson found that he was indeed lazy.

Take a look, there are one, two, three, four or five people on this court.

Li Nan, Coleman, Wilkins, Ben Wallace, Frank King.

Li Nan was the first to shout in surprise. "Wow~~ Allen, early!"

Immediately, the others greeted Iverson. "early!"


Iverson waved his hand in response. He forcibly resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and he was slanderous in his heart, "What's so strange about Brother coming here early?"

Soon, Iverson also devoted himself to his training.

Li Nan, who was not far away, found Iverson very strange, and always peeked at himself from time to time...


At noon that day, the NBA officially announced the full list of All-Stars

The first is the list of the All-Star Game.

Eastern All-Star Team:

Head coach: Larry Bird (Pacers)

Starters: Anfini Hardaway, Michael Jordan, Li Nan, Grant Hill, Dicambe Mutombo,

Substitutes: Reggie Miller (Pacers), Rick Schmitz (Pacers), Antoine Walker (Celtic), Sean Kemp, Glenn Rice, Tim- Hardaway, Jason Williams

Western Conference All-Stars:

Head coach: Del Harris (Lakers)

Starters: Gary Payton, Kobe Bryant (Lakers), Kevin Garnett, Karl Malone, Shaquille O'Neal (Lakers)

Substitutes: Eddie Jones (Lakers), Nick Van Exel (Lakers), David Robinson, Vin Baker, Mitch Richmond, Tim Duncan, Jason Kidd


Someone up there is easy to handle!

All star candidates for the Pacers and Lakers' respective teams were brought to the All-Star Game. If by voting, Rick Schmitz (Pacers), Eddie Jones (Lakers), Nick Van Exel (Lakers), how can these three not be ranked in the All-Star.

The guys who didn't have many votes mixed in, and many stars with obviously high votes were abandoned.

Like Iverson with 808,413 votes, Wang Dazhi with 681,318 votes, Dennis Rodman with 500,000 votes, Stockton with 400,000 votes...

Then, many people everywhere are also The most violent cause is Philadelphia.

The Philadelphia fans were very, very dissatisfied.

"Why did Allen, who had 800,000 votes, lose the election? It's not fair!"

"Why? Did our 800,000 votes cast for nothing? David Stern must give me every reasonable explanation."

The Philadelphia media bombarded Larry Bird.

"Alan Iverson with 800,000 votes﹥Rick Schmitz with 100,000 votes + Reggie Miller with 600,000 votes and Larry Bird, what's the explanation for this?"

Li Nan and others also spoke out for Iverson one after another, "A star with 800,000 votes can't make an All-Star, so what's the point of voting?"

Even Larry Brown stepped up to speak for Iverson.

"Larry Bird's behavior is shameful! He went against the wishes of the fans!"

All of a sudden, the media and public opinion was also agitated...

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